Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 232 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (29)

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's eyes immediately shone with a different kind of brilliance.

Everyone looked in disbelief as they listened to Jin Shu continue to speak calmly.

“The actual function of this agricultural product health medicine is to increase the lifespan of crops. For example, seedling crops such as strawberries bear fruit from December to March of the following year, and then they are uprooted and abandoned.

With the use of this medicine, it is expected that the strawberry fruiting season will be extended directly from December this year to December next year, achieving year-round production and doubling the output.

In addition, this type of pesticide is effective on other crops, so please be patient. "

The whole place was in an uproar.

Even Lin Qin, who had always been casual and leisurely, couldn't help but sit up straight and listen to Jin Shu's next words.

"This potion is still in the research and development stage. I have a tube of the first-stage product here. It will be placed in an exhibition cabinet for everyone to see after the seminar."

After the seminar, everyone moved to another dinner hall. There were gorgeous and exquisite round tables in front of the hall. There were only seven or eight tables in the huge dinner hall. In front of the table was an auction table. After the dinner, the experts’ recent patents Inventions are put up for auction here.

Jin Shu did not attend the dinner, but she did not need to attend any occasion where she might show her face. The organizer prepared a private dining and resting place for her. The only people who could come in were the manager Heng Chao, Meng Jin and Guo Xu who came with Jin Shu.

“There was an owner of a real estate company outside just now, and he tried to sneak in by pretending to touch the wrong door, but in the end he was discovered by the bodyguard and kicked out.

These people really don’t know what’s going on in their minds, using such stupid methods to get close! "

Heng Chao asked Jin Shu again.

"You must wear a mask. The international situation is tense now. It would be very dangerous if they knew your true identity."

Jin Shu nodded and continued eating. She didn't take these words to heart. Anyway, there were people around her at all times, so she didn't need to remember these things deliberately.

At this time, Heng Chao asked casually.

"As you just said in the press conference, are you really going to give low-price policies to farmers in the future?"

"Well, you can earn as much as you can in the early stage, and then sell it to farmers at a low price in the later stage. You will have earned enough by then."

"I don't care about this. Although money is very important, I have actually made a lot from you these days. After making money, you should always do something for society.

What is this move called? Earn money from the rich to subsidize the poor and complete the redistribution of social resources. "

At this time Jin Shu put down her chopsticks.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

"Isn't there one in the lounge?"

"Guo Xu just used it, and it smelled very bad inside."

Guo Xu blushed silently and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... I just couldn't hold it in and used it. Mainly, the restroom outside was full of people. I didn't understand why these people who came to the seminar were all men. The restroom was full of people."

"Okay, don't explain, I'll go out and use it."

Seeing that Jin Shu was about to leave the lounge, several people immediately followed him. The bodyguards outside also heard the sound and followed Jin Shu without even eating.

Heng Chao muttered to himself.

"Next time you go out, you still have to arrange a special female bodyguard. It's still inconvenient for us to have a bunch of men following you."

Jin Shu turned her head to look at him and said in a calm voice.

"If someone wants to hurt me, the thing you should worry about is that it's not me."

"That's true."

Having seen Jin Shu's fighting prowess, three tough men couldn't get close to her. This ability was more than enough to protect herself.

Several people walked her to the bathroom door, and Heng Chao repeatedly told Jin Shu not to take off her mask casually.

"Hold the walkie-talkie and call me anytime if you have any questions."

Jin Shu glanced at the walkie-talkie, waved her hand expressionlessly, turned and entered the bathroom.

Men accounted for nearly 90% of the seminar, so the girls' bathroom was empty.

When Jin Shu came out, she was lowering her head and washing her hands. At this time, someone walked over quietly beside her.

"Hello, my name is Yu Keke, one of the investors in this seminar. I didn't expect to meet you here."

When the words came, a hand was stretched out. Jin Shu looked back at her, then lowered her eyes slightly and nodded her head in the next second, without any intention of reaching out to respond to her.

Seeing the cold and arrogant attitude of the other party, Yu Keke smiled awkwardly, but she probably guessed it, and she didn't have much emotion.

"Teacher Tutu is great. I have a friend who likes you very much, but he is a coward and dare not say it. As a good brother, of course I have to think about his happiness.

His name is Zhou Zhoubai. You should know his father. Mayor Zhou, there is nothing wrong with his family background. I am now opening a bar in the city. He opened the most famous Wind Bar, which is now a nationwide chain and has made a lot of money.

You saw him in person today. He is tall and handsome. I think he is really good enough as a partner.

Teacher Tutu, do you want to think about it? "

Jin Shu looked at her silently, listened to her words, and then smiled softly.

"This is a seminar, not a matchmaking corner in the park. If you like being a matchmaker so much, then I think a marriage agency is more suitable for you. This is a place for academic discussions, and you are not suitable here."

Yu Keke was a little sullen, but he still tried to maintain a calm attitude and tried not to let his momentum be at a disadvantage.

"Teacher Tutu likes to talk about academics so much, so why don't you focus on scientific research? Why are you still thinking about making money? In the final analysis, academics require money.

Just like today's seminar, it wouldn't be possible without investors like us, and you can't make money without us paying for the products you design.

If you have noble moral character, then don't think about making money. Since you said such philistine things, don't pretend to be noble here.

My brother is good at everything, but his brain is not very good. We are both women, and women know their inner thoughts best. You wear a mask to maintain a sense of mystery, and we all know what the ultimate goal is. "

Listening to Yu Keke's long speech here, looking like a life mentor who understands human nature, Jin Shu couldn't help but sarcastically curl her lips.

“If you understand one thing, investors like you can grab a lot of them, but I am unique.

I think you want to prove that you know me well enough, so you might as well stand at the same level as me and talk to me about something more nutritious.

I understand you. Your limited brain capacity can only allow you to associate everything with the relationship between men and women. After all, the lower human beings are, the more instinctive they are to reproduce.

This is also good. With people like you around, human beings can continue to multiply from generation to generation. Your existence promotes the quantity of human beings, and my existence promotes the quality of human beings. In the final analysis, we are all working for the development of human beings. effort. "

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