General Hua looked at his son sitting on the wall and sighed helplessly, but still slowly said: "Father is going to the palace for the banquet, do you want to go with me?"

Hua Xun listened to what his father said, tears fell one after another, and answered his father: "I won't go if I'm not feeling well."

After that, he went back to his room directly.

General Hua also knew that his son must have regretted it, but some things can't be returned to the original state after regret, so he could only sigh and take the gift to the palace for the banquet.

Ye Chenzhou knew that the other party didn't come but he didn't care. Although he could show off after the other party came, he didn't feel unhappy that the other party didn't come and couldn't see him. Anyway, it was good not to see that annoying person.

The wedding went very smoothly. In addition to the two newlyweds, the happiest people were the Queen Mother and Lord Nan.

One was that he finally saw his son get married, and the other was that his niece became the queen, and the family would be stable in the future.

General Hua was also very relieved to see the two. Although his son didn't have this blessing, he believed that His Majesty would be good to Wan Ge.

Not long after the two got married, there was news that Wan Ge had good news.

At this moment, Hua Xun was already far away at the border.

After Wan Ge got married, because Chaoguo tore up the treaty, he asked to guard the border. To prevent changes in the border.

Ye Chenzhou also agreed to the other party's request, so he had been at the border for a long time.

Half a year after Wan Ge got married, there was indeed movement at the border. Hua Xun took his spear and made up his mind not only to win this battle, but also to take down Chaoguo directly and give Wan Ge's child as a gift.

But when Wan Ge's child was born, Hua Xun was still fighting with Chaoguo. War is not something that can be done overnight.

However, Ye Chenzhou was not petty in this regard. After Wan Ge told him to arrange someone to watch him, he did not make any other small moves.

Especially in terms of food and grass, there was never a shortage of food and grass at the front, and the military rations sent were very good, and the soldiers would never be wronged.

After all, the soldiers were fighting outside. If he made a move in this regard, how could he be worthy of being a king?

Even if he had grievances with Hua Xun in private, he would never make a move on major issues.

However, when Ye Chenzhou first heard Wan Ge asking him to arrange someone to watch him, he was still a little puzzled and asked Wan Ge directly: "You don't seem to trust him?"

"Yes, it's better not to trust a man who is easily bewitched by beauty." In fact, it was a man who didn't even care about his family because of his feelings. Wan Ge was really worried about him.

Hua Xun didn't know that Wan Ge asked Ye Chenzhou to arrange the person, so he directly thought that Ye Chenzhou arranged it, thinking that he was judging a gentleman by his own mean heart.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he won't betray the country. If he likes to be watched, let him be watched.

When Xiao Chen was one year old, a war report came in. Hua Xun did what he said and conquered Chao State, but…

General Hua looked at the hesitant messenger who came to report and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The messenger looked at General Hua with sympathy, and then said: "The prince of Chao State made a last counterattack before his death. General Hua…he was not paying attention for a moment and was hit by an arrow. The arrow was poisonous, so…so…"

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