Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 253 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (50)

The nervousness and excitement of a dozen young people of different skin colors were visible to the naked eye.

With their backs to the country and the country's hopes, they came here to learn advanced technology from the historical-level scientist in front of them.

Jin Shu was not surprised by this kind of scene. When she was a deity, she had hundreds of thousands of people worshiping her. Those people looked at her with the same eyes as these children now.

After a brief introduction, there was nothing easy to say. Next, nineteen people were divided into a class. Jin Shu taught them every day and led them to do research, and the class was replaced every two years.

Over the years, she has only retained one student. She is a girl with short hair and a short stature. She comes from a country near the equator. Although the country is poor and weak, she has an amazing brain and admirable willpower. Jin Shu would not let a true genius be buried, so she became the only one left behind over the years.

After the introduction, everyone gathered in the laboratory. Before teaching, the person in charge of organizing this enrollment event said a few more words.

"In this group, there is a boy named Liang Yu who you should pay more attention to. He is a rare genius. He skipped a grade to complete his Ph.D. before he was twenty-two years old. The country has given the green light to protect geniuses. The self-developed Red Ribbon Project has been successfully promoted to heaven, please take the trouble to cultivate it."

"Red Ribbon Plan? That is indeed a genius. What else can I teach him?"

He independently developed the rocket ascension plan and overcame domestic technical difficulties. As a subject of key protection like her, his mind should not need to receive systematic re-education.

"Oh, you were younger than him when you developed rain bombs and sea spiders. You are the smartest one, so you are naturally capable of teaching him new things."

Jin Shu smiled and said nothing.

Those who come here are all geniuses who can be chosen from a million people. Basically, they can get through it in one click. On the first day, Jin Shu probably introduced them to the research projects she was leading recently, and asked them to choose the ones they wanted to join based on their interests. project.

After dividing.

"Okay, you can go back and take a look at where you will live in the future. According to the regulations, you need to live in Changheng Group for the past two years. The dormitory is for one person per person. Someone will take you back to rest."

After everyone had left and Jin Shu finished the work at hand and went back, she opened the door and noticed a slender figure standing at the end of the corridor.

Jin Shu recognized that this was the genius Liang Yu who the admissions representative specifically mentioned.

"Why are you standing here so late if you don't go back to bed?"

Liang Yu slowly raised his head and looked at Jin Shu, a smile blooming on his gentle and fair face.

"Teacher Jin, I'm waiting for you."

"If you have anything to say, you can tell me in class tomorrow morning. You don't need to waste your break time waiting here next time."

"There are so many students in the class, and I was embarrassed to take up Teacher Jin's time, so I waited for you outside without permission.

Manager Heng said that you also live in the staff dormitory. "

Jin Shu nodded and continued walking forward, and Liang Yu silently followed behind.

"Teacher Jin, I want to ask you a question."

"Well, tell me."

"Polyamino groups will undergo displacement reactions when they are dispersed. How can I avoid this reaction when a fully enclosed space cannot be achieved?"

It turned out to be a question.

Jin Shu thought for a while and told him her thoughts while walking.

Liang Yu asked a lot of questions. Young people in their twenties are already at the forefront of the world in their exploration of the universe.

Jin Shu was also very interested in this, so she chatted with him all the way, and before she knew it, she quickly arrived downstairs in the dormitory apartment.

Liang Yu said goodbye to her politely, then turned and went upstairs.

In the following days, life continued to go by step by step. In addition to teaching students every day, I also took students to do experiments in factories or laboratories.

In the past two years, Jin Shu once again experienced what it means to be a crushing genius from Liang Yu. Even among the top students in the world, he is still the most outstanding.

Two years later, Liang Yu was directly hired as a senior engineer by the Ministry of Aerospace. He is the only person in history who can become a senior engineer under the age of twenty-five.

But in the end Liang Yu refused the job because he felt that he still had a lot to learn, so he voluntarily stayed with Jin Shu to continue studying.

In this way, Liang Yu became Jin Shu's second student.

Two years later, the first student returned to her home country. Jin Shu did not persuade her to stay, but just told her to follow her heart.

Liang Yu became Jin Shu's only student.

To put it nicely, he was her assistant, but in fact the two were almost partners at work. Five years later, Jin Shu had nothing to teach him. Liang Yu, who should have graduated long ago, made a decision that surprised everyone.

He stayed in Changheng and became a senior researcher at Changheng.

Although the salary is quite good, the social status is far different from that of senior engineers of the space agency.

No one understood what Liang Yu was thinking.

Heng Chao was flattered, and there was no way his company could accommodate these two giant Buddhas.

With these two people in charge, it didn't take long for Changheng to become one of the leading large companies in the country. It separated from the head office and created its own brand, becoming the most coveted workplace for all college graduates.

On days when she is not doing research, Jin Shu drives around.

Liang Yu stayed with him in the name of his assistant until he was thirty years old, and many people secretly introduced him to someone.

Jin Shu is no exception. She has no interest in being a matchmaker, but she is her student after all. It is enough to have a single Heng Chao. She cannot let everyone around her end up alone like her.

Among the latest batch of global top students, a young girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, looks like a doll, and an IQ much higher than Einstein launched a fanatical pursuit of Liang Yu. The girl learned Chinese for him and obtained a long-term residence permit for him. , and even promised that as long as she could be with Liang Yu, she would stay in the country and serve our country.

Where can he find such a good girl? People around him are urging him to agree, not only for himself, but also for the country.

As a result, the girl returned home crying on the first date.

Everyone was wondering what Liang Yu had done to others to make them cut off their feelings for him so easily.

After asking around, Jin Shu also heard about it.

"I heard that you told people that your private hobby is dissecting corpses? And you also like to collect human torsos? You usually drink too much and you like to beat people?"

This was completely different from the Liang Yu she knew.

The Liang Yu she knew was self-disciplined, cleansed, steady, elegant, patient and gentle with others. (End of chapter)

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