Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 207 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (4)

When he went downstairs, Lin Qin's parents were sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Lin's father retired early and handed over the company to Lin Qin. When he had nothing to do, he would practice Tai Chi and raise fish at home, read newspapers and drink tea. His relationship with Lin's mother could be said to be a well-known harmony in the circle, and they treated each other as if they were guests. .

The Lin family's family tradition is well known to outsiders. Their parents are loving and their children are humble. They are a model family in the eyes of outsiders.

At first, the original owner was happy that she had found a perfect man, a pair of sensible parents-in-law, and a gentle and humble sister-in-law. However, the behavior of this family on the first day after marriage completely shattered her filter.

At this time, both of them noticed Jin Shu.

Father Lin coughed, adjusted his glasses and continued reading the newspaper with a frown.

Mother Lin put down the tea cup in her hand, glanced at Jin Shu from the corner of her eye, and then said something faintly to the nanny beside her.

"What time does our pudding wake up?"

Pudding, the dog raised by the Lin family, is technically raised by my sister-in-law Lin An. She is a ferocious German shepherd. She is obedient to everyone in the Lin family, except for Jin Shu, who bared her teeth and barked when she saw him. There was one incident in the original plot. He even bit the original owner.

As a result, Lin An not only failed to discipline his dog, but also blamed Jin Shu for scaring Pudding.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu looked at De Mu having fun outside the yard, curling her lips and sneering.

The servant on the side also watched people prepare dishes. She naturally knew what Mother Lin meant, so she agreed.

"Madam, Pudding got up at five o'clock this morning, and the lady went out for a walk."

Mother Lin looked at Jin Shu slowly.

"Yes, our dog got up at five o'clock, and Aqin and Anan also left for work early...

Oh, I don't mean anything against you, but in our Lin family, there are no idlers. "

After speaking, she glanced at the teapot.

"The tea is gone."

The servant stood motionless.

Jin Shu glanced at her and raised her eyebrows.

"Didn't you hear? The tea is gone. How come you, a servant, don't have any eyesight?"

You are the nanny hired by the Lin family, not the uncle hired by the Lin family. Why are you standing there dumbfounded?

Go, pour the tea, that's all right, I want Earl Grey, with some sugar. "

After saying that, Jin Shu sat directly on the sofa, picked up the pastries on the table and stuffed them into her mouth without any surprise.

She has been hungry all day, and now everything she eats is a delicacy in the world.

Now Lin's father didn't even read the newspaper. The couple stared at her, the disgust and dissatisfaction in their eyes almost overflowing.

Father Lin was the silent leader of the Lin family. He snorted and stood up and left directly.

It doesn't matter if he leaves, he keeps a sullen face all day long, as if someone owes him 2,500,000 to 80,000 yuan.

As for Lin's mother, she is a housekeeper who can't hold anything in her eyes. The only person she can talk to in the whole family is Jin Shu. How could she let her daughter-in-law be so presumptuous in front of her now?

"What did I say when you and Aqin got married?"

"Huh? From now on, you want to treat me like your own daughter? I remember this sentence. Don't worry, I will be your biological daughter from now on. I will honor you as Lin An honors you."

How can Lin An be filial?

I only spoke two words to Mother Lin a day.

“Mom, I’m hungry” and “Mom, I have no money.”

Mother Lin's face darkened as she was blocked by Jin Shu, and her tone became calm.

"That's for outsiders. Do you think that with your status, you are worthy of being a child of my Lin family?"

"What's wrong with me? I'm prettier than your daughter, and I went to a better university than your daughter. Oh, by the way, I ranked first in my major in school, and the son you are most proud of is also ranked behind me.

If you have a kid like me, you can have fun secretly. "

"You!! Jin Shu, who gave you the courage to talk to me like this! You are now the daughter-in-law of the Lin family! I told you on the wedding day that everything after the marriage will be based on my words, and you have forgotten?!"

Mother Lin's tone increased, obviously because she was angry with Jin Shu.

Jin Shu didn't even look at her and stuffed the last piece of pastry into her mouth.

"Old lady, you need to know one thing, that is, I am now Lin Qin's wife, legally.

This is not a servant your family bought for free.

I heard that the second elder has handed over the company to Lin Qin, right? From now on, I will go into the company to help him take care of his affairs, and you two elders can stay at home and take care of yourself. "

After speaking, Jin Shu picked up the tea cup and poured herself a cup of tea.

"Isn't this a full pot? Why do you still say there is no tea? Isn't this embarrassing the servants?"

After eating and drinking, Jin Shu stood up and left. At the end, she didn't forget to turn around and give her instructions.

"The pastries are too sweet for my liking. You should eat less sweets. After all, diabetes is not easy to cure."

Mother Lin was so angry that she almost went to heaven.

Originally, Jin Shu was feeling angry because he was lazy and sleeping, but now it's better. After Jin Shu woke up, he added some firewood to it.

Mother Lin never expected that Jin Shu, who looked obedient before marriage, would turn out to be such a sharp and arrogant person after marriage!

No, how could the Lin family want such a daughter-in-law!

The furious Mother Lin immediately called Lin Qin. Lin Qin on the other end of the phone was a little unbelievable when she heard what she said.

"Did she really say that to you?"

"Otherwise! Look at the good wife you married! Now you are going to ride on my head and show off your power!"

"Okay, Mom, I'll have a nice chat with her later."

"What are you talking about! You can't have this kind of woman!"

"What do you want me to do on the first day of marriage? Do you want me to divorce? What do people outside think of our Lin family?"

Mother Lin was speechless for a moment.

The Lin family has such a good reputation outside. If there is news that they are getting divorced on the first day of marriage, they will definitely be laughed at by people in the circle.

In the end, Mother Lin had no choice but to complain to Jin Shu on the phone.

"We can't control what kind of wife you want to marry, but it is natural for a daughter-in-law to serve her parents-in-law. She is a high-ranking woman from a small place marrying you. I think she feels like she has squeezed into the circle of wealthy people now. Piao It’s so lawless!”

"Well, don't worry, I will talk to her carefully. This matter is her fault. Don't get so angry. Have a good rest and talk about it later at night."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Qin called Jin Shu directly.

Two seconds pass and hang up immediately.

I did not answer?

What the hell is she up to? When we were in love before, no matter how late I called her to ask her to come out, she would always reply within seconds. What happened now? Do you really think that you will be able to sit back and relax after getting married?

On the other side, Jin Shu was already in the taxi.

She had just found an interview with a company and made an appointment with them at 4:30 in the afternoon. Seeing that there was not much time left, she was too lazy to talk to Lin Qin so much, hung up his phone and strode to the interview location.

The R\u0026D department of Changheng Agricultural Equipment Group was recruiting people. Jin Shu successfully interviewed with her high academic qualifications and received the offer that night. (End of chapter)

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