Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 231 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (28)

On the LED screen, the first-person view of sea spider pest control is being played. This scene was also a live broadcast at that time.

Everyone in the audience watched attentively, and Yu Keke asked Xu Mu in a low voice.

"Isn't this really a processed video? This is too exaggerated."

"Of course not, this is the first perspective. This robot is really good. Remember to hold the sign for me when the auction starts. No matter how expensive it is, you must buy one."

Yu Keke pursed his lips and yawned impatiently.

"Hey, if I had known it was such a boring meeting, I wouldn't have come. Saving the world has nothing to do with me. I'm just a salty fish. I just want to lie down all day."

"Shh, be quiet, Teacher Tutu is going to speak."

Jin Shu adjusted the microphone in front of her, and the specially invited reporters immediately started asking questions.

"Teacher Tutu, I have a question for you. Regarding the pricing of Sea Spider, I heard that the current price of a Sea Spider robot is 500,000, and the target customer group of this robot should be the majority of farmers in China. Excuse me, if a Sea Spider robot is priced at 500,000, Is the selling price of 10,000 yuan too expensive for these retail investors?”

People in the audience whispered, and Yu Keke exclaimed in a low voice.

"That thing costs 500,000 yuan a piece? Oh my God, isn't it just a flying laser gun? Does it cost 10,000 yuan to make? How many farmers can afford it?"

At this moment, Jin Shu spoke.

“Sea Spider is still in the research and development and improvement stage, and it will take about a month before it is put into mass production.

At present, the production capacity of our factory is low. The reason for setting such a price is firstly to recover the cost as soon as possible, and secondly for the sake of these businessmen below.

No matter how much I set the price, the sea spider will eventually be sold at a sky-high price, and farmers cannot afford it. Since this is the case, it is better to price it at the highest value. This will also limit the people who resell sea spiders to rich people.

At the end of the day, I want to make a profit for my company.

As for the follow-up increase in the factory's production, I promise here to equip farmers with Sea Spiders at low prices. You don't have to worry about this. Once it is produced, it will definitely play its due value. "

After hearing this, the people below looked at the people around them in unison.

Jin Shu was right. When Sea Spider was launched on the market, it would be priced at a sky-high price no matter what. In this case, it would be better to just set a high price and raise the threshold. In the end, it would only make money for the rich, not the poor.

"Then I would like to ask Teacher Tutu. I heard that the rain bombs and sea spiders were designed by you alone. I would like to ask if anyone really participated in the design and development process?"

"No, I'm used to working alone and not working in a team. Maybe I can consider working in a team if I have the opportunity in the future."

The answer is watertight and thorough.

Next, the reporter asked several questions one after another. Finally, seeing that time was running out, the reporter hurriedly asked questions.

"Is there any chance that I can see the improved versions of rain bombs and sea spiders you brought to this seminar?"

"Well, they will be put on display one after another. If you are interested, you can join the bidding."

"Then what inventions and creations will Teacher Tutu bring to us next? This question is not only ours, but also the most curious question of the majority of netizens. I don't know if Teacher Tutu is inconvenient to answer it."

Jin Shu smiled and said calmly.

"Yes, I am currently researching a genetic health drug that can increase the production cycle of agricultural products."

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