Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 275 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (21)

Today we deal with one Thuram with such great fanfare just to give the other "Thurams" a warning.

If you have any dissatisfaction in your heart, you should either hold it in or go directly to Mu Han. What is the point of bullying her?

Returning to the stable, when they saw Jin Shu, the previous batch of ponies who had been fed by her in the stable were stamping their feet restlessly, staring directly at her, and letting out "puff" and "puff" from their noses. the sound of.

These little guys are still too young and are still a long way from being mature and stable. When they see a human they like, they don't hide it at all, and each one sticks their head out to be touched.

Jin Shu was not stingy either, touching each pony's head one by one, and then took out homemade snacks from her pocket and gave them to them.

The ponies all like snacks very much. Their eyes will light up every time they see them, and they will eagerly stretch their heads for fear that Jin Shu will not see them.

The genetically modified health medicine formula from her previous life was not wasted at all. Jin Shu slightly adjusted the ingredients and proportions, and it couldn't be better to use it on these ponies.

With natural racial advantages and acquired nutritional supplements, Jin Shu strictly followed scientific breeding methods to take care of these little guys, and the final results were naturally quite gratifying.

Compared with before, at the same age, these ponies have stronger bodies. After such a long period of melting snow and sudden drops in temperature, not a single pony has contracted the disease. They are all fat and strong, able to eat, sleep and run.

Following this growth trend, this group of nearly a hundred ponies will be stronger than their parents when they grow up, and their size, endurance, and load-bearing capacity will also increase significantly.

The most important thing is loyalty. Jin Shu accompanies them day and night, not only tempting them with delicious food, but also subtly training their ability to recognize their master based on the behavioral logic of the horses.

The two newly born ponies performed very well today. Jin Shuduo rewarded them with a snack biscuit, and the two ponies bared their teeth happily.

In addition to eating well and taking good care of them, Jin Shu also arranged vaccinations for these ponies.

At this time, as the Mongolian people with the most mature horse-raising technology, the vaccine has been initially formed, but it only requires a medicinal bath after the pony is born to enhance its resistance.

Jin Shu used the injection method. After spending some time to develop the syringe, he immediately vaccinated all the young horses in the stable.

With this, the horse will avoid all possible genetic diseases during its future growth and its lifespan will be greatly extended.

After the last shot of vaccine was administered, Jin Shu walked to the deepest part of the stable. A white horse slowly walked over. It lowered its head docilely and let Jin Shu caress her face.

The pony, which was only more than three months old, had already grown to the size of an ordinary adult horse. When it walked over, its strong and heavy body already had a sense of oppression that made people marvel and fear.

As soon as it came out, all the restless ponies in the stable immediately fell silent. This effect was even better than Jin Shu's action.

"Xiao Bai, the next step is up to you."

Xiaobai's spiritual eyes looked at Jin Shu quietly. He was gentle and calm, not at all restless like a young horse.

Jin Shu felt that there was a fate between the two of them. After all, her best friend was also white. Like Xiaobai, he had a pair of calm and peaceful eyes. He would look at her quietly at all times and accompany him. Around yourself.

Because of Xiaobai, Jin Shu rarely felt a sense of intimacy and belonging in these different worlds.

When she had nothing to do, she would bring wine to Xiaobai to talk. She knew it wouldn't understand. After all, it wasn't Feiyun who had practiced Taoism for thousands of years, but it didn't matter, as long as it stayed by her side quietly.


Mu Han hurriedly hurried and finally came back before dawn the next day.

He didn't know what he was worried about. As soon as he returned to the camp, someone came over and knelt at his feet, crying.

"Princess Tulam was beaten by that Central Plains woman. Now she is seriously injured and is dying. Your Majesty, please go and have a look."

The words Thuram didn't make Mu Han react at all, but when the words "Central Plains woman" came out, the tired Mu Han immediately looked at the person kneeling on the ground.

"Is she okay?"

"The princess was seriously injured. She was hit by the woman's horse and was injured all over her body. Your Majesty, please make the decision for the princess!"

When Mu Han heard this, his brows tightened and his voice was cold.

"I mean, is Miss Jin injured?"


The servant kneeling on the ground was stunned. Mu Han's reaction was completely beyond her expectation. The most noble princess on the grassland was injured. The king was still thinking about that Central Plains woman? !

Seeing that the other party was hesitant and silent for a long time, Mu Han lost his patience and went directly around her to go outside Jin Shu's tent.

He stood outside the curtain and shouted inside.

"Ajin, Ajin, are you awake?"

Jin Shu wakes up the earliest on weekdays, because the horses in the stable have very early rest times. She follows the horses' habits and gets up before dawn every day to go to the stable to tidy up.

But no matter how he shouted today, there was no response inside.

Mu Han was anxious and wanted to go in directly, but when he thought of Jin Shu's sullen face and cold eyes when he was angry, he retracted his outstretched hand and sent the maid who usually took care of Jin Shu's daily life to go in and check. .

"Your Majesty, Miss Jin is not in the tent."

Not here?

Mu Han quickly opened the curtain and looked in. Sure enough, the quilts on the bed were neatly stacked and didn't look like anyone had slept on them.

The panic in his heart spread, and he turned around with messy steps to search nearby.

The maid had never seen the king be so rude, and she realized that the Central Plains woman was indeed not very important to the king, so she quickly followed behind to look for her.

"Your Majesty, Miss Jin usually likes to stay in the stable. Is she in the stable now?"

The words of others suddenly reminded Mu Han that this was the first time that he, who had been cautious and steady since he was a child, got messed up.

He hurriedly walked towards the stable with hurried steps. The soldiers guarding him knelt down and saluted, but Mu Han passed by like a gust of wind. His appearance made everyone wonder if the soldiers and horses from the Central Plains were coming. .

Along the way, Mu Han felt that all the muscles in his body were tense. He opened the curtain of the stable and saw that the ponies were standing and resting inside. There was no sign of Jin Shu in the aisle.

He stood motionless at the door of the shed, his face extremely gloomy. The maid beside him did not dare to express his anger, her whole body was trembling and it became difficult to breathe.

"Your Majesty, Miss Jin, she may have gone out for a stroll. She is not familiar with this place, so she probably won't leave rashly."

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