Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 251 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (48)

"Go get the stuff from the warehouse yourself."

"Teacher Jin, I will be your son in the next life, and I will honor you well in this life."

Thirty-five-year-old Heng Chao said this to twenty-three-year-old Jin Shu.

Jin Shu: "..."

I even gave up my face for the sake of a model.

Nowadays, Teacher Tutu has become an unsurpassed mechanical goddess in the hearts of otakus around the world.

Even under Times Square, the largest in the United States, there is a statue of Teacher Tutu built by local otakus who raised a lot of money.

Next to the portrait of Teacher Tutu is the president of the United States.

In less than two years, the international situation has become unprecedentedly stable and harmonious.

The old American who was always ready to stir up trouble has become shamelessly honest in the past year. He visits China more frequently than his son-in-law goes back to his mother-in-law's house for dinner.

The most influential weekly magazine in the world has had Teacher Rabbit wearing a mask on its cover for a whole year.

Before she was thirty, Jin Shu's name was written into the textbook.

In just thirty years, Jin Shu's life was more exciting than anyone else's.

Until she finally became a lifetime honorary professor, the country's highest honor, Jin Shu felt that this was enough.

So, she announced her retirement.

Leaving the job but not leaving the job means that although you have retired, you will still go back to do some work occasionally to help overcome the current difficulties.

After being free, Jin Shu naturally returned to her parents. The old couple had retired a long time ago. It happened that the family of three retired together. Every day when they had nothing to do, they would find someone to play mahjong at a table and go to the park.

During this period, Jin Shu met Lin Qin again.

He had been pestering Jin Shu for so many years. Later, with the fourth wave of technological reform and innovation, the Lin family was unable to buy any patents belonging to Changheng Group.

Therefore, there was no need for Jin Shu to take action, and the Lin family would naturally go bankrupt.

They can rely on their family income to survive for the rest of their lives, but Lin's mother and Lin An are not the type to endure hardships, and their consumption will not drop at all when the company closes.

I continue to take the new Hermès products home one after another.

It was not until all the assets were seized in the end that the mother and daughter completely realized that Lin Qin could not make a comeback.

So many luxury goods were all recycled and auctioned, and the house where I had lived for more than ten years was sealed.

When moving, Mother Lin was still asking Lin Qin.

"What's the matter with you? Jin Shu is your ex-wife, and now the whole world knows that she is Teacher Tutu. How could she be so cruel as to watch you fall into this state!"

Lin Qin has aged at least ten years this time.

It's no wonder he's old. Originally, the entire company was solely on his shoulders. After the bankruptcy and liquidation later, he was so anxious to find someone to acquire it, but in the end no one dared to take over his company.

In the end, his career was completely gone, but he still had to support his parents and younger sister. In the end, he had nothing, and he didn't even dare to raise his head when meeting acquaintances.

He still couldn't figure out why Jin Shu, who loved him to death, suddenly became so determined and indifferent.

Without giving him any chance to change his ways, even if he humbly knelt on the ground and begged her, in the end he only got a light "kneel away, it's an eyesore."

The Lin family is no longer the Lin family it used to be. A few members of the family are huddled together in a small house. The house is actually not small, but compared with the previous house, it is really not even as good as a public toilet.

The married Lin An and her useless husband were also crowded in, and all the family's expenses fell on Lin Qin.

In desperation, Lin Qin went to join the friend he once looked down upon the most. The four of them basically didn't end up well when they formed a group. They were called the Four Young Masters of Xincheng. Now one of them has fled abroad, and the whereabouts of the two are unknown. He was left with no choice but to shamelessly ask for a job in order to survive.

When he arrived at the interview, the man sitting in front of him was someone he had never paid attention to before. But now he was sitting while he stood, and he became a commodity on the shelf, letting others pick and choose.

"We are all old friends, so why are you being so polite? I am really flattered that the eldest young master of the Lin family came to ask me for something.

Based on our relationship, a job is nothing! Well, you can report directly to me tomorrow! "


Lin Qin couldn't stand the humble and depressing atmosphere, so he whispered thank you and turned around to leave.

The next day he came to the company in a suit and leather shoes to report, but the person who received him was the company's front desk manager.

"The boss usually starts work at 10:30 in the morning, so you have to get dressed and greet him at the door at 10 o'clock.

I'll change your clothes and put on your uniform later. Hurry up and the boss will be here soon. "

Lin Qin was stunned at the time. Before he could react, a doorman's uniform was thrown over him.

Seeing what he didn't understand about these clothes, an indescribable feeling of anger and shame immediately surged into his heart. He gritted his teeth and rushed out without saying a word, when a luxury car stopped. The man from yesterday got out of the car with a scantily clad woman in his arms. The woman was heavily made up and had long hair shawl. Lin Qin didn't recognize her at first sight.

It wasn't until he got closer and saw the other person's face clearly that he recognized that the woman in front of him, who was dressed like a nightclub girl, was actually Yu Keke.


The man laughed, put his arm around Keke's shoulders, and rubbed her face wantonly in front of everyone.

"Oh, what a coincidence, isn't it? They are all acquaintances! I don't need to introduce you to you, right Lin Qin?

Hey, I'm too kind and I can't help it. She knelt at my feet and begged me to let me raise her. Even though I have a wife, I can't help it. We are all friends. We can help if we can, just like you. , as long as you follow me, you will definitely have a bite to eat! "

Yu Keke lowered his head and trembled all over, as if he was forced to do nothing.

Lin Qin walked up to her with red eyes and grabbed her arm.

"Follow me, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

I thought I could take her away easily, but I didn't expect that Yu Keke tightly held the man's arm and lowered his head to break away from Lin Qin's hand.

"I won't leave, you go."

"What did you say? You won't leave? Is it possible that you did it voluntarily?"

How can it be? !

No matter how depraved you are, you can't rush into being a mistress for others!

Yu Keke said with red eyes.

"My father is sick and needs medical expenses. I can't help it. Lin Qin, please leave quickly. Stop standing here. There are so many people watching."

In the end, it was not that I felt sorry for Lin Qin's situation, but that I was afraid that she would be embarrassed if others saw her.

"I paid your dad's medical expenses for twenty years at a time! It's enough to provide for him until the end of his life! You say you can't help it? Yu Keke, are you doing it for your dad or for yourself?! I used to pay it a month ago You have hundreds of thousands! Are you doing this to me now?!" (End of Chapter)

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