Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 242 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (39)

Jin's mother didn't know the identities of these three people at all. She only said that they were colleagues of Jin Shu, but as colleagues, their attitude towards Jin Shu was too respectful and reserved.

Heng Chao was a little better. At least he could communicate with Jin Shu normally. Meng Jin and Guo Xu went too far. They huddled aside and looked at Jin Shu's face the whole time. As soon as their eyes moved, the two of them immediately stood up, one poured water and the other picked up vegetables. Jin Shu didn't need to get up during the whole process, she just had to lower her head to eat.

Mother Jin also asked Jin Shu in a low voice.

"What's going on with these two people? Are they so attentive to you?"

"This kind of diligence is not that kind of diligence. Stop thinking about it, Mom."

"Then you're single now and you don't want me to think about it? But you're still young, so don't worry about this kind of thing. Next time you look for a partner, keep your eyes open and don't find someone who is arrogant and rude like the last time. Come to our house Just have a meal and think of yourself as the boss.”

"Okay, don't mention the previous one, let's eat."

After dinner, Heng Chao and the other three played cards with Jin's father, while Jin Shu followed Jin's mother downstairs to visit the supermarket.

"What have you been busy with recently? I haven't come back to see you for such a long time."

"I found an agricultural machinery company to engage in scientific research. I was working on a new project some time ago and I have been living in the workplace and haven't come back."

"Yes, I have long advised you to find a job. Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, as long as you have no income, you will not be able to straighten your back. No matter how much money you make, you will feel at ease."

The original owner's parents were both reasonable. It was a pity that they taught the original owner to be humble and respectful, and taught her to be down-to-earth and progressive, but they did not teach her how to face an unequal relationship.

The reason for returning home this time was because the original owner felt guilty towards his parents. Since he had taken over his body, he naturally wanted to help him make up for all his regrets.

The old couple was about to retire. In the original plot, they passed away not long after their daughter passed away. The couple had a lot of illnesses caused by teaching and educating people throughout their lives. Jin Shu came back this time to help them recuperate.

"I recently developed a health-care medicine. I tried it myself and it felt good, so I specially formulated a medicine based on your physical condition. You and my dad should insist on taking it every day. It is good for your health."

When Mother Jin heard this, she couldn't help but ask.

"Don't you work in an agricultural machinery company? Why are you still studying this?"

"Oh, when I was researching detoxified growth agents for crops, I studied this by the way. Don't worry, there will be no side effects."

"It's not that I'm worried about this..."

Mother Jin took the small bottle handed over by Jin Shu. There was nothing on it. When she opened it, she found a bottle full of gummy candies in various shapes.

"Hey... I'm not a child anymore and you are teasing me with these things."

"I'm not kidding you. Just remember, take one pill every morning and night. It's good for your health."

"Okay, okay, take one pill every morning and evening."

"I will monitor you via video, don't eat too much, and don't not eat too much."

When the mother and daughter came back from shopping, the trolley pulled by Jin’s mother behind her was filled with delicious hot pot ingredients for the evening.

Jin Shu likes to eat these soupy things. Every time she comes back, Jin Shu’s mother will prepare a seafood hotpot, and this time is no exception.

As soon as they pressed the button on the elevator and the elevator door opened, a man in black clothes walked in first. Before the mother and daughter could react, the other man had already put his hand on the elevator door and said warmly.

"Mom, please come in."

Mother Jin raised her head in surprise, looked at the man in front of her, and then looked at Jin Shu.

"He, why is he here?"

The person standing in the elevator was none other than her ex-son-in-law Lin Qin, who had just divorced her daughter not long ago.

The reason why she was so shocked was because the son-in-law had not been to her place a few times since they got married. She didn't expect that he would suddenly appear here after getting divorced, carrying a lot of things in his hands.

Lin Qin replied with a smile.

"Mom, I have something I want to talk to Jin Shu about, so I came here to see her."

"You two are divorced, so don't call me mom."

Mother Jin is not stupid. If her ex-son-in-law suddenly comes to show her courtesy, there must be something wrong.

Jin Shu followed him into the elevator expressionlessly. Lin Qin pressed the floor button. When the three of them appeared at the door together, Jin's father was also stunned.

We weren't very familiar with each other before, but now that we're divorced, it's even more embarrassing to see her again.

The Jin family are all decent people, but even so, they still invited Lin Qin in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Heng Chao and his group waiting for Jin's father to come back to play mahjong.

The moment he saw Lin Qin, Heng Chao's expression changed. He seemed to be more serious and indifferent than the Jin family's parents.

"How did you come?"

"Sorry to bother you, I'm looking for Jin Shu. If you continue, we can go to the study to chat."

He was familiar with the layout of the Jin family. Although he had only been here two or three times, every time Jin's father would arrange for him to drink tea in the study. When treating his son-in-law, Jin's father would always bring out the good tea he had collected without hesitation. As a result, he only took the lead. I got Lin Qin's "It's okay".

Jin Shu nodded towards Heng Chao, indicating that it was okay.

In the study, two people sat facing each other. Lin Qin looked at Jin Shu in front of him. Only then did he realize that Jin Shu's figure was exactly the same as that of Teacher Tutu in the live broadcast.

As long as he pays more attention to Jin Shu, he won't get to the point where he doesn't recognize her at all when she puts on a mask and changes her voice.

Regret wrapped around his heart so densely that he almost suffocated.

"Jin Shu, I've been thinking a lot these days. I'm not happy at all after being separated from you."

"You must know my identity."

Jin Shu bluntly exposed Lin Qin's hypocritical mask and looked at him with an indifferent expression.

"So you regret divorcing me after knowing my identity?"

Lin Qin's expression suddenly became unnatural. He frowned and remained silent for a long time, looking at Jin Shu silently.

"I myself feel that I am a bit hypocritical, but one thing is true. I chose to marry you because I liked you."

"Okay, okay, in order to avoid unnecessary contact in the future, I will make it clear to you now.

We are divorced and we are strangers from now on. I have no relationship with you at all. Do you understand?

You and I can never get back together. "

In one sentence, the relationship between the two people was completely destroyed.

Lin Qin was stunned in place. He didn't expect that Jin Shu would cut off all contact between the two people so decisively. He thought that the divorce was just because she was disappointed with him. As long as he behaved well, there would still be a possibility for the relationship between them to continue. .

"Okay, I've said what I need to say. Do you have anything else to say? Just say it here once and for all, and don't contact me again in the future."

"I have nothing to say. I know you are disappointed in me, so I will use actions to prove that I have changed."

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