Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 238 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (35)

【God bless China! ! God bless China! ! 】

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I didn’t expect to see such advanced technology in this life! ! Live a good life! 】

[With this, our country must not go sideways! ! This is not an agricultural machinery, this is clearly a combat mecha! ! 】

[It can attack and defend, and can attack and retract freely. When placed on the battlefield, it is basically an invincible weapon. Some countries who saw this video should panic]

【Rabbit! ! ! Bunny! ! ! My goddess! ! 】

[My partner and I burst into tears when we saw this scene! Do you know this feeling? Everything in science fiction movies has become reality. This kind of admiration and humility in the face of things beyond cognition makes me really feel that my life is unreal.]

[I can totally understand what you said above! I thought I was the only one who couldn’t help but cry when I saw this scene]

At this time, this live broadcast was being broadcast across the entire network.

In a country thousands of miles away, hundreds of people were sitting in the presidential conference room, staring intently at what was being broadcast live on the big screen.

When the mecha was awakened and bounced off, the entire memory room was filled with dead silence.

Everyone looked at each other and saw shock and panic in each other's eyes.

Especially the president, who was sitting at the head of the table, was frowning. The atmosphere in the entire conference room was depressing, and an invisible sense of crisis filled everyone's hearts.

"Mr. President, what do we do now?"

"Take screenshots, be precise down to the details, arrange all scientific research personnel, and give me a result before tonight! I don't believe that we can't develop the mecha they can develop!"

"All detailed images have been processed and sent to the National Research Department. I believe there will be good news soon!"

At this time, the live broadcast continued. In less than ten minutes, a huge black shadow jumped directly from the mountain. With a height difference of tens of meters, it landed silently in front of Jin Shu. Its eight long legs cooperated tacitly, and its hind limbs supported the body. , with a red apple stuck on the tip of each of its six claws.

It gently brought its paw to Jin Shu, and its dense red eyes stared seriously at the master who created it.

This scene was captured by the high-definition camera at the scene.

Soon after, this photo appeared directly on the cover of a national scientific research magazine. It was the first photo of a mecha and a human being. This historic scene deeply shocked everyone in front of the screen.

Standing in front of the cold and huge mechanical giant was a slender and fair girl. She took the apple it picked and put it in her mouth and took a bite.

"That's sweet, thank you."

[Kill me to cheer you two up! ! 】

[What happened to Wucao? ! Why does Wucao feel so CP? ! 】

[Although I know it is intelligently controlled artificially, I still can’t help but feel that it really looks like a mecha warrior with human emotions! 】

[I will never forget this scene in front of me for the rest of my life, and I will never forget this girl. A girl of flesh and blood but with a heart as strong and hard as steel! 】

Jin Shu stretched out her hand, and the sea spider in front of her slowly bent down in front of her, letting her put her hand on her head.

[Invincible mecha VS genius girl, ah ah ah ah, kill me, knock me to death! ! 】

[I would like to take the liberty to ask, is this mecha, ah, no, the second generation of Sea Spider, for sale? 】

The poster of this barrage wore a glittering identity verification crown after his nickname.

[I rely on the richest man! The heirs to the richest man in the country are here! 】

[One second I wanted to see who dared to utter such arrogant words, but the next second I saw who it was, I’m sorry I was presumptuous]

[Even if you are the richest man, there is a high probability that he will not sell it to you. This involves important national secrets. How can it be sold privately]

Jin Shu didn't see the content on the barrage, but Heng Chao told her.

"Someone wants to book the second generation of Sea Spider. What should I say?"

"Reservation? Just sell it, I don't care."

"This may not be easy to sell, and the higher-ups probably won't allow you to sell it."

Jin Shu waved her hands and said calmly.

"It's okay. I can produce a special version of the entertainment model. This one is for agricultural use, and there is also a combat version. You can just send someone to airlift it to City B and show it to the people on the national defense side."

Heng Chao couldn't help but give her a thumbs up.

"Teacher Jin, Teacher Jin, it has to be you! Is there anything in the world that you can't do?"

"These inventions are only what I learned from others. Compared with that person, I am still inferior."

"Is there anyone more powerful than you? Stop joking with me."

Jin Shu slightly raised her lips and smiled helplessly.

"When it comes to other things, he can't compare to me, but when it comes to R\u0026D and transformation, he can be called the number one in the world."

Heng Chao looked incredulous and asked in a low voice.

"Who is that? Your friend? What does he do now?"

"He is not in this world."

"Ah... He's no longer in this world... That's such a pity, hey!"

The live broadcast will continue after the intermission. After all, the pest control ability of the second generation of Sea Spider has not yet been verified.

An hour later, the new pest rate detection data came down, and the staff behind him ran over excitedly, holding up the report in their hands and shouting while stumbling along.

"It's out!! It's out!!"

The live broadcast location was on a mountain road, and there were potholes and gravel at her feet. When she saw her running over, Jin Shu had a bad feeling in her heart. Just as she was about to exit the door, she heard a short shout from the staff member. Following that, the body rushed towards Jin Shu's direction uncontrollably.

At this time, she dodged, and there was a big rock behind her. The girl who jumped at it would most likely get her head smashed, and in worse cases, her face might be disfigured.

So Jin Shu stood motionless, stretched out her hand and hugged the staff member's hand, and then built a buffer wall with her body. She staggered back several steps and then hit the stone heavily.

This scene happened so fast that no one around them could react. By the time they realized what had happened, Jin Shu had already helped the girl stand up.

The other party held the data report sheet in his hand and looked at Jin Shu in panic. His whole body was trembling and he couldn't speak completely.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Teacher Tutu, I didn't mean it, ah! Teacher Tutu, your waist! There is blood on your waist!"

The girl subconsciously reached out and opened the hem of Jin Shu's clothes. Jin Shu's waist appeared in the live broadcast room in a flash. She reacted quickly and immediately pushed down the clothes. The live broadcast screen was also at this time. Quick transfer

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