Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 206 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (3)

The outrageous plot gave Jin Shu a headache.

She researched her major and was somewhat familiar with it. During the more than a hundred years she had been alive in the previous world, she had spent at least fifty years studying this aspect with Liang Qingzhi.

Liang Qingzhi is the smartest genius she has seen in all these years. His ability to turn decay into magic once made Jin Shu doubt whether she could still afford the title of "genius".

Later, she thought about it, and it was not bad to have someone much smarter than herself. For example, the previous world was the world where she used her brain the least. If she lived comfortably and comfortably with less brain use, she would naturally live longer.

After recalling it for a moment, I still haven’t forgotten the knowledge that I’ve been immersed in. Especially some of the inventions and creations that Liang Qingzhi made casually in his later years, which are agricultural tools specifically designed to solve the problem of plant growth in the base, are quite amazing and practical.

Jin Shu had seen the design draft, and the structure inside was so complicated and difficult to understand that most people couldn't help but feel sleepy after reading it. However, Jin Shu was interested in this aspect, so she followed behind to start working on it, and by the way, she remembered the content closely. ten.

Suddenly Jin Shu realized that she had been thinking about Liang Qingzhi.

She is a very sensible person, and she also clearly understands that she has no romantic feelings for Liang Qingzhi. At most, it is a comradeship after sharing the joys and sorrows, and maybe there is a bit of admiration and respect in it.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Liang Qingzhi directly shortened the time for rebuilding the homeland of mankind from five hundred years to ten years.

If he does this task, he should be able to complete it quickly.

No, why are you thinking of him again?

Jin Shu shook her head, calmed down and sat at the table. She turned on the small lamp on the table, and the dim light shone on the table.

At half past eleven, time stood still. Jin Shu went downstairs and made herself a cup of coffee. She went back to her room and rummaged through the cabinets for a long time before finally finding a pen. In the end, she didn’t even have a notebook, so she used the happy note posted on the door. Character.

The original owner's professional skills were very strong, and coupled with Jin Shu's memories, the entire re-engraving process was not too difficult.

There were many small steps that she couldn't remember clearly, so Jin Shu spent a lot of time on her own research and improvement.

For twenty-four hours, apart from getting up and relaxing for a while, Jin Shu kept hunching over her desk and sketching.

The word "happy" was not enough, so she simply pried open Lin Qin's locked study and took a thick notebook back from it to continue designing and researching.

Like Liang Qingzhi, she does not rely on assistants or computers for this kind of thing. The whole process relies on a brain, a pen and enough white paper.

Finally, it wasn't until the sky in the distance began to lighten slightly that Jin Shu slowly let go of her already stiff hand, looked at the densely packed book of equations and drawings in front of her, and then breathed a deep sigh of relief.

After putting the notebook away and locking the door, Jin Shu fell asleep without setting an alarm clock, and slept so darkly.

Finally she was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

The voice of Lin Qin's sister, Lin An, could be heard faintly outside the door.

Jin Shu was still sleepy. After all, she had consumed so many brain cells last night and was in a state of extreme exhaustion. So she didn't care what was going on outside, put on a blindfold, tucked her head into the quilt, and continued to sleep.

It was a very comfortable sleep. When she took off her blindfold, Jin Shu couldn't even tell what night it was.

I glanced at the alarm clock next to the bed. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon.

Strong hunger hit her, and Jin Shu immediately got up to wash up and change clothes.

Fortunately, the cloakroom is in the bedroom. The original owner brought a lot of beautiful clothes here for her future life. She was so overwhelmed with happiness that she didn't even realize that in addition to her own clothes in this cabinet, her husband Lin Qin even There isn't even a single piece of pajamas here.

Looking at the sexy pajamas inside, Jin Shu pulled them over expressionlessly, and then found a white long skirt suit from the corner that the original owner liked to wear in college.

This was an adult gift given to the original owner by her parents after she was admitted to college. The clothes were carefully selected in a luxury store and best complemented the original owner's fair complexion and slender figure.

In front of the full-length mirror, Jin Shu looked at the girl in the mirror. Her eyes were bright and her teeth were bright and moving, especially those exceptionally beautiful eyes, with a charming look but a hint of girlish ignorance and clarity. All the beautiful words were piled on her. It's not an exaggeration. She has waist-length black hair hanging behind her back, a white skirt and short boots, and a slender waist and long legs with perfect proportions. It can be said that God has rewarded her with her appearance and figure.

Although Jin Shu practices independence and strength, she never despises the importance of beauty.

Being beautiful naturally has many benefits. This is an indisputable fact. Rather than being too concerned about rejection, it is better to accept beauty calmly.

Dressed neatly, Jin Shu put on a watch, checked that there was nothing wrong with her appearance, opened the door and walked out.

The Lin family lives in a three-story detached townhouse in a wealthy area. The land is at a premium and a large lawn can be used as a garden.

The compound where they once lived has been demolished. Among them, the Lin family, which has developed the best, caught up with the upsurge of opening up and successfully joined the real estate industry, becoming today's real estate tycoons, making money every day.

Except for the Yu family, the other families have also developed well. They are basically engaged in politics. Although they don't have as much money as the Lin family, they have a lot of say in the city.

Yu Keke's father made a political mistake. While he was in prison, the reform of the compound happened to happen. While other families were looking for other ways out, the Yu family could only hang on and gnaw on its laurels.

After my father was released from prison, the family's capital was almost wiped out. Relying on the money from the demolition of the compound, the family could barely maintain their former dignity. They lived in an ordinary elevator room and had to rely on their father for monthly loan repayments. Deliver food every month.

We used to be just a few families, but now our social status and wealth are completely different.

However, the difference in family conditions did not affect the friendship between the children. When Yu Keke's father was imprisoned, all of Yu Keke's tuition and living expenses were borne by the Lin family. Until he graduated from college and found a job, Lin Qin directly gave him five million as a gift. Yu Keke went abroad to study art.

Although the two had always been at odds with each other, the heroine never refused the hero's material sponsorship, and this sponsorship continued for ten years in the original plot. Until the original hero died of illness, Lin Qin insisted on giving Yu Keke at least a minimum of Ten million for living expenses.

You must know that during the ten years of their marriage, the original owner spent more money on himself than Lin Qin gave Yu Keke in one year.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu herself laughed angrily.

Although the male protagonist is a bitch, the original protagonist himself is not that pitiable.

It was all her own choice. She had a thousand ways to make her life more comfortable, but in the end she chose the stupid way of sacrificing herself in the hope of getting love. (End of chapter)

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