Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 214 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (11)

【ah? ah? ah? 】

[I’m sorry, my hands are shaking. No kidding, my hands are really shaking! 】

[When human beings face a boss who is beyond their own understanding and too powerful, their knees can't help but weaken. For example, I am kneeling right now to finish this sentence]

[Is this horse really launched? ! Is this going to be too big of a fuss? Fortunately, this thing is just a rain bomb. It needs to be replaced with other bombs. Isn't this a big killer in the world? 】

[Impossible. The United States has been researching invisible coatings for so many years, but it can't escape our country's radar detection. Can she, a small agricultural equipment blogger, develop this? If this is the case, the next Nobel Prize will be awarded to her]

[No matter what, it would be awesome to be able to launch it! too strong! Such an awesome boss is actually hiding in this small place as a sales anchor? 】

[I just want to know now, does it really have a range of 5,000 kilometers? 】

[Five thousand kilometers is too exaggerated. Being able to fly hundreds of kilometers is already impressive]

Jin Shu looked up for a while, then yawned and turned around and waved to everyone.

"Let's all disperse. There's nothing to see anymore."

Guo Xu and Meng Jin pulled away from the crowd and stumbled over, trying hard to control the urge to kneel down for her on the spot. They stood to the left and right for fear of being overtaken by others.

"Teacher Jin, what's next for Teacher Jin? Where will this rain bomb go?"

"Didn't I just say it during the live broadcast, Su Province."

"More than three thousand kilometers...oh my god..."

The two people looked at each other, and then their posture of protecting Jin Shu became even more attentive.

The live broadcast room also exploded, and everyone was discussing where exactly the rain bomb would explode in the sky.

Netizens in Suzhou have sensed business opportunities and started live broadcasts one after another.

Anyway, there are only two outcomes, either it rains or it doesn’t rain. Su Province already has little rain all year round, not to mention that Bo County, Qing City, which is located in the far northwest, has been in drought for a long time.

This year's drought is even more serious. The rainfall since the beginning of the year has been less than 2,000 millimeters. The drought has seriously affected the economic development here. If there is no rain here in a short period of time, the residents of Bo County will have to flee with their families.

[Ten minutes have passed and there is no response from my side]

[Laughing to death, no one really thinks this rain bomb can fly so far, right? What are you all waiting for? 】

[Although I think the possibility is unlikely, I have some inexplicable expectations. If the rainfall really succeeds, then our county will be saved, and the villagers will not have to think about moving their families away]

[To be honest, if you are pinning your hopes here, you might as well think about the South-to-North Water Diversion Project. Rainfall bombs that can fly more than 3,000 kilometers are basically military products, and they are unlikely to appear in agricultural machinery live broadcast rooms]

The live broadcast room has been so popular that it has even dominated the entire platform, with tens of millions of people online at the same time.

The video of Jin Shu lighting the fire also went viral on the Internet. Some netizens who didn't know why were still asking if this was a new type of special effect. After knowing that the video had not been processed in any way, more people came to the live broadcast room to watch and wait for the rain. too much.

At this time, in a certain garrison area of ​​the Ministry of National Security, when the staff were conducting outdoor detection, a flash of fire suddenly flashed overhead, pulling a long tail of fire, and it flew past in the blink of an eye.

The staff immediately realized something was wrong and quickly went back to inform their colleagues.

"Did the radar detect anything unusual?"

"No, what's wrong?"

"Nothing unusual was detected at all?"

"No, what are you talking about? We have peace all year round, what abnormalities can we detect?"

The staff member's expression changed immediately, and he quickly called the headquarters and told the leader what he had just discovered immediately.

"I saw it with my own eyes. It was definitely not a meteor. It looked like a military missile, but there was no response from the radar!"

At this time, the leaders of the headquarters were studying what was going on. At this time, a video on the Internet was put on the large screen that was only used for strategic research.

“Currently, people have discovered unknown objects flying through the sky along the entire northwest coastline of our country, and at extremely fast speeds.

Tracing back to the source, I just watched the content in this video, and after watching it, I only had one thought.

What a surprise! !

Incredible! !

The pillar of the country! !

This agricultural machinery company is affiliated to Guonong, so this girl is equivalent to a staff member of our country!

Now, immediately, immediately, report to the superiors, this girl must be brought here in the shortest possible time! "

"Oh my god, it was launched at a fixed point and has full backlash. And according to the route that the witness just saw, the target of this rain bomb is very precise, which is Bo County, Qing City, Su Province!

Such a precise positioning instrument is really incredible! "

"Isn't the scariest thing about it not being able to evade all our radar equipment? If this technology is acquired by other countries, then our country will be like meat on the chopping board, and will be slaughtered by others without the ability to fight back!"

In short, no matter how good the rainfall effect of this rain bomb is, the most important thing at the moment is to understand the launch and stealth technology behind it!

Jin Shu on the other side had no idea that it was just a small rain bomb that had already caused an uproar in the country.

From top to bottom, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Armed Forces, etc. all saw this content immediately.

Jin Shu was probably the calmest person in the audience. She walked to the front of the crowd and happened to be face to face with the research director.

The other party was obviously stunned by the scene just now. Even if he stood there and looked at Jin Shu, he could not recover for a long time.

Jin Shu looked at him, crossed her arms and spoke slowly.

"Supervisor, in the face of absolute strength, no one can cover up my shine. I don't like you as a supervisor."

At this time, the general manager on the side finally squeezed in front of Jin Shu and spoke bluntly.

"Don't like it? If you don't like it, let's change it! Can you be the supervisor instead?

No...the supervisor is a bit inappropriate. What position do you want? Just mention it! As long as you ask me to take my seat, you can sit wherever you want! "

Jin Shu waved her hand.

"Forget it, I don't have the time, I'll go back and take a nap first."

"Hey, Jin Shu, that... that rain bomb, when will it rain?"

Jin Shu looked down at her watch and said casually.

"One minute countdown."

"Ah, is it so accurate?"

The general manager and everyone around him subconsciously stared at the clock and started counting down involuntarily.

One after another, everyone in the company counted down together.

"The last fifteen seconds!

The last ten seconds! "

"10, 9, 8, 7...3, 2, 1!!"

At this moment, a huge thunder suddenly came from the sky above Bo County, followed by layers of dark clouds, accompanied by bursts of thunder rolling in the clouds, and finally.


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