Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 249 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (46)

After listening to the recording, Mayor Zhou's face turned dark.

How could he not recognize this voice? He recognized the first sentence of the little brat he raised.

The hand holding the phone was shaking slightly, and his voice was mixed with anger and anxiety.

It would have been fine if it had been anyone else, but this Teacher Tutu was someone his superiors asked him to repeatedly pat his chest and promise to protect.

If he doesn't do well, there will be questions about whether he can continue to sit firmly in this position.

Now he's fine, he showed that the opportunity finally came to him, he put on a smile and was ready to welcome the distinguished guests, but in the end, he was slapped by his own little brat and his eyes flashed with stars.

Heng Chao's voice was cold.

"Sorry, since your master doesn't welcome us, we are not shameless people. Teacher Tutu is busy with work and will not attend this award ceremony. You don't need to contact us for such events in the future."

The call was immediately hung up, but Mayor Zhou did not dare to say a word.

Holding the phone in hand, he gritted his teeth, his voice almost squeezed out from between his teeth, and his anger almost turned into substance.

"Go, call me around for free!!"

The person involved didn't know what was going on yet, but when his father called out his name in the first sentence of his mouth, he knew that he was in trouble.

The last time he made a name for himself was because at the critical moment of his rise, he hit someone in a bar and caused trouble.

"Dad, what's wrong with me? Why did you call me here when I was so busy?"

"What have you done that you don't even know about?! Kneel down!!"

The people around Bai knelt down quickly, and then expressed dissatisfaction.

"What's wrong with me?"

The cell phone call recording was placed directly to his ear, and the content inside was very familiar.

Dad Zhou: "These are what you said, right?"

Zhou Bai: "Yeah, what's wrong? Dad, you don't understand the situation at that time. This woman is not a good person. Everyone knows that Lin Qin and Ke Ke like each other. She also hooked up with Lin Qin in college. You said this kind of person... "

Father Zhou's brows were so furrowed that he could pinch a fly, and he kicked Bai Bai directly in the heart.

"You loser! Don't you think about where I got this recording from?"

Only then did Bai Bai react, covering his heart and asking in hindsight.

"No matter where he comes from, you can't kick your son like this! I have to go to the door to wait for Teacher Tutu later. How can I go there if he hurts me?"

Father Zhou's chest heaved violently with anger, and he glared at the people around him and said angrily.

"This recording was given to me by Hengchao, the general manager of Changheng! This passage was recorded by Teacher Tutu himself! What you are chasing is none other than Teacher Tutu, whom your kid has been thinking about all day long!!"


The people around him opened their mouths to retort, and then shook their heads wildly.

"It's not like I don't know that woman, how could it be Teacher Tutu? She is just a canary, raised by Lin Qin for fun, how could it be possible!"

"Confused! You're still stubborn! I'm going to suffer a lot from you, a beast!"

When the people around him saw this, they suddenly felt a little panicked and uneasy.

Not only the recording, he suddenly thought of what Lin Qin had said to him in the bar not long ago. Coupled with the 180-degree change in Lin Qin's attitude towards Jin Shu, Lin Qin, who had always put interests first, could actually do it for Jin Shu completely severed ties with Yu Keke. What does this mean?

Thinking of this, Shou Bai couldn't help but break into a cold sweat on his back, and his whole scalp was numb from the shock.

"Jin Shu...how is it possible...no way, no way..."

Jin Shu is Teacher Tutu? !

The teacher Tutu he thought about day and night turned out to be in front of him all the time? !

Before Zhou's father could continue to scold him, all the people around him stood up from the ground and rushed directly to Lin Qin.

The venue was full of people, but the ceremony didn't start.

There were many provincial leaders sitting in the audience, and all of them looked solemn and serious at this time.

Obviously, they all received the news that the heavyweight guest at this award ceremony, Teacher Tutu, was kicked out by the son of the Zhou family.

Zhou Bai realized that he had gotten into a big trouble. Regardless, he grabbed Lin Qin's sleeve and asked through gritted teeth.

"So you knew Jin Shu was Teacher Tutu from the beginning, right?!"

Lin Qin covered his mouth.

"Tell your voice down, why are you so loud?"

"Really?! She is really?! Lin Qin! Since you know, why didn't you tell me in advance!"

Lin Qin suddenly laughed.

"Her privacy is a state secret. Even if I knew it, how could I tell you? How did you know?"

"Holy crap!! She is Teacher Tutu!! I actually said such outrageous things to her!! What should I do, what should I do?!"

All the white faces around him turned red, spinning in circles like hamsters suffering from a disorder.

Lin Qin said expressionlessly.

"I don't know. Just wish yourself well."

The news that Teacher Tutu attended the award ceremony but was kicked out by Mayor Zhou's son is not known by who.

Although there was no video or audio recording at the scene, anything related to Teacher Tutu was basically not a trivial matter.

At first, everyone was still skeptical, but not long after the public account released the news of the leadership team replacement, this news was considered confirmed.

Zhou's father's career was completely ruined by his son.

He was originally waiting to retire, but now he was directly investigated. The Zhou family couldn't help but scrutinize, and those who deserved to be punished were also punished.

He used to be quite respectable in this city, but now he has become a street rat.

Zhou Bai didn't expect that the words he said for his friend would turn into a sharp knife and stab him. He had no way to make amends. He tried his best not to mention Teacher Tutu, and he couldn't even see Heng Chao's face. arrive.

Of course, he is not alone. Xu Mu, who is almost as unlucky as him, has almost given the company to Huo Huo in just one month.

Changheng provided technical assistance to all companies, but not the Xu family and Lin family companies.

Lin Qin's company has a strong foundation and can withstand the impact of this technological reform to a certain extent, but the Xu family is like a dead tree trembling in the wind. He fell down before the tornado came over.

Now the two brothers became close friends and spent the whole day drinking in the bar.

Originally, the bar relied on a few people to contribute money together, but now there was no money around Xu Mu. Lin Qin, the only one with some money, chose to withdraw his investment, and the only refuge closed down early one morning.

After Zhou's father was imprisoned, all the Zhou family's assets were sealed off. Zhou Bai, who had never suffered anything in his life, could only reach out to his other brothers for help.

The result was that after ten phone calls, no one answered any of them.

The Zhou and Xu families were ruined, all because of the birth of a good son. (End of chapter)

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