Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 273 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (19)

"Don't be stunned. A newborn pony needs a lot of milk. If you don't feed it, your pony will get sick."

After Mu Han reminded him, he pulled up the black horse tied to the side. That horse was Xiaobai's father. Han Ye, the most majestic horse king in the entire racecourse, stood more than two meters tall and weighed even more. It weighs more than a thousand kilograms, and it is the most conspicuous and shocking presence wherever it goes.

After entering the Tatar military camp Jin Shu, he realized that ten years ago this place was just a barren grassland. Mu Han's father and his family were stationed here. At first, it was just a small tribe of more than a hundred people, which was inconspicuous in the vast northern Xinjiang. .

Just five years ago, Mu Han killed his father and came to power and became the king of the camp. In just five years, he expanded the camp with less than 200 people to a small country with a permanent population of more than 10,000. From an unknown small tribe It has grown into a powerful horse breeding country with a reputation far and wide in the Central Plains.

Everyone in the world knows that the best horses in the world are in the Tatar camp, and the best cavalry in the world are also here.

"Tatars" is an ugly name given to them by the Central Plains people. The purpose is to laugh at them as just a group of nomadic people on the grasslands. After Mu Han founded the country, he changed the name of the country to Mongolia. Under his leadership, the country originally only had a few thousand square meters. The territory has now expanded to nearly 10,000 square meters.

This area is indeed nothing to the vast country in the Central Plains, but it is already considered a superpower in northern Xinjiang.

Mu Han was so ambitious that he took advantage of the winter when all the tribes were recuperating and annexed more than a dozen tribal camps.

Dazhou's camp in northern Xinjiang was also his target, but because of Jin Shu's presence, Mu Han changed his mind.

He was willing to leave them a way out for Jin Shu.

But it was obvious that Jin Shu did not appreciate this affection. She was more interested in the horses in the stable than becoming a princess who was inferior to one person and surpassed ten thousand people.

Now the entire camp knows that their king Mu Han brought back a Central Plains woman after he went to war. This woman went in and out of the stable every day. She had a clean and beautiful face, but she was neither salty nor indifferent to anyone. appearance.

The horse officer who kept the horses in the stable said that she was like a white flower growing on a cliff, aloof and cold, as if she should not be approached by strangers.

Jin Shu didn't care about these people's comments about herself or the inexplicable labels they put on her head. She lived a very regular life all day long. She let horses go to bed during the day and stayed in the stable with a group of ponies before going to bed. Stay for a while.

At first, several generals under Mu Han were still worried that it would be unsafe for a Central Plains person to frequently enter and leave the stables. They were not worried about anything else. They were mainly worried that she was a spy sent by the Central Plains and would harm their most precious war horse.

But later, after several secret observations, it was discovered that Jin Shu was more kind to the horses than to people. She didn't even smile at the living Mu Han on weekdays, but she had a good chat with the dumb horses in a deserted place. There was laughter, and gradually these people became relieved.

At least they were sure that Jin Shu would not harm the horse, and that was enough.

Just leave the rest to their king to handle.

As the heavy snow stopped, there was finally a sign of recovery in northern Xinjiang. On this day, Jin Shu came back from her horse and handed Mu Han a letter.

There was joy in the man's eyes. He just thought it was for him, but then he heard Jin Shu's light words.

"Please help me send this letter back to our camp and let my parents know that they are safe."

The man who had always kept his mood and anger silently suppressed the smile in his eyes, held the letter and nodded.


"If you are not sure about the contents of the letter, just open it and read it."

"No, I believe you."

When the cronies around Mu Han knew that Jin Shu was going to deliver a letter to the camp, they all advised Mu Han to open the letter and check it just in case. The people next to him were all speechless, and the man sitting on the throne finally just popped out. said a word.

"Do you think that according to the customs of the Central Plains, do you need to prepare any gifts for your son-in-law's parents when he comes to visit you for the first time?"

The cronies who were criticizing Jin Shu’s arrogance and wantonness just a second ago:? ? ?

"My lord, what are you talking about?"

Mu Han had a serious face, and his tough features softened a lot because he thought of Jin Shu.

"You are well-informed and have traveled to the Central Plains, so what should I pay attention to if I come to visit? Do I need to bring anything?"

"Your Majesty, the identity of the Central Plains woman is not simple. We have investigated and found that she was once a close confidant of the Zhou royal family and had a close relationship with the Wang family. You need to be more careful with her while you are safe."

"How about sending some cattle and sheep? I heard that people in the Central Plains like agate, jade and the like. We have a lot of these here, so why not pick some big and beautiful ones and send them over."

"Your Majesty...are you listening to what we just said? That woman must be on guard!"

Mu Han suddenly frowned, stood up tall and straight, and finally made a decision.

"Forget it, just take them all, you won't go wrong after all."


All the cronies: It's over, they are in trouble.

On the day of delivering the letter, Mu Han went there in person. Jin Shu came over with two newborn ponies, and saw Mu Han riding Han Ye, wearing gray and black armor. He was even bigger and more majestic than when he first saw him that day.

Although it looks a bit exaggerated, Mu Han usually looks strong but not bulky and exaggerated. On the contrary, his body proportions look quite pleasing to the eye, but as soon as he leaves the camp, he will arm himself to be tough and rude. It makes people shudder just looking at it.

He was just going to deliver a letter, but there were several carriages behind Mu Han, and the carriages were full of things.

Jin Shu came over leading the horse.

"Please help me and my family to be safe."

"Well, do you need me to bring you anything else?"

Afraid that she would not be accustomed to life, Mu Han would send someone to prepare Central Plains food for her every day, and the clothes would be simple in style, just to keep her comfortable and warm.

"No thanks."

"You don't need to say thank you to me. These are things I am willing to do for you. If I do them, I will be happy, so you don't need to see me outside."

After saying that, Mu Han clamped the horse's belly and set off with the convoy in a mighty manner.

As soon as he left, Jin Shu was about to lead the horse back when she turned around and saw three local girls standing menacingly in front of her.

The girl at the head had a standard high-altitude grassland appearance, glaring at Jin Shu with hatred in her eyes.

"Woman from the Central Plains, we have tolerated you for a long time."

"Brother Mu Han's future princess is me, it's useless no matter how charming you are to seduce him!"

"I'm telling you, you'd better get out of here now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

Mu Han left, and before leaving, he repeatedly confirmed to Jin Shu that she would not take the opportunity to leave.

But there were too many people in the entire camp waiting for her to leave.

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