General Hua has always been a very cautious person. For something as important as the defense map, if there is nothing else, he will keep it away and put it in a place where no one can find it.

When the defense map is not needed, he feels that there is no need to release it. There is a certain risk in releasing it. The defense map is really too important for a country, so he has to keep it away.

Fortunately, he has this cautious character, otherwise he doesn't know what he will encounter now. This bastard son abandoned such a good wife and actually fell in love with a spy.

In fact, he likes Wan Ge very much. He used to be a good friend of the Loyal and Brave Marquis. This time, he didn't go to see Wan Ge after breaking the engagement. He felt that he had no face to see him and his brother.

But seeing what his son did, although it was a pity that he lost such a daughter-in-law, he felt that it was really good for him that Wan Ge didn't stay with his son.

It was a kind of luck for him that the man who couldn't even distinguish between spies didn't stay with his son.

Hua Xun was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall, his mind was full of Wan Ge's sincerity towards him, and Yan Xiao's hypocrisy towards him.

It turned out that saving him was fake, and all the words he said were also fake. The sincere person he thought was a good person was just a lie.

In fact, because he knew that Wan Ge was sincere to him, Hua Xun always felt guilty towards her, and his heart was constantly wavering. Every night he could think of the extremely beautiful time they spent when they were young.

Childhood sweethearts, sometimes their relationship was really very good, but now! Now everything was destroyed by his own hands, and he hurt the person who loved him the most.

Hua Xun couldn't help laughing when he thought of what happened when he was a child, but he cried again when he laughed, with countless regrets in his heart, and regret was useless.

Thinking of Wan Ge's resolute turn, maybe they really couldn't go back to the past.

Hua Xun was regretting everything. Wan Ge had just finished washing up when she saw Ye Chenzhou again. This man who should have been in the palace actually appeared in her boudoir at this moment.

"Your Majesty, this late night visit is not what a gentleman does"

Ye Chenzhou looked at his beloved with a faint smile on his lips, and slowly said: "I am not a gentleman to begin with."

Otherwise, the other party's belly would not be pregnant with his child at this moment.

In fact, he was also a little worried, worried that what they did would be discovered, worried that Wan Ge's reputation would be damaged, but... he was afraid that if he didn't do it, the person he liked might belong to someone else.

He didn't regret it at all, but he still worried about affecting the reputation of his beloved.

Ye Chenzhou hugged the person he loved and said softly: "I heard that you vomited today. Are you uncomfortable after pregnancy?"

At this point, Ye Chenzhou took out an exquisite box, which contained some delicious-looking fruits.

"These are tribute fruits. I asked the imperial physician, and he said that eating more fruits is good for your body, and you may not like to eat many things now."

Wan Ge touched the other person's face, and nodded at his serious look.

Ye Chenzhou's beautiful eyes met hers, and there seemed to be some doubts. Wan Ge kissed him on the forehead.

"It's great to have you." Wan Ge's eyebrows curved, and a smile appeared on her face. Ye Chenzhou's heart moved. He was so happy that she said that.

She said it was great to have him, so she liked him too, right?

Perhaps it was because of Hua Xun as a comparison, or perhaps they really experienced too much together, so Wan Ge made such a sigh.

"I also think it's great to have you." Ye Chenzhou was very fortunate, very fortunate to meet her at this time, and also very fortunate that he did not miss her.

It was distressed and fortunate that Hua Xun was fickle and abandoned someone who once liked him.

Early the next morning, Hua Xun was limping back to his room to rest, but he felt some movement next door. He immediately became alert and found that the person was leaving from Wan Ge's courtyard. His alarm bells rang and he immediately chased after him.

When he chased to a small alley, he looked at the familiar person standing in front of him and his face changed slightly.

Ye Chenzhou had already noticed the other person when he was chasing him, but he stopped deliberately.

"Your Majesty, why are you here? You just..."

Ye Chenzhou glanced at the other person lightly and said slowly: "I went to see my queen. Do you have any objections, General?"

"I dare not, but Your Majesty isWhy..." As the king of a country, he actually climbed over the wall, and now the other party appeared early in the morning, so when did he go?

"What I do has nothing to do with you?" Ye Chenzhou said something that had nothing to do with him, but his expression did not think so, as if he was saying: What if it is what you think.

"Your Majesty, as the king of a country, wouldn't it ruin the girl's innocence to do so?"

Ye Chenzhou sneered: "She is my queen, we are about to get married, it is reasonable for me to go to see her, but you, little general, what qualifications and position do you have to question me. "

Ye Chenzhou snorted coldly and no longer cared about what the other party was thinking. He just walked past the other party and ignored him.

What people didn't expect was that the enemy country soon sent envoys before the result of Yan Xiao's treatment came out.

The other party was willing to cede ten cities, just to let them release Yan Xiao.

Ye Chenzhou looked at the other party's willingness to use such a big hand to exchange for a woman, and he investigated Yan Xiao with some curiosity.

He discovered something unusual. Yan Xiao was actually the future princess of the enemy's prince. She originally wanted to marry the prince after she went back after finding out the news, but this happened.

Hua Xun felt like the sky had fallen after knowing this. Ye Chenzhou looked at the other party's performance. He originally wanted Yan Xiao to die, but now he didn't want to, so he directly agreed to the exchange. And sent Hua Xun to escort him to the handover.

Some people think that the emperor is too mean, it is simply killing people and destroying their hearts. Some people think it is inappropriate. After all, the relationship between the two seemed so good before, who knows if there will be any accidents this time.

But General Hua thinks that although His Majesty is killing people and destroying their hearts, it is also an opportunity to prove that his son has not committed treason.

So after arguing with the opposing court officials, Hua Xun took on this task naturally.

Hua Xun's face changed when he first heard it, and now his face is even worse.

But he had to listen to the emperor's order, so looking at the man sitting at the top with a smile, he still obeyed obediently even if he was unwilling in his heart.

When Hua Xun was escorting the other party to exchange, Yan Xiao looked at the person he was very familiar with, his eyes slightly red, and said softly: "Axun, the assassination was really not done by me, I really didn't think of killing you, you believe me. "

She had fallen in love with this man during their time together, but why did things turn out like this? It was clearly not what she expected.

And who hired the assassination? It really wasn't her who did it. Who wanted to frame her?

Hua Xun sneered at the woman in front of him: "Everything has been investigated and the evidence is conclusive. You still say it wasn't you? Are you still going to say you're not a spy from the enemy country? Ha, ten cities, it seems that the prince of Chao is quite affectionate to you. ”

There was solid evidence that the other party was the princess consort of the enemy country. Pile after pile of evidence fell on his head, and no matter how stupid he was, he knew it.

Yan Xiao shook her head with tears in her eyes, but she couldn't say a word to refute it, because before the marriage was cancelled, she was the future princess consort of Chao, but she didn't like the prince.

The reason why she came this time was that she had agreed with His Majesty that as long as she completed her mission, she could cancel the engagement with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

She had thought that after the mission was completed, she would cancel the engagement and be with Hua Xun forever, but now everything has become an illusion.

The exchange was originally smooth, but after the exchange, the person standing in front of Hua Xun suddenly took action.

Hua Xun was shocked and quickly dodged, but fortunately he reacted quickly.

"You are going to tear up the agreement! "Hua Xun Dajin's face was full of disbelief.

The envoy standing in front of him said: "So what? There are only two people in Ye Kingdom who can be the main generals now, one is you and the other is your father. If you die, it will also hit your father. As long as you die, my dynasty will definitely win."

"You want me to die, you are almost there." Hua Xun reacted quickly and picked up the sword beside him to fight back. At the same time, the soldiers who heard the noise also came.

Hua Xun brought a lot of people with him this time, so he quickly gained the upper hand.

Knowing that they were at a disadvantage, the envoys of Chao Kingdom covered Yan Xiao and left.

The envoy of Ye Kingdom who came with Hua Xun looked at the city contract in his hand and said: "Forget it, little general, don't chase the desperate enemy, let's go back and report the situation. "

Hua Xun thought about it and nodded in agreement. However, he did not expect that Chaoguo would be so shameless and would go back on the agreement that both parties had agreed to.

And they were wrong about one thing. Yeguo, a great country, must have talented generals and ministers. It was just that HuaThe family has always been excellent in this aspect.

Unfortunately, this excellence has brought these troubles to himself.

When Hua Xun returned to the imperial capital, it was already the night before Wan Ge's wedding.

That night, Ye Chenzhou sat on the wall of the two houses, holding several pots of wine and drinking them all.

The next day, Hua Xun was awakened by the noisy sound, and then stood on the wall, watching the woman who was originally sincere to him marry another person.

Although the preparation time for the wedding of the emperor and the empress was not long, the preparation was still very grand.

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