Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 248 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (45)

Lin Qin looked at Yu Keke, as if he had made up his mind, and said seriously.

"It may be a little late to say some things now, but I still want to emphasize in front of my wife that I am already married and should keep a distance from the opposite sex.

I used to think that my friends did not distinguish between men and women, but now that I think about it, it is just an excuse. I did something wrong before, which made Ke Ke misunderstood and made my wife sad. From now on, I will take the initiative to keep a distance from anyone of the opposite sex. I promise here, if I can’t do it, When my company collapses, I will die without a burial place. "

After saying this, Xu Mu fell silent.

Originally, he wanted to seek justice for Ke Ke, but now that Lin Qin has said this, what else can he say?

He turned to her.

"In this case, he is not worth your continued sadness. Since he has already said it to this point, well, we are no longer friends from now on, and there is no need to meet again in the future."

Lin Qin looked at him.

"Are you sure? You don't want the company's business anymore?"

Xu Mu offended Heng Chao, the general manager of Chang Heng Agricultural Machinery Company, who told him that he would never cooperate with him again. Now that all walks of life are facing technological transformation, they are all waiting to follow Chang Heng and buy patents to share the benefits. The Xu family was directly nailed to the death stake, and they all expected to cooperate with the Lin family and follow the Lin family to share some broth.

If he dares to say such words now, wouldn't that mean his business is on the verge of death?

Xu Mu, who was obsessed with love, put his arms around Yu Keke's shoulders and said loudly.

"For Ke Ke, I am willing to do anything! And what about you? Put her true feelings under your feet and trample on them! You don't deserve to have such a good girl like Ke Ke!"

Jin Shu was watching the show in the back and almost couldn't help but slap him when she heard this speech.

Okay, okay, what a great drama about the boss fighting for love.

It was almost time to see, and Jin Shu turned around to leave, but was stopped by Zhou Bai, who had been standing by.

"Where are you going? Do you know where it is? Do you have an invitation?"

Zhou Bai, the little bully engraved in the memory of the original owner, was the youngest among the group and the most overbearing. He would hurt his friends and bully those he didn't like or look down upon to death.

The original owner was often teased and tormented by him.

"What are you looking at? Jin Shu, you are very courageous now. Did I warn you to be more honest in the future?"

"Were you there when I beat your brother? Didn't he want to send me a lawyer's letter? Why hasn't he done anything yet?"

The faces of the white people around him darkened, and they became even more angry in an instant.

"Do you think that Lin Qin's bad eyesight makes you more vulnerable? Let me tell you, as long as I am here, I will not have a good life like you! Ke Ke is my good brother, and if you bully her like that, it is equivalent to beating me. Face!

This is my territory today, and people like you don’t deserve to be here. "

Looking at the arrogant Zhou Bai in front of her, Jin Shu suddenly felt a little puzzled.

In terms of family background, his father is also a mayor and comes from a scholarly family. How could he raise a waste like Bai Bai with his neck on the toilet?

In the original plot, he was the hero and heroine's lackey. He would do whatever he was asked to do, and he would never go east or west. Whenever the heroine was emotionally frustrated, the first thing she told was not Xu Mu, but the people around her.

After all, the people around him are clueless and somewhat powerful. Is there any tool person who can be better utilized than him?

Later, he and the male protagonist's sister Lin An got together and became a loyal supporter of the male and female protagonist's love. Well, these two people really match each other.

"This is your territory? It's so powerful, but I'm also an invited guest. Are you trying to kick me out?"

"Invitation letter? Hey, where did you get the invitation letter? Those who can come here are either the city's outstanding young people or the city's outstanding entrepreneurs. Who do you think you are? Are you a housewife?"

Jin Shu nodded.

"Okay, since you won't let me in, then I won't."

When Bai was about to say that she still had some sense, Lin Qin suddenly slapped him on the back of the head.

"Why are you so crazy? How dare you drive out anyone?"

"Lin Qin, don't just pretend to be pretentious here just because you are older than me! If it weren't for the sake of our brotherhood, do you think I'm afraid of you?

how? Just because she is yours, I can't drive her away? I'm still thinking, how could someone like her get an invitation? It's you who brought the feelings in!

Sorry, I won't let her in today! Lin Qin, if you don’t give Ke Ke face, then don’t blame me for not giving you face! "

Lin Qin looked at the white people around me in front of him with a look that looked almost like a fool.

"I just thought you were a bit stupid before, but now it seems that you have no such thing as a brain."

After saying these words, Lin Qin was about to chase Jin Shu. Unexpectedly, she got into a car outside the door and the car drove away quickly without any hesitation.

Lin Qin frowned and pressed his temples with a headache.

Behind him, Bai Bai patted Yu Keke's shoulder quite domineeringly.

"Don't worry, I will repay you a hundred times a thousand times if she bullies you! You are my brother, how could I just watch you suffer!"

It’s okay to be blind and blind like Lin Qin, isn’t Brother Mu pretty good too! "

Yu Keke's red eyes finally felt better after seeing Jin Shu being driven away.

Xu Mu was also whispering comfort.

"It's not worth it for that kind of person. You got the invitation based on your ability, while someone like her can only get the ticket by relying on a man. This is the difference between you two. You are much better than her. Don’t doubt yourself because of this.”

Xu Mu is good at comforting people, and after saying this, Yu Keke's mood actually improved a lot.

She wiped away her tears and looked around Bai.

"After all, she has an invitation letter. Will it have any impact on you if you drive her away like this?"

"Don't worry, the old man asked me to take care of the logistics. With so many people entering the venue, he didn't know there were one or two missing.

Besides, what happened if I just chased her away? She has the ability to bite me! "

Bai smiled arrogantly around him.

Lin Qin on the side looked at him coldly and said the last sentence.

"I reminded you, you can take care of yourself."


The commendation meeting is about to begin, but the leaders behind the scenes are in chaos.

Mayor Zhou could no longer sit still.

"What's going on? Didn't you agree to attend the award ceremony? Why didn't you come suddenly?"

At this time, the assistant suddenly opened the door and came in with a strange expression.

"Leader, general manager Changheng's phone number."

Mayor Zhou, who originally looked angry, immediately changed his tone on the phone.

"Hello, I heard that after you arrived at the scene, you took Teacher Tutu back. I would like to ask if there was any poor reception that made you dissatisfied?"

Heng Chao didn't waste any more words and directly played a recording for him on the phone.

"This voice should be familiar to you."

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