Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 239 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (36)

Heng Chao had already rushed over. After all, he had seen the big world. He calmed down the panicked staff immediately and said in a calm voice.

"Teacher Tutu is fine. You go over and calm down for a while. Teacher Tutu's wounds need to be treated."

The staff member's eyes were already red, and although she tried her best to endure it, her voice still betrayed her panic and fear.

Jin Shu held her waist, glanced at her, and then frowned.

"So? What's the latest data?"

"Ah? Oh, the data, the data is here! The latest data is that the pest rate is zero percent! There is not a single pest in the entire forest, but the remaining ones are all harmless or beneficial insects to the forest!"

Jin Shu nodded.

"Well, your grades are good, thank you for your hard work."

After this interruption, the staff's panic finally calmed down. After watching Jin Shu leave, her colleagues quickly came up to ask her.

"What's wrong with you? How could you still make Teacher Tutu fall?"

"I...I was so excited that I didn't pay attention to my steps."

"If Teacher Tutu hadn't blocked it for you just now, your face would most likely be disfigured. Did you see that stone? It's full of gravel. It hurts even if you touch it lightly, let alone her. I got hit hard by you.”

The girl's face was full of guilt and uneasiness, and her colleagues were helpless and comforted her.

"But Teacher Tutu just meant to forgive you. Don't be irritable next time. This means she has a good temper. If it were someone else, you might not be so lucky.

Okay, work hard next, and don’t let down Teacher Tutu’s praise for you. "

The little girl was surprised and happy, crying and laughing at the same time, and her heart was filled with gratitude and admiration for Jin Shu.

On the other side, the medical staff rushed here immediately. After lifting up the hem of his clothes, a small and inconspicuous tattoo was hidden around the waist where the stone had bruised the flesh.

Heng Chao was about to avoid it when he accidentally caught a glimpse.

The tattoo seems to be an artistic font. The two words should be a name.

The staff checked it out.

"The cut is a bit deep and might damage the tattoo on your lower back."

Jin Shu lay on the bed and was stunned for a while.


"Yes, the tattoo near your waist is a name."

He was hit so hard that he couldn't see clearly.

Jin Shu later remembered that the original owner did have a tattoo on his waist.

She was so confused that she dragged Lin Qin to get a tattoo on the first day when Lin Qin agreed to date her.

Facts have proved that love brain has nothing to do with IQ. The original owner is also a talented girl with a good IQ, but in terms of showing affection, she is still similar to a young girl who has just started to fall in love. The first step is to show her sincerity.

The way to do that is to get a tattoo.

Lin Qin was also stimulated by the unclear involvement of Yu Keke and other men, so he agreed to go along.

Two people, one tattooed on the waist and one on the upper arm.

They are each other's names.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu frowned.

"It's just a good idea to destroy it. I'll wash it if I can."

"If you don't want it, we can help you deal with it during the follow-up process."

"Well, thank you."

In the original plot, the heroine often quarreled with the hero because of the tattoo on his arm.

It didn't take long for the male protagonist to change the name on the tattoo, but the tattoo on the original owner's waist actually followed her until death.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu felt a little uncomfortable.

I just took this opportunity to get rid of this thing, which can be regarded as helping the original owner to completely stop thinking about it.

While I was lying down taking the medicine, the cell phone next to me started buzzing and vibrating.

Normally, Jin Shu's mobile phones are all silent, but only one mobile phone number is special. Whenever there is a message from the other party, there will always be a reminder. This is also set by the original owner, so Jin Shu knows who is calling without looking at it. Telephone.

He never called her before, and Jin Shu didn't realize this problem, but now that the divorced guy was calling her one after another, Jin Shu took the phone and blocked it and deleted it.

As a result, the address book and some friends in the chat software were all deleted. After a while, a chat dialog box still popped up on the phone.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be an exclusive couple chat account launched by a certain software many years ago. To establish this account, two people need to water each other's love tree continuously for a hundred days. If there is no watering for one day, the tree will wither and start again.

The original owner took the male protagonist's mobile phone and forcibly poured a marriage tree for herself and him. Now the big branches are lush and leafy, and they have also bred many love flowers. When these flowers mature, they will drop seeds, and lovers can Leave messages in the seed. These messages cannot be deleted unless it takes another 100 days to dissolve the relationship.

Jin Shu lay on the bed, expressionless.

There was a little more water in the original owner's mind than she imagined.

And this incident also vividly demonstrates a truth, that is, in today's Internet era, as long as the other party wants to contact you, he will have a way to contact you no matter what.

Jin Shu couldn't help but sneer when she thought of the scene in the original plot where the original owner was seriously ill and bedridden and couldn't contact Lin Qin again and again.

This man probably has something wrong in his head, and he still does this after getting divorced.

Jin Shu still ignored her and asked the doctor to clean up the tattoo on her back.

Heng Chao outside watched the replay of the live broadcast just now, his brows furrowed and his expression solemn.

Many people noticed the tattoo on Jin Shu's back, and some even took screenshots to enlarge the tattoo to study its content.

Tattoos are not a big deal, but nowadays, anything linked to Jin Shu can cause everyone to talk about it.

Everyone is speculating on the meaning of this tattoo, and at this time someone has roughly figured out the content of the tattoo.

[The case has been solved, Teacher Tutu’s tattoo is a name, it seems to be a man’s name]

[Then why do you conclude that the font of the flower is a man’s name? Maybe it belongs to a family member]

[I didn’t expect that a serious person like Mr. Tutu would have a tattoo. He seems to know what is worthy of Mr. Tutu having a tattoo on his body.]

[Can you please stop digging into Teacher Tutu’s privacy? She is now a key protection target. Once someone knows her true identity, it will be very dangerous for her! 】

[Since you know it is very dangerous, then stop being active in front of the public. However, live broadcasting is the most prone to accidents. Now that it’s better, an accident has happened. Although I don’t sound nice, but you know you have a special status, so stop pursuing it. Is it okay to be a public figure? 】

[If you know what you say doesn’t sound nice, don’t say it! When people were not broadcasting live, two or two would run to the factory gate and beg Teacher Tutu to continue the live broadcast. Now that they are live broadcasting, they have shown us advanced technology that we will never see in this life, and they are making sarcastic remarks here again. Isn't it disgusting to you? 】(End of this chapter)

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