Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 221 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (18)

Lin Qin looked at him with a half-smile.

"Then why are you here? Just send someone over."

"Didn't I say that the old man is keeping a close eye on me? If I don't come and he finds out, his legs will be broken.

You are also to blame for this matter. Who makes Boss Lin so good? He has been different since he was a child. We brothers can only be reduced to foils, being lectured by my ears every day. "

Lin Qin patted him on the shoulder.

"Just saying this to you, as long as I can buy the rain bombs today, I will bring you a copy."

"So nice to me?"

"Of course. You usually take care of Ke Ke so much, both emotionally and rationally. I should repay you in return."

Upon hearing this, Xu Mu's face instantly darkened.

The atmosphere between the two men also became somewhat tense.

"Ke Ke is my friend. I should take care of her. But you, a married man, don't you think it's ridiculous that you still come to pester Ke Ke every day?"

Lin Qin still smiled confidently.

"I'll find out who's kidding right away. Jin Shu and I have submitted our divorce application, and our marriage will be automatically dissolved in one month. I'm now considered single."

Xu Mu wanted to say something else but couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

In this relationship, the one who is not loved is the clown, and Xu Mu knows very well that Ke Ke likes Lin Qin.

The two people looked away, and at this moment someone finally came to the office.

"I'm sorry to keep you all waiting. My name is Guo Xu, an employee of the factory's R\u0026D department. Our factory is quite busy today, so I will take you to visit the factory facilities."

Everyone came here in the name of visiting and learning, so it was no problem to be taken around the workshop.

After a tour, everyone's eyes were searching around the workshop intentionally or unintentionally.

Guo Xu naturally knew their intentions, so he took the initiative.

"Look here, everyone, here is the independent workshop of our chief designer, chief engineer, and the new head of the R\u0026D department."

Upon hearing this, everyone's eyes immediately lit up.

A small house that originally looked unremarkable now looks like a historical site, and every screw is worth looking at again and again.

Among the people who came to visit this time, there were engineers from other companies. They quickly noticed the drawings hanging on the wall of the independent workshop and couldn't help but ask.

"Excuse me, are those drawings the design sketches for developing rain bombs?"

Guo Xu nodded quite proudly.

"Yes, our teacher has a habit when designing sketches, that is, he will take whatever is at hand and record it.

Not only a piece of paper, but also a table, wall, floor, etc. may become the teacher's design panel.

Therefore, all the sketches displayed in front of everyone are the first drafts of this rainfall bomb research. "

Several designers crowded to the front to observe. After seeing the sketches clearly, everyone couldn't help leaning forward, their eyes widened, and they couldn't help but sigh.

"Incredible, incredible."

"This is not a sketch. How could someone lay out all the ideas in such complete detail in the first stage?"

"It's amazing. Although I know the saying that there are people who are better than others, but there are different things in the world, but after seeing these sketches, I suddenly felt that I am not worthy of being an engineer. Compared with this teacher, I have been like a child playing house for the past thirty years. , it’s a complete joke.”

"Excuse me...can I take a photo?"

Some people couldn't help but complain.

"It's great if I can give you a second glance, but you still want to take pictures? How can you be so greedy?"

The other party immediately felt ashamed and was about to apologize when Guo Xu spoke generously.

"Shoot, it doesn't matter. The teacher said that wisdom needs to be shared. She couldn't guarantee that her design would be flawless, so she told us that we don't need to cover or protect her studio.

If you want to see and learn, just take pictures. "

"This is the real master! I am truly in awe of him!"

"What are you doing standing still? Shoot! Shoot more and learn more!"

The experts in the industry are taking pictures like crazy, while the bosses who don’t understand the industry are standing outside. Although they can’t understand it, they just know it’s great.

Lin Qin stood outside and looked inside.

Although he is the boss, he is also half an industry insider, so he can naturally understand the value of these drawings.

If the painting is a metaphor, the status of these sketches on the wall and floor at this time is almost the same as that of Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa.

It's simply more perfect than the one in the textbook.

He also took out his mobile phone and took a few photos carefully. When he turned around and looked carefully, he suddenly found that the paper on the table looked familiar.

He stood in the corner and zoomed in on his phone screen to take a closer look.

This is a piece of paper with golden outlines and light-colored printing on the bottom of the paper. To others, it seems to be just a piece of old art paper with a very medieval style, but to Lin Qin, this paper is the same as the paper that was published not long ago. The paper in the notebook that Ke Ke gave him when he returned from Europe was exactly the same.

Ke Ke bought that book from a niche shop in a medieval European city. The shop specializes in custom-made commemorative books, and all the patterns and decorations in it are defined by the customer.

So there is no possibility of coincidence.

Lin Qin was afraid that he had not seen clearly, so he took another closer look. This time he could see clearly.

It was indeed the paper in the notebook that Ke Ke gave him.

Only he and Ke Ke have this kind of paper, so why does it appear here? How could he draw the precious first draft of rain bombs?

Lin Qin's thoughts were a little confused and he had many conjectures in his heart.

He couldn't help but ask Guo Xu.

"Excuse me, what is the last name of the teacher you are talking about?"

Guo Xu frowned, alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Teacher Jin's identity is now a first-level secret in the entire unit. Anyone who reveals even a single word will be in trouble.

The reason for doing this is to protect Teacher Jin's personal safety. After all, other countries will definitely destroy such an outstanding talent if they can't get it.

So Guo Xu's tone was unkind.

"Why do you ask this? This involves state secrets. I'm sorry I can't reveal it to you."

When Lin Qin heard this, no matter how confused and entangled he was, it was hard to ask any more questions.

In the next hour or so, the factory sold two more rain bombs, which were sold through auction bidding.

After it was made, it was sold for 60 million and 73 million respectively.

No one dares to say anything about this kind of unreasonable market pricing. After all, it is a blessing to be able to buy a product that has a price but no market.

The buyer of the 73 million rain bomb was Lin Qin.

But he was not very happy at this time and just hurriedly got into the car and went home.

When he got home, he quickly took out the notebook from the study drawer, opened it and flipped through it, and there was actually a page missing from it!

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