Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 276 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (22)

Mu Han didn't even look at her. He stared at the depths of the stable and strode towards it.

It was quiet in the shed, and only wisps of smoke were left from the fire that was lit last night.

Mu Han held his breath and looked at the horse in front of him, named Xiaobai by Jin Shu, and then slowly opened the stable door.

The next second, he saw Jin Shu curled up in a haystack, sleeping soundly and innocently. A jar of wine unique to the grasslands rolled down beside her.

At this moment, Mu Han felt that the vast world was instantly condensed into the cramped and warm square stable in front of him.

The little girl in front of her had a red complexion, and there seemed to be wine stains on her lips. She slept peacefully, with one hand loosened and the other hand still holding the leg of her beloved pony. Her beautiful brows and eyes were all filled with him. Soothing and gentle like never before.

She looked like a small animal that had wandered in by mistake. Her black hair was slanted and spread all over her body. Her slender body was blocked by Xiao Bai, so you wouldn't even notice it if you didn't look carefully.

Mu Han slowed down, approached her slowly, bent down and held her in his arms.

Mu Han had imagined this scene many times, but she was lighter and softer than he imagined, as if she had no bones in her body.

He held his breath and used all the slow motion in his life. After hugging her with one hand, he covered her with the cloak with his other hand.

Fortunately, Jin Shu was sleeping soundly and had no intention of waking up.

Xiaobai in the stable glanced at him, as if he knew Mu Han would not hurt Jin Shu. After feeling relieved, he started to eat grass with his head down.

"You kept her here all night, right?"

Xiaobai's eyes were calm.

Mu Han patted its back.

"Well done, I will do what I did today, no matter what happens, I will stay by her side. Remember?"

Xiaobai just glanced at him and shook his head, looking impatient.

Mu Han smiled helplessly, turned around and walked out of the stable with Jin Shu in his arms.

At this time, the maidservant who was kneeling outside saw what the king was holding in his arms, and her high-pitched heart finally relaxed.

Great, her life has been saved. Otherwise, according to the king's cruel temper, if Miss Jin can't be found, she will definitely be executed.

After finding Jin Shu, Mu Han's whole body became much calmer. He gently placed Jin Shu on the bed, covered her with a quilt and did not leave immediately. Instead, he sat by the bed and looked at Jin Shu silently for a long time. .

After a long time, when Jin Shu opened her eyes again, it was already dark outside the tent.

She frowned and struggled to sit up. After finally sitting firmly, she took a deep breath. Her throat felt dry and sore as if it was about to smoke.

Looking around, she realized that she had returned to the tent. Regardless of who sent her back, one thing she had determined now was that the wine on the grassland could not be drunk casually, let alone poured by the wind like the original owner. body drink!

It didn't work anymore. By the end of the drink, the whole person's soul was about to float out. If Jin Shu hadn't learned some soul-returning skills, he might have ended up in the stable yesterday.

When the maids outside the door heard the actions inside, they immediately walked in in twos and threes. They quickly prepared bath water and refreshments, and asked Jin Shu to soak in the tub, wash away the smell of alcohol and eat something to refresh her stomach.

What we ate and drank were all snacks unique to the Central Plains. We have never seen such exquisite pastries on the grasslands.

The maids always said something praising Mu Han in Jin Shu's ear intentionally or unintentionally.

"The king has specially invited the most famous pastry chef in Dazhou for you to prepare snacks for three meals a day, ensuring that every meal is different."

"I heard that the king sent ten boxes of gold and jade to your parents, which are priceless. Girl, you are really lucky."

"Girl, you didn't know anything while you were asleep. The princess who had a conflict with you yesterday was punished by the king. Not only was she deprived of her royal status, but her parents were even implicated. The king was helping you out. .”

"Girl, there is nothing wrong with staying in the grassland and being a princess. As long as you get the king's favor, you only need to say a word and the king will send it to you personally."

These maids saw all the kindness Mu Han had towards Jin Shu.

After so many years, when had they ever seen the king treat a woman with such devotion? Not to mention a foreigner.

Jin Shu always listens to these words from one ear to the other.

She could see and feel that Mu Han was kind to her, but she didn't have to give her life to anyone who was kind to her.

Jin Shu told Mu Han from the beginning that there was no possibility between them and asked him not to waste his efforts.

But Mu Han didn't listen to a word of this, and he still went his own way and treated her well.

There was no other way. Jin Shu couldn't continue to waste her time on him. She still had a lot of things to do.

And she was going to do this right away.

Even after being drunk, life remains the same.

The only difference is that the attitude of these people in the camp towards Jin Shu is becoming more and more respectful.

During this period, Jin Shu sent several more letters back, and Mu Han personally sent people to deliver them. Each time, as usual, he sent a lot of cattle, sheep and jewelry.

In addition, Mu Han continued to expand his territory. Before spring came, he captured one of the largest countries in the entire northern Xinjiang. He personally chopped off the head of the opponent's king and took the opponent's people as his own. .

In Northern Xinjiang, the country's dynasties change quickly, and the people are not surprised by this kind of thing. As long as they can eat and drink, it doesn't matter who the king is, and it doesn't matter what the country's name is.

In this way, Dameng finally became one of the strongest countries in northern Xinjiang. They, who had always relied on tents to make a living, finally had their own palaces and houses on this land.

On the eve of the royal family moving into the palace, everyone inside and outside the tent was busy.

Mu Han is also preparing in advance for today.

He massacred everyone in the opposing royal family, ordered people to wash away the entire bloody royal family with water, and then began drastic reconstruction.

Nowadays, the entire palace is filled with special ethnic elements of the Mongolian people, which are wild and primitive.

Because of this matter, it was rare for Jin Shu not to see him for a few days. When she saw him again, the face of the man who had always been indifferent to emotion and anger was filled with the excitement and publicity of a winner.

"Ajin, I have left you the largest palace, and I have also hired craftsmen for you. You can tell him how you want to change your palace."

Jin Shu's expression was indifferent, and she was combing the horse's hair attentively with a horse grate.

It seemed that the dynastic palaces that countless people dreamed of were not as important as grooming the horse in front of her.

Mu Han was used to Jin Shu's indifference. In the past, he would have waited patiently. When Jin Shu finished her work, she would naturally sit down and chat with him for a while. (End of chapter)

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