Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 225 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (22)

[With her current merit, let alone selling goods, no one dares to stop her even if she puts her sales address at the door of the government office! 】

[Chinese people love making gods the most. In the final analysis, they are just ordinary people. I just hate selling things. What’s wrong? No matter what she sells, I won’t buy it! 】

As soon as this barrage came out, Jin Shu, who was wearing a mask, took out a metal ball from his pocket at some point. It was about the size of an adult's thumb. It was shiny and looked heavy.

Jin Shu put the metal ball in her palm and handed it to the camera.

In the lens, the female palm is white and delicate. Although there are some inconspicuous calluses on the joints, it still does not affect the slenderness and beauty of the knuckles.

"This ball is called a sea spider."

[Well, why is a ball named Sea Spider? 】

"Why is it called a sea spider? Because I was watching the animal world at that time, and happened to see this underwater creature. It looked inconspicuous and useless, but in fact it can live for tens of thousands of years.

I admired the attitude of this animal very much, so I named my next invention the Sea Spider. "

After speaking, Jin Shu gently clenched her palms.

The next second, the metal ball that was lying peacefully in the palm of his hand suddenly fell apart, and slender spider legs quickly grew, and then quickly crawled around in Jin Shu's palm.

There was a lightning strike at the opening, and the entire live broadcast room was in an uproar.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! I knew it! ! Ahhhhh! So cool! ! 】

[Holy shit, watching a science fiction movie in a live broadcast room, it’s so cool! It’s so cool! 】

[Change, Transformers? 】

[First of all, I admit that this thing is cool, but what next? What is the practical effect? It can't just be a metal ball that can turn into a spider, right? 】

"Throw it out now..."

Jin Shu raised her hand, and a black gadget was thrown out in an arc, and disappeared into the trees the next second.

"Throw it out like this, and it will start to kill the pests on the tree according to the program. A sea spider can accurately kill the pests in an entire fruit forest in one day. It is precise and fast, and it is 100% error-free, natural, green and pollution-free. "

[It seems like a booger was thrown out just now]

[How can one booger get rid of pests in an entire fruit forest? How did you do it? It’s not that I don’t believe it, I’m just curious]

[What I want to know is whether this sea spider is an animal? If it is an animal, how to control it? If it is not an animal, what energy storage does it rely on? After all, it is only so big. Can it really kill so many pests after throwing it out? 】

For a time, various questions filled the entire live broadcast room.

The main reason is that he doubts the authenticity of what Jin Shu just said.

That is a small sea spider, where does its energy come from, and how it kills pests.

Jin Shu said calmly.

"Don't worry, you'll find out when you get back after it's resolved."

[Can I still find it, sister? 】

[After what happened with the rain bombs before, I believe her now that she can get into college with this little nose]

[Is there anything more outrageous? Watching her live broadcast makes it easy to doubt the authenticity of the world]

"Don't worry, there is a system to control it. It will come back. Depending on the number of pests and eggs in the orchard, its working hours will also change. Like today's orchard, the area is small and there are not many pests, almost... I look at the time, and the battle will be over in five minutes."

[Pointing to an orchard of more than ten acres and saying it’s not big]

[Now is the time when there are the most pests, so there are not many pests]

[Holy shit, if this can really be mass-produced, farmers will be able to save more than half of their working time from now on! ! I can’t believe how much easier it would be for my dad every spring and summer if there were no pests! ! 】

[You are still too conservative. If there are no pests, there is no need to spray pesticides. You can’t imagine the amount of pesticide costs. Even if pesticides are used, there is no 100% guarantee that there will be no pest residues. In short, as much as the total output is lost due to pests every year. More than 60% of the output. If all pests can be eliminated, the price of domestic fruits will drop to a level you can’t even imagine]

[The fruit-loving star is already screaming in bed! ! 】

When the five minutes were up, Jin Shu stretched out her hand towards the orchard. Under the live broadcast camera, a small black dot flew over from near to far, and finally landed firmly in Jin Shu's palm.

The little spider moved its long legs and slowly curled up into a ball, and finally returned to its original metal ball appearance.

The entire process, which took only twenty minutes, silenced the entire live broadcast room with 30 million people.

[I think it’s totally worth watching as a science fiction film, Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. is so... awesome! ! 】

[Holy crap, can you really summon me back? ! ! Even if this thing is useless, I am still willing to buy it! ! What a fucking awesome electronic pet! ! ! 】

[Link up! ! Link up! ! ! ! ! 】

[Don’t force me to kneel down and beg you. If there is no little sentence in the palm of my hand tomorrow, I will cry for you to see! ! 】

[I am the only one who saw a spider that can jump eight meters high, and I actually thought this sea spider was super cute! ! So good! ! 】

[Hey, hey, calm down, everyone, this is not a toy. Does anyone remember that this thing is used to get rid of insects? 】

【I am scratching my head and want to own it! ! Please link, I will buy it no matter how much it costs! ! 】

The barrage went by too fast. Jin Shu was too lazy to look at it. She touched the metal ball in her hand and pressed it lightly with her fingertips. The next second, an ant-sized ant popped out of the metal ball. Laser hole.

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room was howling to connect, an even more outrageous and shocking scene appeared.

The laser hole that popped up from the metal ball was directly projected on the white curtain in front of them. Just when everyone was wondering what this thing was, the next second, the red laser quickly spread out, followed by a sea spider's perspective. The picture from the perspective appeared on the screen clearly.

【ah? ? ? ! ! ! 】

【ah? ? ? ! ! ! ! 】

【ah? ? ? ! ! ! ! ! 】

[Brothers, I’m not lying. I have been kneeling on the ground to watch the live broadcast from the beginning. Now I want to bring my whole family to kneel together]

[The laser projection screen is hidden in such a small metal ball? ! ! I'm tired of saying the word "fuck". Please, please just go to the link, please? 】

On the screen, the sea spider quickly moved to a fruit tree, its sights were accurately aimed at the pests hidden under the leaves, and then it shot out a laser! !

With a sound of "biu——", the pests under the leaves fell apart on the spot and fell from the leaves.

What followed was extremely fast movement and precise and error-free strafing!

Not to mention pests, even the eggs that are the same color as the leaves are completely destroyed by the laser!

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