Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 216 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (13)

The general manager didn't dare to ask about the other party's identity, but one thing he was sure of was that he couldn't afford to offend him, so Ma Liu simply asked all other unimportant people to leave work early, leaving only Jin Shu.

The middle-aged man walking at the front was wearing glasses and a thin cotton Zhongshan jacket. He was dressed in a hall-like manner. Even if he was walking on the street, people could tell at a glance that this man was not a simple person.

"You guys are here..."

Asking knowingly.

"Jin Shu, are you from your unit? We are from the XX department. We are here to talk to Jin Shu about rain bombs."

"Oh, oh, she just went to bed. That child is a great leader in our unit. When I first came here, I knew she was different. The entire department did their best to cooperate with her in research. In the end, I didn't expect her to be so... It’s amazing that you can develop such a powerful thing in a short period of time.”

"It's indeed amazing. Don't worry, we are just chatting with her. Since she is still sleeping, let's wait until she wakes up."

In this way, several people sat in the general manager's office and waited patiently for more than two hours.

It was almost dark, and the general manager laughed so hard that his eyes almost cramped, and finally woke up Jin Shu, the ancestor, before dinner.

Knowing that a big shot was coming to find her, Jin Shu behaved very calmly. She washed her face, changed her clothes, and gave a few instructions before following him into the car.

Before leaving, the general manager looked reluctant to leave. He pulled Jin Shu aside and asked in a low voice.

"If you leave now, will you come back?"

Jin Shu frowned and looked at him.

"Where will I go if I don't come back?"

"Yes, you have to remember that our company will always be your home. Oh, by the way... the ten rain bombs have been pre-sold. When will we deliver them to you?"

Jin Shu nodded calmly.

"When I come back, we will ship the goods within half a month."

"Okay, okay, wait for you to come back. Our whole company is waiting for you to come back."

The car took Jin Shu directly to the airport, and landed in city B on a special plane without the need for an ID card.

Cars were picking up and dropping off cars along the way. After the black car drove into a long alley, he got off the car and walked along the alley for a few steps. A small door appeared in front of him. There were two rows of guards standing at the door, which made the entire alley look more elegant. The atmosphere was extremely solemn.

Jin Shu finally came to an office and saw rows of bookshelves. There was a solid wood desk in front of the bookshelf. There were two rows of conference tables in front of the desk. The room was already full of people.

The person sitting in front of the leader's desk, Jin Shu, looked familiar, but he couldn't remember his name, but it was strange that the person sitting here didn't look familiar.

There were eight people sitting under the stage, some old and some young. When they saw Jin Shu, they were all looking at her with curiosity.

Jin Shu's position was left in the middle, so people from all directions surrounded her, making her look like a treasure just dug out of a grave.

In the next two hours, several people had a thorough chat with Jin Shu about the structure of the rain bomb from a professional and practical perspective.

Two hours later, the whole place was silent. The few people who were looking at him just now had nothing but admiration and sigh in their eyes.

"You are so young and promising, your future is limitless!"

The people below were whispering.

"Fortunately, such talents belong to our country. If they were deceived by other countries, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Then this is our big treasure, why shouldn't we focus on protecting it?"

"Let's do it this way. I happen to be short of a student there, so I'll let this girl go to our school to be my student. At the same time, I'll arrange a job as a university teacher, which will be convenient for doing research."

The person who spoke was an old man, and he looked even more familiar. On the TV not long ago, when the most advanced fighter jets in the sky took off and rotated, it was this old man's face that appeared on the side of the TV.

The first person to promote the armed forces will be a leader who will be written into history textbooks in the future. He is currently the president of a university of science and technology, and his status in the industry is lofty and unrivaled.

This time, he just happened to be on a business trip to City B, and he happened to be invited here as an authority figure.

After listening to Jin Shu's explanation just two hours ago, the old man's eyes burst out with unprecedented brilliance. His eyes were like looking at a national treasure, not only admiring it, but even with a hint of caution.

At this time, several other senior figures spoke one after another.

"Our place is not bad. The most important thing is that you have what you want. No matter how expensive the materials you want, just ask and we will deliver them to you within an hour! Come to us."

"What kind of shabby place do you have? Do you, a young girl, go to the mountains to endure hardships with you? Come with us. Our place is a super first-tier metropolis. The research institute is right next to it. What do you girls like... uh, Disneyland, we will arrange everything for you when you get there. If you want to do research, do research, and if you want to play, you can play!"

"Go to me!"

"That's good!"

"Okay, stop arguing. How old are you and still arguing in front of children! Don't you think it's embarrassing?"

The person sitting in the main seat finally spoke.

At this time, Jin Shu finally found out the origin of this important man from the memory of the original owner.

That is, the third in command in the industry.

Different from the serious look on TV, he was smiling when facing Jin Shu.

"It's your choice, what do you think?"

"Thank you for your support, but I'd better go back to my agricultural machinery factory. After all, I work there now, and it's also close to where my parents live.

Next, I will continue to research other more advanced agricultural products. If I encounter difficulties at that time, I will have to ask my seniors for advice. "

Jin Shu had already said so, and it was not appropriate for those present to embarrass her any more.

"Agricultural machinery... Hahaha, it's good for agriculture. We are a big agricultural country! Solving the problem of food for the people would be huge!

Okay, okay, then you can continue to stay there, but do you mind if I arrange for a few people to go over and study with you? "


"Okay, we had a great time chatting today. Let's have dinner together and stay one night. I'll take you back early tomorrow morning."

After dinner, Jin Shu was dragged to another meeting.

The meeting was all about secret-level projects. Jin Shu sat in it and listened for a while. She didn't express any opinions, but just took some notes.

After a night's rest, she was sent back the same way the next day.

It's just different from when we came. There were a few more people when we went back.

These people are the same ones who took the stage to speak at the meeting just now. They are young, smart and eager to learn.

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