Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 254 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (End)

Putting aside his high IQ, he is simply an extreme perfectionist. No computer program can create a person with such a perfect personality.

Liang Yu was making coffee, and with the aroma of coffee overflowing, he skillfully poured a cup for Jin Shu, and then used cream to draw a cute little bunny on the surface of the coffee cup.

He brought the coffee to Jin Shu and then looked at her quietly.

"I told you that I don't plan to get married. Just like you, I want to dedicate my life to scientific research."

Jin Shu took the coffee and took a sip, then nodded.

"People who say such things will not end well. Lao Wu, who retired not long ago, had a hard time taking a break but suffered a myocardial infarction on the third day after retirement and could not be rescued.

In life, you still have to enjoy it, don't push yourself too hard. "

Every time Jin Shu spoke, Liang Yu would listen carefully and his eyes would stay on her quietly, like a little domestic pet. No matter what you do, he would give you a positive response as soon as possible.

"What about you? You keep yourself very busy every day. Aren't you worried about your future?"

"I'm different. I'm taking a good rest somewhere you can't see."

Jin Shu has become accustomed to treating her own twenty-four hours as a time to relax. During this time, she can relax as much as she wants. She can just lie down without thinking about anything, or she can soak herself in the hot springs under the volcano. Floating quietly.

It would be too one-sided to judge her level of effort solely based on her usual state.

"Teacher Jin is very powerful. I can learn a lot from you. Teachers work so hard. As a student, of course I cannot relax."

"Go back after your coffee."

"Where to go?"

"Go back to where you belong. Don't stay in the laboratory. I don't need assistants or students anymore, and I have nothing to teach you."

This means driving him away.

All students, after learning the knowledge they want, can’t wait to leave and go where they want to do what they want to do.

Only Liang Yu has stayed here.

From the age of twenty-two to thirty, the most beautiful years for young people, he almost always did research with Jin Shu.

At first, Jin Shu thought he was just paranoid and studious, so she was more tolerant of him.

As for now, if she still can't see the other person's thoughts, then her life will be in vain.

There is no need for a genius to waste his time on the impossible.

Liang Yu looked at her silently, with a little darkness hidden in his eyes.

He was silent for a while, then slowly spoke.

"When I was twelve years old, I saw you on a live video. That was the first time I met a person named Teacher Tutu who had a nice voice.

From then on, I knew the direction of my life's efforts. It took me ten years to finally come to you, and I was finally qualified to say the first words to you: My name is Liang Yu.

After that, I spent another eight years standing by your side, mustering up all the courage to say the second sentence to you: Teacher Jin, I really like you.

I have loved you for more than eight years. "

Jin Shu pursed her lips and smiled.

"Well, I received your like, thank you, but I'm sorry that I don't accept it.

I told you a long time ago that you can keep all the extra love for yourself. If you really want to place it elsewhere, then love the mountains, the sea, and the galaxy and the universe.

Since I have become your teacher, in addition to knowledge, I also want to teach you life experience.

Okay, that’s it for today. See you next time if you have a chance. "

There was no chance, because Jin Shu soon fulfilled what she had said. There was no good end for a scientist who died alone. Because he was overworked in the first half of his life, his body suffered from a rare genetic disease, one of the few in the world. kind.

The regret of the original owner was over, and Jin Shu did not give herself a chance for treatment. In this case, let nature take its course. Anyway, she had lived for more than 130 years in the previous world, and she had lived enough.

On the day Jin Shu passed away, flags in all countries around the world were flown at half-mast, mournful music was played, and tens of thousands of mourners came to pay their respects. Those who felt sorry for her could not even accept the fact of her death and fainted from crying.

Her name has been forever recorded in the history of world science and technology development. In museums in various countries today, a special place is still reserved for the sculptures of this great man.


"Congratulations, you successfully completed the mission!"

Arnold's voice was filled with obvious joy.

When Jin Shu heard his voice again, she knew that she was back to the beginning.

She closed her eyes and let her body float in a daze, Arnold's voice in her ears.

"You are the best time messenger I have ever seen."

"Arnold, I want to know, what is the meaning of all this?"

She lived and died over and over again, completing tasks one after another, and finally returned to the starting point.

What is the significance of such repetition?

"I know what you're really asking, you want to know when the end is, right?"

"That's understandable."

Before starting, she accepted all this with the mentality of repaying her gratitude. However, Jin Shu just wanted to know the outcome of whether this repayment of gratitude would have an end.

Arnold smiled.

"Don't worry, the three thousand worlds will all have an end, and our agreement will naturally come to an end.

I'll let you know when the dust settles. "


"You don't need to thank me, thank yourself. You didn't waste the time I gave you, nor the opportunity I gave you to live again."

After saying this, Arnold whispered.

"You rest for a while. When you have rested, we will start the next world."

Jin Shu closed her eyes and nodded, when Arnold suddenly added another sentence.

"Perhaps you want to know the ending of some people in that world? I can tell you."

"It's up to you, whatever you want to say."

“The original owner’s parents lived to be a hundred years old in good health and died without any illness.

The male protagonist was sent to a lunatic asylum and had a place to stay. As for the female protagonist, she was used and abandoned by various men again and again, and finally died of illness.

Finally, Liang Yu appeared in the second half of your life. He was jealous of talents because of his short life. He also passed away in a car accident not long after you passed away. Your premature death can be regarded as the biggest loss to the scientific community. "

Having said this, Jin Shu took a shallow breath.

"What happened in the last world has nothing to do with me anymore. Well, I'm almost rested and can start the next mission."

Arnold smiled softly.


Jin Shu opened her eyes, and many pictures flashed through her mind. These pictures were so intertwined that she couldn't remember when it happened.

She lived too long, remembered a lot, and forgot a lot. (End of chapter)

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