Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 272 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (18)

Jin Shu didn't say anything, and returned to her tent with the pony in her arms.

Time stood still that night, and Jin Shu lit a candle and leaned in front of the case to write something seriously.

She doesn't fight uncertain battles and is fully prepared no matter what she faces.

If you want status, you must have strong soldiers and horses. Only with horses can you have the right to speak. This is the same as a modern country must have sufficient armed force to stand up and speak in the world.

So Jin Shu did not choose to leave, but simply stayed safely.

It was not easy for Jin Shu to get the opportunity to come here, and Jin Shu would definitely not come in vain.

What she said to Mu Han today was half true and half false. The truth was that she could indeed save his horse, but the lie was that she was not good at raising horses.

The only experiences I have had with horses have been at professional horse farms. The tamed horses there are different from the wild horses on the northern Xinjiang grasslands. They will lower their heads docilely to all guests, but the horses here only look for the right ones in their lives. A master, loyal and strong.

Having said the big words, Jin Shu naturally couldn't let others see the flaws, so she started to learn the knowledge of raising horses from scratch.

Jin Shu has a good mind, and she can recall all the miscellaneous books she read in her previous life.

I once saw a thick book in a library in a snowy area. It was written by myself. The author was a horse-breeding illustration left by a local old man who had raised horses for more than 50 years before his death. Jin Shu read it while traveling. When I arrived, I learned the local language because I was interested. If I couldn't see the handwriting clearly, I would find a professional handwriting expert to help translate it.

During the fifteen-day trip, she spent ten days reading the entire book from beginning to end.

Because the process was difficult, it left a deep impression. Now that time has frozen and everything is silent, Jin Shu can calm down and recall the contents of the illustrated book little by little.

It was different from her mood when she was reading the book. At that time, Jin Shu was only interested and had a general understanding. She did not study many details, did not experiment, and did not know the authenticity.

But now Jin Shu regards it as a knowledge that needs to be conquered, so now he must remember it, copy it, and dig deeper bit by bit.

At this time, Jin Shu was glad that she had a clear mind and a photographic memory, which allowed her to turn danger into good fortune no matter what the situation.

All night long, the horse oil gave off a soothing smell as it burned.

The next day, after nearly two months of heavy snowfall, a hole finally opened in the sky in northern Xinjiang, and dazzling golden light fell on this desolate and cold land.

Jin Shu, who was asleep by the desk, was awakened by the sunlight. When she opened her eyes, the first thing she did was to look back at the pony she had placed next to the stove last night.

The fire had burned down to only a few scattered sparks, and there was nothing under the blanket. Before she could turn her head, there was a licking sensation behind her that was neither light nor heavy.

When she looked back, she saw a white pony standing in front of her, looking straight at her. Its clear and clean eyes seemed to be filled with lake water, which made people feel soft-hearted unconsciously.

Jin Shu recognized it. This was the pony she brought back last night. The poor little thing that even Mu Han thought could not be saved was now standing in front of her tenaciously, gently cradling her arm with his head. .

Looking at these eyes, Jin Shu unconsciously thought of her former partner.

"Can I call you Xiaobai from now on? It's fate, my friend is also named Feiyun."

The pony is quite spiritual, because the first thing he saw when he was born was Jin Shu, so he followed her step by step.

Jin Shu took it out. The newborn was already almost as tall as Jin Shu. Although it was difficult to give birth to a pony, its limbs were quite strong and its back was broad. At a glance, it was clear that this pony would grow up in the future. How majestic.

Mu Han, who had just returned from exercise, saw Jin Shu and the little white horse behind her from a distance, and his eyes that were soaked by the cold suddenly became softer.

He strode forward, walked up to the pony and looked at it carefully several times.

"You brought it back to life."

"Yes, according to the agreement, it is mine."

"Don't worry, I won't go back on my word, you will be its only owner."

Seeing a stranger coming, Xiaobai stood in front of Jin Shu vigilantly, making warning sounds of "huchi" and "huchi" from his nose.

Mu Han couldn't help but smile when he saw this.

"As expected of a child of ice, he had the courage to protect his master on the first day he was born!"

Han Bing is the father of the four ponies last night, and he is also the strongest and healthiest stallion in the entire stable. Because of the blessing of pure blood, these four ponies are born taller and stronger than other ponies in the stable, especially It is Jin Shu's white stallion. It has thick and powerful limbs, a high head and a straight and broad back. It is more outstanding than the other three ponies.

"You have good taste. I haven't seen such a strong pony in so many years."

Jin Shu looked at her Xiaobai with satisfaction and nodded.

"That's natural. I told you I'm good at raising horses."

"Well, I believe you."

"Since you won't let me go, then let me raise horses for you. We Central Plains women need the orders of our parents to get married, so what you said last night was very offensive to me. I hope you won't say it again next time."

Mu Han thought for a while, then nodded.

"If I offended you, I will change it next time, but raising horses is very hard work. Are you sure you can do it?"

"You can let me try. Aren't there more than forty ponies born in this batch? Don't look at me like you're looking at a spy. I heard what the groom from your stable said last night. You You can leave it to me and let me take care of it for a year."

Mu Han couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips when he heard this.

"My horses have a fierce temper. Although they are only ponies, they have already recognized me as their master. With your size and strength, you want to take care of them. If you listen to me, you are asking for trouble."

"Then let's give it a try, until next spring."

As the king of this grassland, Mu Han was arrogant and powerful, so naturally he would not be afraid of making a bet with a Central Plains woman.

"You want to bet with me? What bet?"

"In one year, I can make these horses listen to me. If I can do it, you will give me the horse that recognizes me as the master. If I can't, I will willingly stay and be your princess."

The man narrowed his eyes and stared seriously at the talkative woman in front of him. Seeing the seriousness on her face, he couldn't help but purse his lips and smile.

"There's not much else, just horses. I can have as many as I want. Since you dare to lie, I'll make a bet with you. After one year, I will take your parents over."

After saying that, the man patted Xiaobai's back.

Although the strong pony could carry Jin Shu, it still looked quite thin in front of the tall man.

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