Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 224 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (21)

After finding two people to go crazy, Jin Shu really felt a lot more comfortable all over her body, and the throbbing pain in her heart disappeared.

Sure enough, this method must be the most effective.

Without giving Lin Qin a chance to speak, Jin Shu got out of the car, closed the door, took a taxi and left in one breath.

The originally harmonious atmosphere in the car became quite strange, and the sound of Yu Keke's soft sobbing could be heard.

"I'm not a mistress, why doesn't Jin Shu believe that I don't have other thoughts about you?"

"Don't worry about what she says. I will definitely get divorced from this marriage. I will let her get out of my life completely in a month."

Hearing this, Yu Keke felt better. He thought the dinner between the two could continue, but Lin Qin turned around and said again.

"If you don't want to eat, please accompany me to meet someone first."

"Meeting whom?"

"Didn't you promise to help me? You should still have the original drawings on that piece of paper. Bring the originals and I will take you to meet an important person."


Yu Keke suddenly realized that he seemed to have made things worse.

Where did she get the original? She didn't even know what was drawn on that manuscript.

In panic, she said something random.

"You are looking for me just for your own business, right? I'm tired and you can send me back. As for the original document, we'll talk about it later."

Fortunately, Lin Qin just looked at her silently and drove her home without saying anything else.

"I'll accompany you upstairs."

In the past, Yu Keke would have warmly invited him up, but this time she felt guilty and said perfunctorily.

"Forget it, everyone is very tired today, I have to go upstairs first."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

Lin Qin stood downstairs and watched the lights in her home turn on. Then she turned back to the car and turned on her phone. At this time, her assistant sent a message.

[Boss, Changheng Agricultural Machinery Company has started live broadcast again. I heard that new products will be released today]

Upon hearing this, Lin Qin directly opened the link and entered the live broadcast room. At this time, the number of people in the live broadcast room was almost over 30 million, but the live broadcast page was still blank.

The barrage was going crazy.

[Why can’t I find any of the previous live broadcast content? I originally wanted to watch the replay, but I couldn’t find any news on the entire Internet! 】

[It has been deleted by the entire network. Forget it, all the content I saved on my phone has been forcibly deleted. Now the identity of the anchor must be kept secret, so let’s not dig deeper.]

[Hey, anyway, I saw the live broadcast that day, and the anchor looked super, super beautiful! If I weren’t worried about being banned, I would be willing to describe it to you]

[If someone is so awesome, you really only have their appearance in your mind. Is that vulgar or not? 】

[In the face of other people’s wisdom, beauty is completely worthless! ! 】

[Wow, I’m really looking forward to what new products will be announced next! I think it will be an improved version of rain bombs! 】

【Looking forward to looking forward to looking forward to it! ! Anchor, please go online soon! ! Ahhhhhh I can't wait! 】

Ten minutes later, the live broadcast screen finally appeared. As everyone was calling for it, Jin Shu, wearing a mask and work clothes, walked up to the live broadcast camera and sat down slowly.

The live broadcast room instantly became extremely popular, occupying several hot search lists.

Jin Shu wore a rabbit mask, and her entire face and even her hair were wrapped.

She herself doesn't care much about showing her face on live broadcasts, but it is obvious that the country cares about it and has repeatedly emphasized that all her privacy must be protected and cannot be disclosed to anyone.

There was no other way, so Jin Shu could only put on a mask and reveal her eyes to watch the barrage in the live broadcast room.

"Hello everyone, I haven't seen you for half a month. How is everyone?"

【not good--! ! I can’t even eat whatever I want you to eat! 】

[Stop inking and let me know what new products you want to release! ! I'm ready to buy]

[I didn’t grab the ten rain bombs before. No matter what they are this time, I have to grab them and try! 】

Compared with the lively atmosphere in the live broadcast room, Jin Shu was calm and calm, and her voice had no fluctuations.

"First, let me introduce to you the new product that our factory has just released recently. This ZJ112 medium-high-speed harvester has an innovative and flat track. It can walk on the ground no matter what the soil quality is. It can also be completely separated from manual control during harvesting. , unmanned driving, single-machine operation saves manpower..."

[I don’t want to watch this, even though it sounds awesome]

[Is this the new product you are talking about? After the explosion at the beginning, this is too stretched.]

[Although this is very good, it is still too childish compared to the previous accurately positioned rain bombs. Has the boss encountered a bottleneck? Do you want to take more rest? 】

[Some people are satisfied, a rain bomb can already guarantee their food and clothing for a lifetime! The country has already given her special protection, so do they still need to do other things? 】

[Hey, the higher the expectations, the higher the disappointment. I thought there would be a more explosive design this time, but you just sell the harvester? 】

[The end of the universe is selling goods, let’s break up, let’s break up, I guarantee you will only be able to see this for the next two hours. In this case, there is no need to wear a mask]

Jin Shu looked at the content of the barrage and was indifferent. She helped the factory introduce the product for an hour and sold about 30,000 new harvesters.

"Okay, today's work is over."

[What are you doing, I waited so seriously for more than an hour and then listened to you wearing a mask and selling goods for more than an hour? 】

[Isn’t it true that you really don’t have any new products at all? It’s okay to take out the rain bomb from before and talk about it.]

[He's just a salesman. He developed a rain bomb through bad luck. Now he must take advantage of the current wave of popularity to sell more goods and make more money. Some people are really funny and chase after him to create gods. How can there be so many gods in the world? Can you please stop being moved by yourself? 】

While the barrage was filled with complaints, Jin Shu stood up directly. Everyone thought she was going to leave the broadcast. Unexpectedly, the camera followed her out and walked out of a studio. Then suddenly the dazzling sunlight shone, and the picture turned into Amidst the white flowers, Jin Shu could still be vaguely seen walking in front.

After the screen adjustment was completed and the light was normal, everyone finally saw the background of the live broadcast clearly.

This is an orchard that has just begun to bear fruit. The neatly pruned branches extend far into the depths. An experienced person can tell at a glance that this is an apple tree.

【What are you doing? Is there any outdoor live broadcast session? 】

[Is this the time when agricultural machinery is sold out and agricultural products are sold? At least you have to wait until the fruit grows before selling it]

[Now we are all doing pre-sales. Once the seeds are planted, we will start pre-sales of the fruits. Hahahahahaha, we are really treated like leeks! 】

[Watch it if you like it, just go away if you don’t like it, okay? Their rain bombs were successfully launched seven times in just half a month, saving agriculture in the entire drought-prone province! 】

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