Nan Jinchu hummed softly: "As long as you are always by my side, I am not afraid."

"I will."

Jiang Shuyan was suddenly blocked everywhere in the court. At this time, Wan Ge met Li Qiuyin when she went to the street to buy things.

It was the first time for Wan Ge to see the heroine. Nan Jinchu asked her if she wanted to go see her before, but Wan Ge refused because she felt it was unnecessary.

On the willow river bank, Wan Ge looked at the other party. She was a little taller than the average woman and her skin was darker. It must be because of the bitter cold at the border all year round.

It felt that she knew a little martial arts, at least she was not completely powerless.

Li Qiuyin looked at the woman in front of her who was stunningly beautiful, beautiful, and dressed in gorgeous clothes.

"So you are his sweetheart, really beautiful." It turned out that this was the person he had hidden in his heart for two lifetimes. She thought that if she came earlier, he would discover some truths and not do wrong things, so that he would not be obsessed with her.

But it turns out that the other party's obsession is not just because of guilt, but because he really likes her.

"What did you say?" Wan Ge was a little confused.

Then she reacted: "You also believe those rumors and think he likes me."

Li Qiuyin shook her head. She was not surprised that the other party could recognize her. She was indeed very different from the noble ladies here.

At first glance, she knew that she was the woman who came thousands of miles to find the young general.

Li Qiuyin actually heard a lot of rumors about herself, and the rumors were mixed, but she didn't care.

Li Qiuyin said firmly: "It's not a rumor. He really likes you, very much."

She used to think that Jiang Shuyan was so obsessed with her because he had lost her. Now she realized that she was really different, and she was very different in every way.

If he was a man, he would also fall in love with a woman like her, right?

She was like a fairy descending to the earth and had an outstanding temperament. Whether it was her appearance or her temperament and manners, she was so attractive.

Wan Ge looked at the other person who seemed to be a little sad, and said: "He doesn't like me, maybe it's just some friendship that we grew up together, but... when a girl likes someone, she still has to see clearly, maybe some people are not worthy of your love."

Wan Ge learned a little about this heroine from Ruan Ruan. Li Qiuyin is not a spy. She does have medical skills, and she has been staying in the border without leaving because she wants to assist military doctors in treating the wounded. In this matter, every bit is true.

It's just that she followed the hero and did some wrong things, but she also stopped the hero from doing some very bad things.

It's just that she didn't stop the treason, and she was ignored by him for a long time.

Although Wan Ge didn't feel very good about this heroine, she didn't participate in the bad things done by the hero, so she couldn't completely deny her as a person.

Li Qiuyin looked at Wan Ge in front of her and hesitated to speak, as if she wanted to tell the girl in front of her how much Jiang Shuyan liked her.

But she seemed to have remembered something again, and she never said it out loud, but her expression was a little more sad.

She didn't seem to want to continue discussing this topic, so she asked Wan Ge again: "I heard that you married the Regent. Is the prince good to you?"

Wan Ge nodded: "Yes, he treats me very well."

Li Qiuyin smiled when she heard this answer: "That's good."

Suddenly, Li Qiuyin seemed to remember that Wan Ge had just said one more sentence when she thought Jiang Shuyan didn't like her.

"Why did you just say that some people might not be worthy of liking? Are you talking about him? Why?"

Wan Ge paused when he heard her question, looked up at the person in front of him, and seemed to have a premonition again.

Although some things may change due to the butterfly effect, the other party may also change due to himself.

"Before answering your question, I want to ask you a question, why did you suddenly come to the Imperial City? Just want to come to him?"

"I..." Why did she come? In fact, she wanted to change his regrets, and also wanted to change her own regrets.

She thought that if she didn't let the things in her previous life happen again, the person she liked wouldn't remember someone for so long.

But after he came here, he realized that some regrets can never be made up, and the reason why the person he liked remembered that person for so long was not because of guilt but because of love.

So she lost from the beginning, even if she came back in her life, she couldn't change the other person's position in his heart.

But even so, he didn't want the regret to happen again, at least he didn't want him to end up because of guilt.She couldn't be happy anymore.

In fact, she came here with a gambling mentality, because she had also thought about whether he would like her after the misunderstanding was resolved since they were childhood sweethearts.

If he really liked her, what was the point between them? What about their feelings?

But before she arrived at the Imperial City, she heard about the regent's marriage, and the regent married the woman he had been thinking about in his previous life.

She thought they were all heading for a better life, but it was really uncomfortable to reveal some truths by herself.

For a moment, she was still thinking whether she should act according to the plan or let him know the truth?

Li Qiuyin was entangled in her heart, but she finally made a decision. He should still know the truth to prevent him from going the wrong way like in his previous life, so knowing the truth would also be a benefit for him.

But she knew that he would definitely not forget Wan Ge after knowing the truth.

But it doesn’t matter…

“I just… just want to see him.”

Wan Ge smiled. She had seen through his thoughts even though he was just thinking a little.

Her voice was soft, but Li Qiuyin was struck by lightning when she heard what she said: “Do you just want to see him, or do you want to stop him from repeating what he experienced in his last life?”

Li Qiuyin’s eyes widened when she heard her words, and she looked at Wan Ge in disbelief: “You know everything? No! You’re back too.”

Li Qiuyin looked at her for a long time and couldn’t say another word. This matter was too shocking, but if she could come back, why couldn’t others?

But Wan Ge felt that her attitude was not right, and it didn’t seem like a good thing.

"Since you're back, I want to tell you that he regrets treating you like that. He feels guilty about you and wants to make it up to you."

Wan Ge answered directly after hearing what she said: "But when he had such thoughts, I was already dead, and I was killed by chronic poison."

When Wan Ge said this, Li Qiuyin felt too shocked.

"You said chronic poison? How could it be? Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"The people who took care of me at that time were all his confidants, and this medicine would take effect after taking it for three years, and within half a year after it took effect, you would die. When I died, I had just been married to him for more than three years."

During the more than three years since he married her, he had been giving her chronic poison every day.

"And he killed my whole family. Would you believe him if he said he loved me?"

"This is all a misunderstanding. He just thought your family was..."

Wan Ge sneered: "Should my whole family be buried with me for a misunderstanding? He could have found out all these things, but did he do it? He sentenced us to death easily."

Li Qiuyin seemed unable to refute, because what Wan Ge said was really reasonable, and her whole family's lives were at stake.

"Although I don't know why we all came back, what if there is no such opportunity? Everyone has only one life. If there is no such opportunity, we are all ghosts who died in vain."

Li Qiuyin lowered her head and dared not look at Wan Ge. She didn't even dare to say a good word to Jiang Shuyan. With such facts coming out, there is nothing to say.

Wan Ge snorted coldly: "They say he is wise and brave, but he can't even find out the basic truth. They say he is deeply affectionate, but he can poison his wife. Girl, take care of yourself."

After Wan Ge finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Li Qiuyin looked at her back as she left. She seemed to understand why Jiang Shuyan in his previous life was so obsessed with her.

Why did he always wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night and cry after waking up.

Originally thought that he just trusted the wrong person, which led to such a result, but unexpectedly it was because he killed the person he loved most with his own hands.

About the chronic poison, only the current Wan Ge must know the details.

So she knew it in her previous life, or she knew it before she died in her previous life. Knowing that she was going to die might not be the greatest pain.

But her family members died and there was no place to seek justice, and she was powerless, and she was also poisoned by the person she loved most.

Could he go to such a desperate extent for revenge? Perhaps in the eyes of a person blinded by hatred, nothing matters anymore, so he would do such a cruel thing and do something he would regret forever.

Li Qiuyin returned to the general's mansion in a daze. As soon as she returned, she heard a familiar voice: "Where did you go? Why didn't you take your maid with you? What if you get lost in this unfamiliar place?"

Li Qiuyin looked up at the other person's extremely handsome face.People, when they first met in the previous life, they were crazy about each other.

But at this moment, what she thought of in her mind was what Wan Ge said to her: "I am dead, and I was killed by a chronic poison."

She was poisoned for three years, and it was the person she loved most who killed her.

"What's wrong?" Seeing that the other party seemed to be in a state of trance, Jiang Shuyan stretched out his hand.

But when he was about to touch the other party, the other party suddenly took a step back.

Then he looked at his face and said, "It's okay, just a little thing happened. I'm a little tired and I'm going to rest first."

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