Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 217 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (14)

When introducing themselves, the learning experience of these people can be enough to brag about for a lifetime.

Compared with them, Jin Shu, who had a passable graduate degree, ended up at the bottom.

However, this does not delay the admiration of these top students for Jin Shu.

When he arrived at the factory, the manager who had been waiting for a long time saw the familiar car and immediately ran over to greet him excitedly. After confirming that it was Jin Shu who got out of the car, his high-pitched heart finally dropped.

Several top students who were assigned are now all sent to the workshop to work as R\u0026D engineers. Learning technology is the most important thing anyway, and it doesn't matter whether they have status or not.

Yesterday, it was just an ordinary small factory that made a living by selling harvesters and other agricultural equipment. In just one night, the sales of the product links posted in the live broadcast room soared to more than 30 million.

The general manager had never seen such a big scene before, so he quickly started arranging production orders, and finally allocated the orders to other branches for production so that they could be shipped within the specified time.

[My family has no land, and I have never farmed. If you ask me why I bought a harvester, I just want to say one thing: I support domestically produced missiles! ! 】

[What’s wrong with spending some money to support my country’s agricultural development? 】

[This product is really good, my three aunts and six wives all said it was good after using it]

[Are those people who spent 880,000 yuan on rain bombs serious? What are you doing buying this thing at home? Playing as firecrackers? 】

[I think it’s better not to sell this kind of thing. If it is bought by someone with bad intentions and sold to other countries, wouldn’t our technology be stolen! 】

【Seconded! ! This thing cannot be sold! This is our country’s treasure! 】

Someone specifically talked to Jin Shu about this matter, but Jin Shu didn't care.

"Don't worry, this rain bomb is only useful within our territory. Once it crosses the national border, I can make it automatically disintegrate and malfunction."

As soon as these words were said, the whole place was shocked for two or three minutes.

After returning to the unit, Jin Shu took several of his students and began to develop the next batch of rainfall bombs.

On the original basis, Jin Shu focused on the loaded fuel that determines the range.

She can always forget about food and sleep when it comes to things she is interested in.

In addition, he has twenty-four hours more than others, so from the outside, Jin Shu is basically a god.

The kind of man of God who cannot be explained by science.

After doing research all night, I fell asleep during the day the next day. After sleeping for less than four hours, I was energetic enough to continue dedicating myself to research.

This is not a god, what is this?

When life went on as usual, Jin Shu received a call one day, and the caller ID was "husband."

Jin Shu frowned. She hated trouble the most, but when she thought about the troubles she would have to face if she didn't solve this problem, she walked out of the research room and went outside, and answered the call one second before the other party hung up.

"You haven't gone back during this time? Where are you?"

After more than half a month, the husband realized that his wife had not returned home.


Jin Shu narrowed her eyes and said sleepily.

"Are you in charge?"

"Jin Shu, can you stop messing around? I'll go back right away. I hope I can see you when I get home."

"What did you see me doing? What's there to see?"

"Jin Shu, what do you mean?"

The other party's tone became obviously colder, and there was displeasure in it.

"Are you trying to make me angry?"

Jin Shu smiled softly.

"Yeah, I'm just making you angry. If you can't bear it, then meet up and we can take the time to get the divorce certificate."


Lin Qin thought there was something wrong with his ears. He never dreamed that Jin Shu, who loved him deeply, would one day say the word "divorce."

He was silent for a moment, then sneered.

"You think it through before you speak. I'll give you another chance. What do you want?"

Jin Shu sighed, covering her heart and speaking word by word.

"I said, I want to divorce you."

When he said these words, the original owner's heart obviously stung twice, and Jin Shu's face turned pale in pain.

But it doesn't matter, it's just a fleeting thing. A woman who has been tortured for so many years but still has obsession is pitiful and pathetic.

No, my heart hurts terribly.

Jin Shu frowned so hard that her whole body couldn't help but tremble.

She gritted her teeth tightly and hung up the phone when the other party said, "Okay, as you wish."

The stinging pain did not relieve but instead became more severe. In the end, the pain caused her eyes to blacken and she rolled downstairs uncontrollably.

When I woke up again, I was already in the hospital.

There were more than a dozen people surrounding the bed, all of them staring at me with concern, especially the old man who took the lead. His eyes filled with tears after seeing Jin Shu wake up, and he was so excited that he felt like he was seeing a god coming to the world.

"Teacher Jin, are you awake?"

Jin Shu slowly sat up and roughly understood what happened to her from their mouths.

He suddenly fainted and was caught by Guo Xu before he fell down the stairs. He was rushed to the hospital for medical treatment. After a careful examination, it was found that nothing happened. The preliminary diagnosis was that he had syncope caused by excessive fatigue.

Not a big deal, but it scared a lot of people.

Jin Shu said several times that she was fine, and only then did these people feel relieved.

But she herself was wondering, why did she faint so easily?

At this time, Arnold, who had always been in hiding, spoke.

"The obsession of the original owner is quite deep. You were just about to decisively break up with the male lead, but she is unwilling to give in."

"Not willing? Will you continue to be a cook?"

"It's not that she's unwilling to do so, it's just that she thinks it's too cheap for the hero and heroine. Do you understand?"

Jin Shu nodded.

She understood. Fortunately, it wasn't the obsession with love that was too deep, but the obsession with hatred that was too deep. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to solve this problem.

"I understand. Next time something like this happens, you should tell me earlier. If someone hadn't helped me just now, I would have been reincarnated."

"Sorry, it was my mistake. Normally I only release some important tasks. This time it was my negligence. I can make up for you in the next world."

"Okay, I remember."

After figuring out the cause and effect, Jin Shu rubbed her head with a headache.

Just then the phone rang again.

I picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. After the call was connected, the voice on the other end of the phone was choked and crying.

"Jin Shu, what else do you want? I've already stayed away, why are you still targeting me? Since Brother Qin has married you, you should live a good life with him and stop pestering me, okay?!"

Jin Shu frowned.

To be honest, she's a little annoyed now.

"Shut up first, what are you talking about?"

"You know what you did!"

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