Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 222 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (19)

In other words, this is no coincidence, the paper on the table really comes from the notebook in his study!

how so?

This shows what?

The only person who has access to this book is Yu Keke. The study is usually locked and no one else can get in.

Thinking of this, Lin Qin immediately dialed Yu Keke's number and asked her directly after getting through.

"Do you still remember the notebook you brought me back from Europe?"

"Remember, what happened?"

Yu Keke's voice was a little confused. Why did he mention that book for no reason?

Lin Qin tightened his fingers and asked again.

"When you gave me the notebook, were the pages in it complete?"

This question is a bit strange.

Yu Keke hesitated subconsciously for a few seconds, because she knew that Lin Qin would never take the initiative to call her if it was not an important matter. They usually said hello on the chat software.

Now that he has called to ask, it means that the question he just asked is very important to him.

It's obviously an ordinary book, why do you ask this suddenly?

Yu Keke felt that Lin Qin was hiding something from her. She didn't like the feeling of being kept in the dark, so she spoke vaguely.

"Is this issue very important to you? It's just a notebook. Does it have any impact on you if it's less?"

Upon hearing this reply, Lin Qin felt that his breathing was a little slow.

He held his breath and tried to be as calm as possible.

"Ke Ke, so the notebook you gave me was not complete, right?"

“So what if it is, so what if it’s not?”

"Keke, let's meet. Weren't you interested in mechanical engineering before? We can talk about some issues."

Yu Keke arrived at Lin's house less than ten minutes after hanging up the phone.

Mother Lin saw her coming and greeted her politely.

"Hello, aunt."

"Keke is here. Aqin is upstairs. Do you have anything to do with him?"

Yu Keke responded respectfully and honestly.

"Brother Qin has something to do with me. I'll just wait for him outside."

At this time, Lin Qin stood upstairs and called her.

"Come to my study."

Yu Keke bowed to Mother Lin and went upstairs. Mother Yu stood behind and snorted coldly, looking at her back.

"A person from a small family has no self-awareness at all."

The servant on the side asked with a look.

"Madam, do you need me to deliver a fruit plate to the young master?"

"Go ahead and remember to knock on the door. I don't want people to think that our Lin family is uneducated."

In the study, Yu Keke breathed a sigh of relief and smiled exaggeratedly at Lin Qin.

"It scared me to death. Look at Auntie's expression just now. It looks like she wants to eat me. If she does this, I won't dare to come and play with you next time."

"My mother is like that, she doesn't mean anything."

Yu Keke frowned and complained, his tone low.

"I didn't say anything. Besides, we are different from before. It's normal for Auntie not to want me to come and play with you."

"We are still the same as before. Let's not talk about this anymore. Come on, sit down."

Yu Keke sat down next to Lin Qin carelessly, then raised one leg nonchalantly and placed it on Lin Qin's lap familiarly.

"Oh, this is the most comfortable. Give me a squeeze."

Lin Qin said nothing, stretched out his hand to knead her legs gently, and asked while squeezing.

"Is the money still enough? How is uncle's illness?"

"Why do you ask this? I have told you that I will work to cure my father's illness myself, without any money from you."

Lin Qin nodded and directly changed the topic.

"Okay, let's talk about something else."

Yu Keke's heart was empty, and she glanced at him with some doubts. Apparently she didn't expect that Lin Qin didn't continue to ask questions this time, but simply skipped the topic.

The money is almost gone.

Her father's illness was a bottomless pit, and the whole family has now lost their financial resources. The only material support now comes from Lin Qin's monthly subsidy of 200,000 yuan.

It’s the end of the month.

Dad's illness cost more than 10,000 yuan, and the remaining money was spent by Yu Keke on buying clothes and shopping. Seeing that the money was gone, he finally waited until Lin Qin took the initiative to bring up this topic, and Yu Keke Just as he was about to be more reserved, Lin Qin just ignored it.

Suddenly she felt a little restless, and her heart was quickly filled with disappointment.

What on earth did Lin Qin want to talk to her about?

"Didn't you study modeling with me for a while when you were in college? You are very talented and were praised by our teacher."

Yu Keke just smiled and said nothing. Her intuition showed that what Lin Qin was going to say next was very important. After getting along with him for so many years, Yu Keke knew that only silence could benefit her now.

"So, are you still working in this area?"

"Ah...yes. You are usually so busy that you don't have time to go shopping with your buddy. When your buddy is free, just find something else to do."

"for example?"

"For example? For example, do some part-time work, earn some extra money, and treat my dad."

"That's why you don't want my money? Is it because you have already made money?"

Yu Keke subconsciously wanted to deny it, but he nodded stubbornly out of pride.

"Yes, I have money now. Although my current job is very hard and tiring, I can still make money. I don't need to accept your help anymore."

Lin Qin gave her a meaningful look, and after being convinced, decided to show her cards and ask directly.

"I saw a very interesting drawing today, take a look."

Lin Qin directly sent the photo taken on his mobile phone to her. The moment he saw the photo, Yu Keke recognized it. The paper in the photo was the paper he gave to Lin Qin in his notebook.

She personally customized it, so it is instantly recognizable and unforgettable.

But I don’t know where the complicated sketch on the paper came from.

At this time, she suddenly noticed that Lin Qin had been observing her expression, as if secretly seeking confirmation.

"Do you... recognize the sketch on this paper?"

"Why do you ask? What do you want to know?"

"I want to know if what's on this piece of paper was drawn by you."

Yu Keke felt that the other party valued this piece of paper, so he continued to speak vaguely.

"Is this important to you? Why do you ask?"

"Just answer me yes or no."

"Then this piece of paper is mine, and of course the painting on it is also mine! What do you want? You came to me just to ask me this?"

Admit it so simply and directly?

"You...it's you."

Lin Qin couldn't believe it.

Such a great design actually came from people around me.

But he still had some doubts in his heart, but this was the only possibility.

Who else could be there besides Yu Keke?

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