Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 223 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (20)

There is another possibility, that is someone Yu Keke knows.

In short, no matter who this person is, the key person currently is Yu Keke.

"Ke Ke, if you say that the drawing is yours, then you should know how important this drawing is to our company. I want to ask you something. Our company is currently experiencing some difficulties and we need to ask the city leaders..."

When Yu Keke heard this, he was obviously a little panicked.

City leaders please?

What does this have to do with her?

"With your current status, it couldn't be easier to do this. It only takes one sentence."

"In a word... Oh, okay, you can contact me when the time comes. Is this the only reason why you came to me today to talk about this? I'm hungry, let's go eat first."

Lin Qin finally had a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll take you to dinner."

The two of them walked out of the study together, and happened to meet the servant coming to deliver the fruit plate.

Lin Qin knew this and ordered with a darkened face.

"From now on, don't go near the study on the second floor without my order."

"But this is Madam..."

"No matter who asks you to come up!"

The servant retreated silently. Mother Lin downstairs just pretended that nothing happened. When her son was about to leave, she just gave instructions in a calm tone.

"be careful on the road."

Just as Yu Keke was about to say hello to Mother Lin, he was dragged into the car by Lin Qin.

"Next time you don't have to look at her face, you are you, you just have to be you."

Yu Keke couldn't help but blush.

"You... why are you telling me this? She is an elder, and she should have a better attitude towards her elders. Besides... you have nothing to do with me, why are you telling me this?"

"Ke Ke, you have always understood what I mean. I know that when I finish dealing with these troublesome things around me, I will give you an explanation."

As soon as he finished speaking, the car started and the headlights illuminated, and a slender figure suddenly appeared in the light.

Lin Qin was stunned for a moment. After he saw clearly who was standing in front of him, he couldn't help but frown and his face became slightly gloomy.

Yu Keke, who was sitting in the passenger seat, could naturally see clearly. She was about to get up, but was held down by Lin Qin.

"What are you doing? It's not like you don't know your wife's character. Let her know that I'm going to have trouble with you again while sitting in your co-pilot. I won't take the blame."

Lin Qin frowned and said displeased.

"Sit still and leave her alone."

After saying that, he honked the horn at Jin Shu, then lowered the car window and looked at her.

"What do you want? Why are you coming to my door?"

Jin Shu didn't say much nonsense and directly opened the door and said something to Yu Keke, the co-pilot.

"You, get out of here."

Yu Keke, however, sat motionless, his tone calm and neither salty nor bland.

"If I were you, I wouldn't have the shame to come to Lin Qin. Don't you have another man? Why are you still here?"

Jin Shu's expression was indifferent.

"Which field did you pull the onions from? What does our family affairs have to do with you?

Don't forget, I bought this car after we got married, and I own half of it, so get out of the way before I can talk to you properly. "

Yu Keke glanced at Lin Qin aggrievedly, and before he could speak, Jin Shu spoke again.

"A new round of financing for the Lin family is about to begin, right? Believe it or not, I sent the video of you two kissing in my house to reporters before the divorce?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Jin Shu! Don't talk nonsense!"

Jin Shu took out her mobile phone and opened the video. There was a photo of two people hugging each other and kissing on the balcony. In the photo, Yu Keke looked intoxicated and helpless, while Lin Qin was leaning on her. If the door hadn't been closed at that time, the two of them would have been waiting for each other. The process of human reproduction was staged on the spot.

Seeing this video, Yu Keke's expression suddenly changed. He glanced at Lin Qin's expression subconsciously, and then hesitantly explained.

"This...this was an accident. You were drunk and I was drunk at the time. Neither of us were sober!"

Lin Qin was much calmer, obviously he clearly remembered what happened that day.

"Keke, you go and sit in the back first."

Yu Keke bit her lip, and finally got out of the car and sat in the back row.

She originally wanted to leave directly, but then she thought about it, why not take advantage of today to talk everything out, so as to save herself from getting entangled later.

After Jin Shu got into the passenger seat, Lin Qin started the car.

"You're putting a camera in my room?"

"I'm not that shameless, you two are too devoted, and no one noticed me even after I stood there for so long.

I thought it wouldn't be interesting to watch it by myself, so I might as well record it and leave it to everyone to watch together. "

Lin Qin gave her a cold look.

"Tell me, what is your purpose?"

"It's simple. I only take what I should take. Half of the things you buy after marriage belong to me.

This includes the money you spent on her. "

Lin Qin looked ahead and couldn't help laughing.

"Jin Shu, I always thought you were a sober woman, but now it seems you are not as smart as I thought.

What qualifications do you and I have to negotiate? Just based on the video you have?

Believe it or not, my team of lawyers can help you get clean and leave your home, but also make you owe a lot of debt? "

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows.

If she hadn't read all the relevant marriage laws before coming here, she would have almost been frightened by this bitch's tone.

No matter how good a lawyer is, how can he confuse right and wrong in the face of naked evidence?

Jin Shu is not the original owner, she has a strong core and the capital to rely on herself.

If she hadn't wanted to vent the original owner's bad temper, she wouldn't have bothered to come in person.

The car finally stopped at the entrance of a hidden restaurant, and the three people sat in the car without moving.

Lin Qin glanced at Jin Shu and his tone was very calm, even with a smile.

"Since you proposed it yourself, I will grant it to you, but don't think about anything else.

Jin Shu, don’t be greedy. I’ve let you live the life of a rich wife for so long, and you’re still content. "

"Living as a rich wife? You mean serving tea and water to your parents and washing your sister's back and rubbing her back?"

Lin Qin, as a rich man, I find that you have no good moral character at all. Not only are you stingy and treacherous, but you also spend a lot of money to support your mistress.

I want to ask, as a human being, do you really have no shame at all?

Oh, Yu Keke, please listen, this sentence is also about you. "

Yu Keke's face in the back seat turned red and white, and he couldn't say a word at all.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Lin Qin is on her side.

Jin Shu was very busy and continued after expressing her thoughts.

"I am a very reasonable person. The premise is that you will also be reasonable with me. Now that I have said everything that needs to be said, since you are acting rogue, I will negotiate with you in another way.

If I were you, you'd better bring your mistress out secretly before the marriage is divorced, otherwise it will be too late to regret if the evidence is photographed. "

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