Nan Jinchu smiled knowingly and immediately understood her idea. After all, he also wanted to do this. Since they were in tune with each other, they should make it happen.

Before, for many reasons, of course, the most important reason was because of the people around him. He always thought that Wan Ge still liked him. He wanted to deal with him but didn't want to make his beloved hate him, so he kept it to himself. Now that Wan Ge said this, he could do what he wanted.

In fact, at the beginning, Nan Jinchu even made a plan, but he never expected that he would fall in love with her just on a wedding night.

When his subordinates asked him whether he wanted to execute the plan, he hesitated and asked them not to do it first, so he put the plan on hold for the time being.

At that time, he thought: If Wan Ge knew that he had done something to him, she would definitely hate him, right?

So for this reason, he didn't do it until now.

He really didn't think that Wan Ge, who liked him so much, had been hurt by him. How could he bear it. At first, I just wanted him not to be reused, but now I feel that it is a bit too light, maybe I should be more ruthless.

So Nan Jinchu added a few more points on the original basis.

Wan Ge discovered a problem. Since she confessed to him, he seemed to have no nightmares anymore.

If his nightmares were not caused by the past, then his nightmares were most likely caused by herself.

Wan Ge also asked the servant who had been taking care of Nan Jinchu before, and Nan Jinchu did not have nightmares before.

And when she was just with him, it was actually okay. It was only after the relationship between the two of them became better and better that he had this problem, especially after she met Jiang Shuyan. This situation became more obvious.

In addition, the other party's reaction after each nightmare was either not wanting to contact her, or hugging her tightly in his arms.


"Does your poor sleep some time ago have anything to do with me?" Wan Ge asked this question directly.

Nan Jinchu was slightly stunned, and remembered the scene in the dream. His expression was a little complicated, but he finally said "hmm" obediently.

"Now that I'm sure I don't like him, you don't have nightmares, right?" Wan Ge continued to ask.

When she said this, Nan Jinchu suddenly realized that he hadn't had nightmares in the past few days. It seems that after confirming that she would not like him, the content of the nightmare could not bother him.

Nan Jinchu nodded again: "Yes."

"So what did you dream about that made you react so strongly?"

Nan Jinchu remembered the scene in the dream, and remembered that in the dream, Wan Ge loved Jiang Shuyan as much as his life, and they were in love in the dream.

There are also some scenes where Wan Ge still loves him after marriage, so she is willing to betray her marriage and get in touch with him.

Thinking of the scene where the two hugged each other, Jiang Shuyan also said to him sarcastically: The one who is not loved is the intruder. And you originally interfered with our relationship.

Wan Ge noticed that his face looked a little strange, so she immediately stepped forward and hugged him: "No matter what you dreamed about, I won't let the scene in your dream appear, don't be afraid."

Nan Jinchu felt her slender little hand gently patting his back. The gentle and beautiful voice firmly told him not to be afraid.

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