Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 250 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (47)

Jin Shu has been having a good life recently, because the application for genetic health drugs has been submitted. In the next half month, the researchers above will be scratching their heads because of a small gummy. They are the inspectors who need to analyze the drugs. Composed, and then there is no time to disturb myself anymore.

There is nothing wrong with the internal ingredients. When taken apart, they are common things, but when combined according to the proportions, it becomes a brand new health care product.

They had to test the safety of the drugs over and over again. During this period, Jin Shu had nothing to be busy with, so she simply drove in a no-man's land by herself.

She has seen the Gobi Desert, but each world has a different feeling.

After returning from playing for half a month, the originally fair and clean little girl turned three shades darker. She looked like she had just returned from the countryside. She looked more like an agricultural expert than before, according to Heng Chao.

Jin Shu, who has always claimed to be an agricultural expert, goes to the capital from time to time to attend some important national strategic meetings. In today's tense international situation, Teacher Tutu's live broadcast has become famous, and almost everyone in the world has seen it.

Some countries couldn't sit still, and the Eagle Country directly sent experts to visit, asking Teacher Tutu to come forward and give an explanation in the name of harmonious international coexistence.

Heng Chao laughed so hard when he imitated the situation at that time.

"You don't know how we explained it at that time, hahahaha, the foreigner asked us, we heard that our country has developed a missile that can accurately locate, what is going on.

We say that this is an agricultural product for rain. Although the longest range is 10,000 kilometers, although it can be accurately positioned and covered with an invisible coating, this is just a high-tech agricultural product and has no other use.

Hahaha, as soon as he said this, the foreigner's face immediately darkened! Don't even dare to fart! "

The content of the live video was even more discussed on the Internet. After seeing the rain bombs that were bigger than missiles, netizens on the Internet shouted: It's fake!

When they saw Xiaobi's sea spider, netizens on the Internet became silent.

When the second-generation super mecha Sea Spider II appeared in the live broadcast room not long after, foreign netizens silently wiped the cold sweat from their heads and their calves began to tremble.

Finally, when my country launched genetic modification agents for crops and directly applied for national patents, watching the live broadcast of agricultural products harvesting that can harvest more than a dozen crops of wheat, rice, corn and peanuts every year, netizens on the Internet calmly turned off their computers and turned around. Go get down on your knees and pray to God.

God bless, I hope to be reborn as a Chinese in the next life, Amen.

At the end of the chat, Heng Chao came to Jin Shu's ear mysteriously and whispered.

"You know, someone secretly contacted me and said that as long as I can take you out of the country, they will give me this amount."

After speaking, he raised a finger.

Jin Shu took a look.

"one million?"

"One hundred million! You have underestimated your current worth! The most important thing is that I am only responsible for sending you out, and they are willing to spend so much!"

"so what?"

"I'm still standing here, haven't I already explained the result? I didn't agree, so I reported him by the way."

Jin Shu nodded.

"That's all you have, keep it up."

"If, I mean if, if someone promised you everything you wanted, would you go abroad?"

Jin Shu said calmly without raising her head.

"My backbone is not made of tofu. Besides, our country is so powerful now, what can they give that our country can't give? Use your brain."

Hearing this answer, Heng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

Okay, okay, now I can go back to work.

One year has passed in the blink of an eye, and Jin Shu's tasks have been exceeded.

There is still a lot of time left, and Jin Shu will not work as hard as before. When she has her own time, she will read books, practice calligraphy, and draw. As long as she is interested in something, she will dig into it and study it deeply.

After work, she took the national first-level nutritionist certificate, certified public accountant certificate, firefighter certificate, senior English interpreter, senior German interpreter...

Once the task was completed, the twenty-four hours that belonged to her were a bit long, and the original gift became a bit cumbersome at this time. In order to pass the time, Jin Shu studied everything that interested her.

Fortunately, there is no end to learning, and there are so many books in the library. Even if her time is extended for another twenty-four hours, she will never be able to read all the books she wants to read in her life.

The original live broadcast was stopped because his identity was exposed.

Tens of millions of fans lamented and even signed a petition in front of Changheng Company.

Later, Heng Chao had no choice but to discuss with Jin Shu and simply created a video account, where he would post some about Jin Shu's daily life and the progress of her recent inventions.

For example, there are robots that can fully automatically transplant rice and sow seeds, and giant harvesting robots that can harvest tens of thousands of acres of rice fields in one day.

In addition to these big guys, Jin Shu will also study small things when she has nothing to do, such as a fighter jet model that can glide and take off. Except that there is no room for people inside, this model has all the functions of a fighter jet.

In addition, there are second-generation Sea Spider mecha models, aircraft carrier models, heavy industry mining vehicle models and heavy industry geological exploration vehicle models.

All models, without exception, are 1:1 replicas of the original products.

The most awesome one has to be the aircraft carrier model, because it is a one-to-one replica of not a domestic aircraft carrier, but the aircraft carrier warship that the United States is most proud of.

As soon as the video was released, military fans all over the world were excited. Domestic military fans stayed up all night and directly opened a fundraising channel online, and all the money raised was used for the mass production of the model.

The estimated fundraising amount of 10 million has soared to 300 million in just two days!

At this time, it caused a sensation on the entire Internet, and it was ranked number one in the following reviews.

[It’s time for you to see the power of our country’s most mysterious organization, the tech geeks]

The second most popular one.

[Teacher Tutu is the only goddess in the hearts of otakus. I think this sentence is reasonable and I give it a thumbs up! 】

Three hundred million in two days, what is the concept? To collect so much money by one person, Teacher Tutu is the first throughout the ages.

Finally, the purchase channel has finally been opened. It is a pity that the aircraft carrier model and fighter jet model are not for sale to the public. The reason is that the phrase "one to one reproduction" is not false in the slightest. In addition to not being able to seat people, the model fighter jet can even be directly copied from the model. Glide and take off from the aircraft carrier, and then operate the handle to easily blow out the windows of the neighbor's house opposite.

You can’t buy anything too hardcore, but it’s not impossible to buy some other models to enjoy.

Heng Chao almost knelt down in front of Jin Shu in order to beg Jin Shu to sell him the heavy mine cart model.

In the end, Jin Shu really couldn't stand a man in his thirties humming in her ear all day long, so she frowned and said directly.

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