Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 277 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (23)

But today he was a little restless.

Because there were too many things waiting for him, the king, to control, but the woman in front of him didn't seem to care about his achievements at all, and her indifferent and distant expression remained the same as before.

"Ajin, I have ended the nomadic life of my people. We no longer need to live in tents. We also have magnificent palaces. I will leave the largest and most beautiful one to you.

Ah Jin, what do you want? I have put the most precious things in the world in front of you. What do you really want? "

At the end of the sentence, the man almost growled.

Jin Shu stopped what she was doing and looked at him.

"There is only one thing I want from beginning to end. You know it better than anyone else. How many times do you want me to repeat it?"

"What don't you like about me? I can change it."

Jin Shu sighed and continued.

"Do you think I stayed for so long without escaping just to play hard-to-get with you?

Don't forget the bet you made with me. In the end, all the horses I can take away will be mine.

What I am doing now is for the final bet, not for you. "

Jin Shu's sober words were like a basin of cold water poured directly on Mu Han's head.

It made his hot heart feel cold.

His green eyes gradually darkened, with a hint of unwillingness hidden in them.

"Ajin, I told you that no matter which horse you end up with, you won't be able to take it away.

I personally delivered these ponies. They recognize that their owner has always been me, and I am the most powerful person in this grassland.

Ah Jin, although some words may sound cruel to you, the fact is that there is an iron law in the horse community, which is to always follow the most powerful master.

Even if you stay with them day and night, feed them food and drink, in the end, in their eyes, you are just a groom who treats them well. A good horse will never recognize a groom as its owner, you know? "

The man stared at Jin Shu, trying to break down the defense in her heart with facts.

He has lived on the grassland since he was a child, on horseback, and has tamed so many fierce horses. No one knows better than him what is the most critical factor in getting recognized as a good horse.

Jin Shu is a woman, a fragile woman.

Indeed, she has a stability and patience that other ordinary women don't have. She is much better than other women, like a shining pearl on the grassland.

But the pearl always needs to be held in the palm of the hand and protected. If you are attached to the fierce horse, you will only be trampled into ashes by the horse's hooves.

He respects her stubbornness and admires her persistence and yearning for strength.

But now, he can't let Jin Shu live in a hopeless fantasy.

"Ah Jin, what I just said may have hurt you, but the last thing I want to say is to stay with me. The horses you like will be yours. I will protect you so that you never have to ask anyone again. Lower your head."

He knew Jin Shu's experience and knew that she was a false goddess abandoned by the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

Mu Han didn't care whether she was a goddess or not, he only cared about his own feelings.

From the first sight, he determined that he only wanted Jin Shu in this life.

In the tense atmosphere, laughter overflowed from Jin Shu's throat.

The way she smiles is really like flowers in full bloom, so beautiful, so delicate and bright that you can't help but feel your heart beat.

But at this time, Mu Han couldn't help but feel nervous.


"So, I'm really annoyed by self-righteous people like you. What should I do now? Suddenly I realize that all my previous efforts may be in vain, so I can't sit still? Are you angry?"

Jin Shu's frivolous tone completely angered Mu Han.

He stood up quickly, his tall body exuding a terrifying chill.

"Jin Shu, you shouldn't trample on my sincerity like this."

"Mu Han, you shouldn't insult me ​​like this."


Seeing the deathly silence in Jin Shu's eyes, Mu Han panicked in his heart and became a little at a loss.

"Ajin, what I said before was not an insult to you, I just..."

"You just want to trample on me and belittle me? Do you just feel from the bottom of your heart that I am just a useless woman who only deserves to rely on your breath to survive?

Mu Han, before you love someone, learn how to respect others. Obviously you haven't learned how to love others yet.

Okay, don't you still have a lot of things to be busy with? Go get busy and don't waste time with me. "

Jin Shu is not a hedgehog either.

Wantlessly trample on others' kindness to you.

But if this kindness comes with some insult or charity, then she will not be able to bear it.

She wouldn't be angry because of this. After all, anger would not do any good except make her breasts hyperplasia.

Seeing that Jin Shu had regained her composure, Mu Han took a deep look at her and said solemnly before turning around and leaving.

"Ajin, I am willing to die for you."

"Well, I understand, thank you."

After Mu Han left, the entire tent area became messy. Everyone was packing up their belongings to move to a more fertile land.

Perhaps because he saw Jin Shu's obsession with horses, Mu Han did not send anyone to keep an eye on Jin Shu. Instead, he arranged a large part of the military force in the general camp to move the horses in the stable.

The big horse is easier to move. After all, as long as Mu Han rides Han Ye in front, the horses behind will naturally follow the horse king's footsteps.

But the pony was a little unexpectedly difficult to control. The most experienced groom had blindfolded the strongest Xiaobai and pulled it forward hard, but the beautiful and strong pony's legs seemed to be embedded in it. It's in the soil, no matter how hard you pull it, it won't budge.

Mu Han, who was walking at the front of the team, didn't know what was going on behind him. After all, the ponies had to follow the big horses. As long as they controlled the big ones, the smaller ones would naturally follow.

At this moment, the horses behind them suddenly became agitated, and among the large horses that were originally in a straight line, there was a sound of snoring and stomping.

Mu Han felt something was wrong with the horses and asked the groom to ask.

"What's wrong? Didn't you have enough fodder when you set off?"

"Back to your Majesty, I was fed last night. It's impossible for me to be hungry today. If the horse suddenly becomes restless, it could mean there is danger ahead or behind. In short, Your Majesty, you should be more cautious."

Mu Han naturally knew.

Horses generally don't get restless on a large scale, but in front of him is the endless grassland. He is walking here with so many majestic horses, and no one will ambush in front of him unless he is desperate for his life.

At this time, in the pony camp at the rear, more than a hundred ponies stood quietly behind the tallest and strongest white horse. The groom was anxious. If this delayed the king's opportunity to enter the palace, he would not have enough heads to chop off. ah.

So he took out the horse's fork from behind, pointed it at Xiaobai's hind leg and stabbed it hard.

At this moment, a loud and long whistle came from the air not far away.

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