Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 215 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (12)

It's raining heavily! !

Bo County, which has been in drought for more than ten years, received a heavy rain on such an ordinary day, which was nothing short of a gift from God.

The rainfall, like seawater pouring in, completely ignited the dry hearts of the yellow land. Countless people rushed out of their homes and knelt in the rain, holding the rain from the sky in their hands and pressing their bodies against the soil underground. This was the place where they depended on for survival. , this is their hometown.

At this time, the anchor who went to Bo County to broadcast the live broadcast was shocked by the pouring rain in front of him halfway.

He opened the car door tremblingly and stepped out of the car. He held up the selfie stick in his hand and ran wildly in the rain laughing. But at this time, no one thought he was like a madman. Instead, everyone was infected by his heartfelt ecstasy. .

"Hahahaha, it's raining!! It's raining!!"

"The food in the fields can be saved!!! We finally got rain!!"

"God opens your eyes, God opens your eyes!!"

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu I'm crying to death.

[More than three thousand kilometers, precise projection, precise rainfall. To be honest, I can't use words to describe the shock in my heart. I just want to say, it's great to have you in the country]

[Only those who have lived on the yellow land know how important this land is to them. That anchor is really amazing! 】

[Stop shouting anchors, you are insulting me. This person is called a scientist, a key figure who must be protected by the country]

【Great God! ! I kowtow to you! ! Damn it! ! So cool! ! Monkey Sun is not as awesome as you! ! 】

Soon, the term "Heavy Rain in Bo County" became a hot search topic. Combined with the previous scene of rain bomb launching, two videos recorded the entire process. In this way, Changheng Agricultural Equipment Co., Ltd. The company is completely popular.

[Brothers, rush! There is a link to the rain bomb below the live broadcast room! Ten pieces are available for pre-sale, priced at RMB 880,000 per piece! What’s the difference between such a good price and getting it for free! 】

[Don’t look at it, it was sold out in less than a second after the link was uploaded]

[I would like to ask, is this really something that can be sold at will? I always feel that it should be collected in the National Museum]

【Changheng! ! ! Hurry up and replenish the shelves! ! Don't make me kneel down and beg you! ! 】

[Got it, looking forward to delivery]

[This is the first time I feel that something worth 880,000 yuan is such a bargain! If I could get it, I would lose all my money, but if I arrange a rain event, I would earn millions at least.]

In this way, the rain in Bo County continued for two full hours.

In just two hours, the county's overall precipitation for the entire year went from less than 200 millimeters to 500 millimeters a day.

The rainwater seeped crazily into the dry land, and the food in the ground was also frantically absorbing this hard-won moisture.

Now, people all over the country really know about Changheng Machinery Factory.

The general manager was overwhelmed by the orders flying in from all over the country. He waited in the office for a while before finally seeing the current situation clearly.

That is, the good days of their company are coming. From now on, he will follow Jin Shu to be popular and prosperous! !

But before he could be happy for a few minutes, a row of military vehicles parked quietly outside the factory.

As soon as the general manager heard that there was a military vehicle below, he immediately went downstairs to greet them. Looking at the civil servants wearing shirts and trousers in front of him, he immediately reacted and quickly found someone to call Jin Shu.

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