Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 241 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (38)

Xu Mu missed the opportunity to cooperate with Changheng Equipment because of Yu Keke, and Lin An also knew about this.

Later, for some reason, Yu Keke and Lin Qin quarreled over this matter again, and they didn't contact each other for several days.

Today, Yu Keke took the initiative to ask Lin An out for shopping and inquired about Lin Qin.

Because she knew that, counting the days, Lin Qin and Jin Shu's divorce cooling-off period would end in these two days, and they would get divorced in these two days.

Because of this, Yu Keke had been waiting for Lin Qin to take the initiative to find her. After waiting for no news for a long time, Yu Keke became anxious. She wanted to find out some information from Lin An. As a result, not long after the two came out, they received a message from Lin An. News that Qin was hospitalized.

On the way here, Lin An was still complaining to Yu Keke.

"I can guarantee that my brother did it on purpose. When you two quarrel, you always make each other miserable. There has been no movement from your side, so my brother became anxious.

According to his bad temper, he would definitely not take the initiative to contact you. As soon as he heard that you were shopping with me today, this happened!

It’s true that if you two quarrel, everyone around you will suffer! Anyway, my brother is divorced now, so stop torturing each other and lock yourself together! "

Lin An couldn't bear the torture from these two people.

As long as there is a quarrel, Lin Qin will be cold-faced to everyone. If it were anyone else, it wouldn't matter. The key is that Lin Qin's identity is different. Is he the head of the family or the person in charge of the entire company? As long as he is in a bad mood, not only his family members will be affected. Judging from the cautious look on his face, the people in the company would be even worse off.

When he is in a bad mood, he asks everyone in the company to work overtime and work overtime with him.

It's really terrible.

When the two of them arrived at the hospital and saw Lin Qin's appearance, Lin An gave Yu Keke a "sure enough" look.

At first glance, he was shocked, and his expression of hopelessness was clearly just for Yu Keke to see!

Before, Yu Keke might have been reserved for a few more days, but she had been extremely anxious these past two days. Now that she finally had a step to go down, she stopped doing it.

Just like that, in front of everyone, Yu Keke boldly hugged Lin Qin and said with sobs in his eyes.

"How many times have I told you? Don't make fun of your body anymore. If you do this again, I will never come to see you again."

Father Lin and Mother Lin on the side chose to ignore it.

The two of them knew that their son liked Yu Keke, and they didn't want to see their son suffer after all these years, so they simply chose to let him go.

Lin Anze discussed in a low voice with Mother Lin.

"We can put the wedding agenda up the agenda. I feel like it's only a matter of these two months."

"Getting married just after getting divorced is a joke!"

"What's the point? You don't know what my brother's temper is like. Who can stop him from doing what he wants to do? You'd better take the initiative to mention it. These two are not proactive people, so they still have to rely on us to push him."

Mother Lin frowned and looked at Lin An.

"Do you really like Yu Keke as your sister-in-law? You are very worried about their affairs!"

"I don't know why, I do so many thankless things, but I just can't control myself. I just want to see them get married."

Lin An himself didn't understand what was wrong with him. He just had to get involved in the feelings of these two people in a good life.

A fan of authorities, she still doesn't know that there is a character called "Tool Man" in every sweet novel.

Seeing that his mission was about to be completed, Lin An couldn't help but get excited.

What a beautiful scene.

Then the next second, Yu Keke, who was crying for love, was pushed away by Lin Qin with a frown.

For a moment, the tears on Yu Keke's face seemed to freeze, everyone looked confused, and Lin An was even more in disbelief.

What are you doing? Yu Keke has taken such initiative, but his brother is still putting on airs?

Not thinking about it anymore?

"Lin Qin, there is no need for us to torture each other anymore. I understand your thoughts, and there is no need to say more about mine. Today we will make it clear in front of your family.

I'll sit here. If you agree, we'll go get the certificate in the afternoon. "

This is the boldest thing Yu Keke has ever done in this relationship. She would never have been able to say this proactively before, but there have been too many changes recently, and she doesn't want to waste time anymore.

She waited expectantly for Lin Qin's reaction.

Was he so excited that he cried, or was he just holding her in his arms?

However, it was not the case. Lin Qin still looked at her with an indifferent expression. His eyes were different from before, without any love at all.

"I have a wife, do you think it's appropriate for you to say this in front of me?"

Yu Keke's expression froze.

"Lin Qin, what's wrong with you? What do you mean?"

Lin An even rushed over and said loudly.

"Can you please stop it! Brother, Ke Ke has taken such initiative. What else do you want? Are you still thinking about that mistress Jin Shu!"

"She is your sister-in-law!"

Lin Qin's sudden anger was so frightening that Lin An couldn't help but shrink his neck.

"You are divorced! Weren't you very proactive when we divorced before? Why are you saying these things now? Brother, is there something wrong with your brain? Keke is standing in front of you! Is it appropriate for you to say these things?"

The word "divorce" cut into Lin Qin's heart like a knife.

He took a deep breath and said to Yu Keke in an indifferent tone.

"I'm fine, you go back first."

Yu Keke looked at him tremblingly.

"Are you sure? I left this time, and I will never come back next time!"

"Stop messing around, go back, and I'll give you an explanation when I sort out my thoughts."

The next second, Yu Keke rushed out of the door angrily.

When had she ever been wronged like this in Lin Qin's place!

Lin An couldn't even shout back. In the end, the whole family looked at Lin Qin with strange expressions. Lin An even wondered if he was possessed by a ghost.

"Brother, what do you want? Are you still my brother?"

Lin Qin's look told her whether he was her brother.

Mother Lin had already been stimulated once, so she was a little calmer than the other two.

"Okay, okay, you have a good rest first. After you have rest, you can think about what you want."

"Don't think about it, I want to remarry Jin Shu."


Lin An: "You are absolutely crazy."


Jin Shu went back to live in the community arranged by the factory every day.

The original owner's parents lived here, and the family happened to be next to each other, so they could walk around if they had nothing to do.

The original owner's parents are both teachers, and they speak softly no matter who they speak to. Their daughter has always been their pride. Ever since they found out about their daughter's divorce, the couple has been comforting her.

Today the family sat together to eat, and Jin’s mother cooked a table of delicious dishes.

Heng Chao, Guo Xu and Meng Jin were sitting together, the three of them surrounded Jin Shu, their attitudes were dignified and cautious.

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