Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 246: The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (43)

No one expected that this Shura field aspect would appear.

Bai Qingqing was familiar with the roads around him and started to rescue him directly.

"What Brother Qin just said is that Keke is just like our sister, hasn't it been like this since childhood? But to us, Keke is our biological sister, to Brother Qin, she is the love sister, hahaha, no One thing, isn’t it? Brother Qin, you should pay more attention to what you say next time.”

Lin Qin looked at Yu Keke who was about to cry in front of him, and the panic that flashed in his heart quickly disappeared.

I don’t know since when, my love for Ke Ke gradually faded away.

Maybe it was because she lied and said that the manuscript was hers, or maybe it was because he found that she was pulling on him while also being involved with other men.

In short, he now knows exactly what he wants.

So now he only feels a little guilty when facing Ke Ke.

"Ke Ke, come sit here and ignore him."

The other brothers were all making jokes, but Yu Keke just stared at Lin Qin.

"Lin Qin, am I just a younger sister?"

In full view of everyone, Lin Qin sighed and nodded.

"Keke, from now on we will just be brother and sister."

Yu Keke's eyes turned red instantly. This look made Xu Mu furious on the spot. He rushed up and grabbed Lin Qin's collar.

"What do you mean?! You don't know how Ke Ke feels about you?! What do you mean by saying this now?!"

Yu Keke was just crying. She choked and asked Lin Qin.

"So this is your final answer, right?"

Seeing that Lin Qin was still nodding, Yu Keke's eyes were wide open and his breathing was stagnant. He stood there at a loss, as if he had been greatly stimulated.

Everyone came up to break up the fight, but Lin Qin said expressionlessly.

"Sooner or later, I have to make something clear. Since everyone is here today, let's make it clear to everyone. I have a wife, her name is Jin Shu. Although my relationship is experiencing some setbacks now, it's not a big problem. If you can accept it, we will Continue to be brothers. If you can't accept it, that's fine. Let's go our separate ways and don't contact each other anymore."

Yu Keke immediately hugged Xu Mu's shoulders and cried. Xu Mu glared at Lin Qin, then took Yu Keke's hand and left the bar without hesitation.

The others who were still drinking were stunned.

Guys, you looked at me and I looked at you. In the end, he was the most arrogant person around. He leaned over and handed Lin Qin a bottle of wine.

"What's wrong? It wasn't like this before. Are you two quarreling again?"

"It's okay, I just think of her as my sister."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...sister, you two have been arguing for so many years, and I thought that we were about to achieve success, but you just said, "I'm just a sister."

what happened? Did Jin Shu drug you? Why are you so devoted to her? Not even Keke. "

"Jin Shu is very good, but I was blind before, so I decided to remarry her."


At this time, everyone around Bai was stunned. They watched Lin Qin finish saying this, then stood up, picked up his coat and said something to himself.

"She's about to get off work, I'll pick her up."

"You're crazy."

The protagonists were all gone, and Bai was too lazy to get involved in those people's affairs and continued to stare at the live broadcast.

Soon Teacher Tutu, whom he had longed for, came back.

There was no way, no one could accept the live broadcast substitution. After seeing the familiar rabbit mask, Bai Momo reached out and touched the rabbit pattern on his head.

It's been half a month, and the pattern on my head is still clearly printed.

It couldn't be washed off. It couldn't be washed off at all. Bai repeatedly confirmed that there was nothing wrong with his marker. He doubted everyone except Teacher Tutu.

In the end, there was nothing he could do, so he simply gave up.

He pulled it if he couldn't wash it off. It was a gift from Teacher Tutu to him anyway, and he couldn't bear to wipe it off.

The brothers all said that he was crazy, and the people around him didn't care at all, and even directly said that he would protect Teacher Tutu for the rest of his life.

After arousing a burst of ridicule, surrounding Bai still went his own way, trying his best to use all his connections to find an opportunity to contact Teacher Tutu again.

Finally, the opportunity came. At the city's outstanding talent commendation meeting, Teacher Tutu's name was among them. After repeated invitations by Zhou's father, the general manager of Changheng Agricultural Machinery finally agreed.

With this relationship, Zhou Bai shamelessly asked for a logistical job, which was to serve tea and water to the guests invited to attend the commendation meeting.

In this way, he can get close to Teacher Tutu again, and maybe even exchange a few words with her.

Zhou's father thought his son was embarrassed and asked him not to call him his son outside. Bai Bai repeatedly promised not to embarrass the Zhou family, and then he got himself a job as the leader of the logistics team.

A week later, Jin Shu’s live broadcast ended at nine o’clock in the morning.

Because she gets up early, she gets up at six o'clock every day and goes to work at seven o'clock. In order to match her schedule, the live broadcast time is also directly set at seven o'clock in the morning.

After the two-hour boring live broadcast ended, Jin Shu glanced at the number of people online, more than 30 million.

Turning off the live broadcast, she asked Heng Chao.

"Are the more than 30 million people real data?"

"It's true, it really can't be true anymore."

"Then what are these more than 30 million people thinking? Watching me bow my head and draw blueprints for two hours?"

Jin Shu didn't understand where there were so many idle people.

Heng Chao looked at her and said seriously.

"So you know your influence now? Those people are just here for you. No matter what you do, they will buy it. So next time you should tell them in advance before you are lazy, otherwise these tens of millions of people will watch helplessly. Yes, how pitiful you are."

Jin Shu rolled her eyes.

"Don't put too much blame on me. It's none of my business if they are willing to wait."

Heng Chao was also used to her coldness, so he chose to shut up and remain silent.

"The commendation meeting is about to start, and the provincial leaders will also come. You are a special guest, will you go?"

"You arrange it. You don't need to tell me about this kind of thing."

Heng Chao nodded.

"Okay, let's leave now. It's only two hours on the same road as going to your parents' house. You can still go home for dinner after the commendation ceremony."

When Jin Shu arrived, the venue was already full of people. In order to avoid causing a commotion, she did not wear a mask for the time being and waited outside the auditorium for a while.

When it was about to start, Xu Mu, Lin Qin and others, who were also outstanding talents, also came together.

The two of them walked in tandem, and Bai, who was walking in the middle, looked around excitedly.

"I don't know when Teacher Tutu will arrive, but my dad said that Teacher Tutu is an important guest and must appear in the finale."

Bai was still chattering around here, and Xu Mu suddenly turned around and walked towards the door.

"Keke, you're here."

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