Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 240 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (37)

[What's so noisy? It's just a tattoo, and it's covered in blood. Who can recognize what it is? If you continue to quarrel and bring up the topic, can't you just shut up and watch the live broadcast? 】

[Wuwuwuwu, Mr. Tutu is so kind. If I meet such a considerate and gentle senior in my life, I will be really happy for the rest of my life! 】

[Don’t give up on live streaming because of this! ! Please, Teacher Tutu! 】

Although many people are advocating not to talk about this topic anymore, there are still many people talking about tattoos.

While everyone was guessing what the tattoo was about, Lin Qin had been sitting on the sofa for a long time in the Lin family villa.

On the screen of the mobile phone is the live broadcast that has ended long ago.

Mother Lin returned home after getting her make-up done. As soon as she opened the door, she saw her son slumped in the corner in despair, his eyes dull and his expression dull, an expression he had never seen since he was a child.

This frightened Mother Lin. She trotted and squatted in front of Lin Qin, asking in a low voice while constantly testing Lin Qin's reaction.

"Aqin, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell? Mommy has called the doctor for you."

"Aqin, you were scared, mom, what's wrong with you? Is it because of that girl Yu Keke again?! Okay, okay, stop looking like you're dying. Mom will never stop you two from getting along with each other again. Okay? I promise that I will never interfere in your affairs again!"

"Aqin! What's wrong with you kid! Mom said she won't care about you and Yu Keke from now on. Anyway, you are divorced now. Even if you marry Yu Keke back immediately, I won't care!"

Upon hearing the word "divorce", Lin Qin's dull eyes finally showed some fluctuations.

He looked at Mother Lin in front of him, took a deep breath, his expression was complicated and his eyes were painful, and finally he lowered his head and covered his head and hummed.

"Divorce...yes, we are divorced."

Mother Lin was frightened again.

"What's wrong? What's wrong with you? This is it!"


Lin Qin looked up, his eyes even redder.

"Mom, do you think there is still a possibility between me and Jin Shu?"

"What did you kid say? Are you out of your mind? You and Jin Shu are divorced, what else is possible?"

As soon as he said these words, Lin Qin's eyes were instantly filled with red bloodshot eyes, and he looked a little crazy.

"Divorce! How could we get divorced! We obviously just got married, why did we get divorced!"

"I asked you when you wanted to divorce at the beginning. Think carefully before making a decision. Divorcing so early will affect our family's reputation. It was you who made up your mind to divorce. Why are you still here now that your wish has been fulfilled? Talk about this nonsense!

Well, Jin Shu is not a good thing either! How attentive were you to me before you got married? He cooks and serves tea and water, but after getting married, his true colors are revealed! Being away from home for half a month is a good time to leave such a woman! "

"do not talk!"

Lin Qin suddenly roared angrily, which made Mother Lin tremble all over.

She stared at her son with wide eyes in disbelief.

"Are you crazy?! What's wrong with you?!"

"Stop it, please don't say this in my ears, okay? Jin Shu told me before that she wanted to move out. I should have moved out directly after I got married, so that she wouldn't have trouble living in this house!"

Mother Lin's face turned green when she heard her son say this.

"You mean she has been wronged by me! I didn't want to marry her when you wanted to marry her! What? After marrying her back, you have to ask me and your father to enshrine her as a Bodhisattva?!"

"You have never regarded her as one of your own! Otherwise, why would she insist on divorcing me!"

Tears fell from Mother Lin's eyes. She was completely confused now and looked at Lin Qin with confused eyes.

"Are you regretting it? Don't you dislike Jin Shu? Haven't you always been thinking about that girl Ke Ke? Why did you change it now?

Son, what's the matter with you? Were you drugged by Jin Shu? What's good about her? A small business has no future, so you have to find someone who can get on the stage..."

"Why can't she get on the stage? Do you know her? Why do you say that about her when you know nothing about her?!"

Normally, Mother Lin would whisper in her ears about Jin Shu's bad qualities, but at that time, she was busy with work and could only try to persuade both sides and deal with it with Xi Ni.

Jin Shu asked him more than once if she could move into her own house, but whenever that happened, he would always reply impatiently.

"Isn't it good for the whole family to live together? Can't such a big house accommodate you? Do you have to live separately?"

Whenever this happens, Jin Shu will remain silent.

Thinking about it now, she must have given up on this marriage completely due to repeated disappointments.

Overwhelming regrets surged in, and Lin Qin's heart was filled with regrets. Why didn't he keep such an outstanding girl as Jin Shu?

What made him regret even more was that all the signs that had happened before had shown him Jin Shu's true identity, but he turned a blind eye and missed the truth again and again.

No wonder the original draft of the rain bomb was drawn on that piece of paper. He thought of all the possibilities, but he never thought that Jin Shu would be the one who had the best chance of getting in touch with that piece of paper.

No wonder Heng Chao would appear in front of Jin Shu again and again, calling her Teacher Jin one after another. Now that I think about it, who else can be treated with this attitude by Heng Chao, besides the legendary Teacher Tutu?

Now that I think about it, Jin Shu's excellence has already been shown in college.

She has excellent grades. As the only girl in the class, she can hold the first place in her age group time after time.

The reason why he chose Jin Shu at that time was precisely because he was attracted by her excellence.

Since when did he gradually forget that Jin Shu was once so dazzling?

Lin Qin couldn't remember it. He thought about it and felt as if a piece of his heart had been hollowed out.

The family doctor came soon and found that Lin Qin's heartbeat was very fast and her expression was numb. He immediately contacted the hospital to pick her up.

In this way, at Mother Lin's strong request, Lin Qin was admitted directly to the hospital.

At this time, Lin Qin's sister Lin An also received the news that her brother was hospitalized. Yu Keke happened to be shopping with her, so the two of them immediately drove to the hospital.

When he arrived in the ward, Yu Keke was even more nervous than Lin An. He pushed the doctor away and jumped directly into Lin Qin's arms.

"What's wrong with you! We haven't seen each other for a few days, why have you tortured yourself like this!"

Lin An saw his brother's pale face and couldn't help but remember that he often looked like he was dying when he and Yu Keke quarreled, so he tried to persuade him from the side.

"I know you two had a quarrel recently because of the Xu family's affairs, right?"

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