Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 247 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (44)

Yu Keke followed his teacher to the scene.

The people around Bai also saw it and followed him to say hello.

"Oh, by the way, your teacher is also the award-winning guest this time. Ke Ke is very interested. The teacher brought you to such a public place to promote you in disguise."

Yu Keke has always been a violinist in the city's music troupe. Because of his study experience in a well-known foreign music school and his talent, he became a teacher of well-known domestic musicians at a young age.

Music troupes do not make money, and they are busy traveling around every day without touching the ground. Therefore, Yu Keke rarely participates in the activities of the music troupe. For such a long time, he has only been a violinist in the group, occupying a position in the group. .

Today's city commendation meeting can be regarded as a major annual meeting in the city. Yu Keke knew that his teacher was on the invitation list, so he contacted the teacher a week in advance.

She knew that Lin Qin must also be on the invitation list. In addition to him, there was also the man who had been secretly helping her and was even the award guest at this event.

So she begged the teacher for a long time, and finally got the teacher to agree to take her along.

On the way here, the teacher was still trying to persuade her.

"While you are young, you should accumulate more experience and learn more. The violin is an instrument that will deteriorate if you don't practice it for a day. Since you have talent, don't waste it.

How many people want to join our music group? How many people can get the establishment of the city's cultural troupe? Since you are in your position now, you should do the work you need to do in a down-to-earth manner and don't let people down. "

Yu Keke agreed wholeheartedly, but his mind was very confused.

When she just graduated, through the connections between Lin Qin, Xu Mu and the people around her, she was easily admitted to the art troupe and worked in a regular establishment, which was leisurely and stable.

But the monthly salary of 18,000 yuan is not enough for her to have a meal.

In the past two years, she rarely went back to work. This position was hers anyway, and no one dared to say anything even though there were so many people supporting her behind her back.

Her main source of income is Lin Qin's monthly support.

Such days have lasted for many years. Even though her family has declined, she has never suffered any hardship, and her living standard has not dropped at all.

But since Lin Qin stopped putting money into her card not long ago, Yu Keke has had a very difficult two months.

He has been renewing her father's medical bills, so she doesn't have to worry about this, but she is short on personal expenses.

Although Xu Mu is also helping her, the Xu family can't protect themselves now. Xu Mu only has tens of thousands of living expenses a month. Even if he gives her all, it is still not as much as the fraction that Lin Qin once gave her.

The deepening sense of crisis made Yu Keke seize every opportunity to meet Lin Qin.

So when she saw Lin Qin outside the conference room, Yu Keke immediately pursed her lips and stared at him silently with tears and grievances in her eyes.

In normal times, even if they were in a cold war, Lin Qin would never not contact her for such a long time, let alone cut off her source of income.

So this time Yu Keke took the initiative to show weakness. She didn't believe he couldn't see such an obvious signal for peace.

Sure enough, Lin Qin came over.

Yu Keke lowered his head and bit his lip, his shoulders trembling slightly, waiting for Lin Qin's hand to gently rest on his shoulder.

After a while, a hand patted her shoulder. Yu Keke slowly raised her head and her expression was in place. When she looked up, she saw her teacher standing in front of her, looking at her with a puzzled look on her face. .

"Keke, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying? I think you were in a bad state along the way. Why don't you go back first."

Yu Keke shook his head wildly, not caring about the teacher, and quickly turned back to look at the door.

Lin Qin actually ignored her and walked towards...Jin Shu who was standing at the door? !

Why is she here? !

"Ke Ke? Yu Ke Ke! What's going on with you? Go back, I don't need you to accompany me anymore."

When Yu Keke heard this, he quickly came back to his senses, suppressed the uneasiness and confusion in his heart, and put on a smile on his face that was uglier than crying.

"Sorry, teacher, I have a fever today. Please forgive me. I'm fine. I don't need to rest. I'll take you to the lounge."

The commendation meeting has not yet begun, so all the guests went to the backstage lounge first.

The teacher frowned, suppressed the displeasure on his face, and followed her to the lounge patiently.

When leaving, Yu Keke kept looking back. Every time he looked back, he could see Lin Qin's eyes lingering on Jin Shu, as if he hadn't seen him at all.

She suppressed her loneliness and anger, sent the teacher to the lounge, followed up with an excuse to go to the bathroom, and then returned to the door impatiently.

At this time, the two people were still standing at the door, not knowing what they were talking about.

She gritted her teeth and stood trembling all over. Her weak and broken feeling, as if she was about to faint in the next second, quickly attracted Xu Mu and Bai and others around her.

"Keke, what's wrong with you?"

Yu Keke didn't say anything, and threw himself directly into Xu Mu's arms, choking and sobbing. His state of forbearing despair made the two of them immediately realize what had happened.

Zhou Zhoubai: "Holy crap, what happened to Lin Qin? Could it be that Jin Shu really gave him the drug to drink?! He must be crazy!"

Xu Mu: "Go, tell him clearly and let him end it! If he says that Jin Shu is pestering him, I promise to make Jin Shu pay the price! But if he is voluntary, then fine, from now on you and He has nothing to do with me anymore! I don’t have him as a brother anymore!”

Saying that, Xu Mu angrily dragged Yu Keke to the door. There were prominent figures in the city coming and going. He wanted to make Lin Qin lose face today!

Bai was also following behind, staring at Lin Qin and Jin Shu angrily.

Seeing these three people appear in front of him, Lin Qin realized that they were looking for trouble, so he told Jin Shu warmly.

"I will prove it to you with my actions now. From now on, I only want you."

Jin Shu hadn't rolled her eyes so hard for a long time.

How did this bitch get the confidence to say such a thing?

However, Jin Shu is still happy to watch the excitement. In the original plot, the original protagonist suffered many disasters due to the love and death of these two people. Today it is her turn to watch the show.

Jin Shu's silence gave Lin Qin great courage. A smile appeared on his face, and after taking a deep look at her, he turned to face his former friend.

"I thought I made it clear enough."

Xu Mu was always willing to charge into battle for Yu Keke. He was so angry that he was the victim of betrayal. If Bai Bai hadn't stopped him, he would have punched him.

"What do you mean? So you want to completely break up with Ke Ke for this woman?" (End of Chapter)

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