Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 278 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (24)

The voice broke through the clouds, sharp and high-pitched with a hint of inspiring rise.

At this moment, the white horse, which the three men could not hold back a step, suddenly broke free from the reins in the hands of the groom. The huge impact directly knocked all three men away, followed closely by the white horse who was blindfolded. He accurately found the source of the sound and ran towards the sound unswervingly.

The woman running towards the white horse was wearing a dazzling red dress. Without any help from the saddle or reins, she grabbed the hair on the horse's back and jumped easily, and she was riding steadily on the horse's back. superior.

Jin Shu laughed and took off the blindfold on Xiaobai's face, then patted its neck affectionately.

"Xiaobai, are you ready? Let's go!!"

There was another high-pitched and melodious whistle, and the more than a hundred ponies standing outside the stable instantly became excited. One of them rushed over, and the remaining two, three... a hundred fierce horses rushed out and were pulled by the soldiers. He raised a defensive line and ran wildly following Jin Shu on horseback.

At this moment, hundreds of horses galloped, and the vast frozen land trembled.

Although it was just a pony, it already possessed extremely powerful explosive power. The soldiers did not dare to take a step forward at all, because as long as an unsighted person got into the herd of horses, the final outcome would be to be trampled into mud!

Jin Shu's legs were firmly clamped on the horse's belly, and she leaned forward to hug Xiao Bai's neck, with a smile she had never seen before on her face.

She smiled until flowers bloomed and the Milky Way eclipsed. An unprecedented vitality burst out of her body. This power called faith was enough to break through all fences.

"You can't keep a good horse in a stable, Xiaobai, let's go, I will take you to conquer the world!"

Jin Shu took Xiaobai and headed straight towards the camp. Seeing the burst of white smoke gradually disappearing, the soldiers who were still immersed in the magnificent scene of hundreds of horses galloping just now looked at each other and their legs became weak. .

By the time Mu Han, who was walking at the front of the team, received the news, nearly a quarter of an hour had passed since Jin Shu left with Baima.

"What should we do, Your Majesty? It's still too late to send the cavalry to chase him now!"

There was no expression on Mu Han's face. From the moment he heard the news, his silence frightened the people around him.

Everyone was waiting for a reply from him, but no one dared to speak again.

After a long time, the man suddenly opened his mouth and gave a bitter smile. This smile seemed to be mocking something, and others had no idea what he was thinking.

"No need to chase."

"Don't chase?! Your Majesty, those are more than a hundred high-quality ponies! Is it possible to just watch that woman steal our horses?!"

Now the confidant could sit still no longer.

This group of ponies are far superior to this group of adult horses in terms of patience and explosive power.

Although I don’t know why this group of ponies grew so well, the progress of future generations is always a good thing for them.

But now, all this batch has been taken away!

"Your Majesty, don't hesitate anymore, hurry up and chase! While those horses haven't grown up yet, they will definitely not be able to outrun our big horse!"

"I said no, no! At their speed, they would have disappeared in such a long time, so what are you going to do to chase them?

Moreover, I am willing to admit defeat. "

"What? Why are you willing to admit defeat? Your Majesty, that woman from the Central Plains is really a scourge!! She should not be allowed into the stable, and she should not be allowed to touch our horses!"

The cronies were heartbroken and regretful.

Mu Han just turned the horse's head calmly and continued to move forward.

"It's okay, the horse can still regenerate and be raised again."

Once a person leaves, he can never come back.


The Dazhou garrison camp, which originally had only a dozen tent areas, has now expanded into a large-scale war preparation area.

A high wall surrounded everything inside. On the five-meter-high watchtower, the soldiers standing guard saw a burst of white smoke rushing towards the direction of the camp.

When the alarm was sounded, the soldiers who were living and cooking in the camp immediately went on alert and took up arms to guard behind the wall gate. The atmosphere became tense.

The Right Prime Minister also received the news of the invasion of foreign enemies immediately and climbed up to the watchtower. At this time, the white smoke was approaching. The Right Prime Minister was so dim that he really thought it was an invasion from foreign enemies and was about to order the arrows to be fired. However, Zhou Yinghuai on the side watched. Qing Qing, the leader in red clothes, hurriedly covered what the right minister was about to say.

"No! No! It's not a foreign invasion, it seems to be the golden girl!"

He stared carefully, and the doubt and expectation on his face suddenly turned into a look of ecstasy.

"It's Miss Jin!! Lord Right Prime Minister, Miss Jin is back!! Our leader is back!!"

The right minister finally saw clearly that the woman in red was indeed Jin Shu. He remembered the content of the letter, his usually calm and serious face showed joy, and he followed him loudly.

"It's not a foreign enemy! It's Miss Jin who's back!! Quick, open the city gate! Welcome Miss Jin back to the city!!"

The door of the wall was slowly lowered, and around the wall was a newly dug moat. As the first snow melted, the previously dry river bed was slowly filled with melted snow from the mountains.

Jin Shu stepped on the fallen gate bridge and slowly walked into the city gate with a hundred horses behind her.

More than half a year has passed, and the changes here have been earth-shaking.

Right Prime Minister stood guard at the city gate, looking at the girl coming on horseback, his eyes filled with tears uncontrollably.

"Girl Jin, I have wronged you during this time!"

Jin Shu finally survived the cold winter in Northern Xinjiang for half a year. When she left, she was alone, keeping everyone in the camp behind her.

When they arrived, there were thousands of troops and nearly ten thousand soldiers lined the road to greet them.

"These horses..."

"Has the horse farm I asked you to build a stable?"

Right Lian nodded continuously.

"It's already been prepared. It's just inside the wall. The biggest area is the racecourse!"

In the past six months, the two of them had only exchanged letters a few times, and each time they were sent by people from Mongolia in person. No matter what the letters said, others would read them.

Fortunately, Jin Shu taught Zhou Yinghuai a code before leaving, which was translated into different words based on the number and order of horizontal and vertical circles.

Relying on this set of codes, within half a year, the Right Prime Minister sent people to build a wall, dig out a moat, and accurately find the route when the ice and snow melted, and then effortlessly filled the moat with river water.

In addition, Jin Shu also encouraged him to take in the coolies who had fled from the Dazhou coal fields and train them into soldiers. In just six months, the army of 1,000 people expanded to 10,000 people, and among the 10,000 people, they were still young and strong laborers. , hard-working and extremely loyal.

As Jin Shu said in his letter, all the hungry and hardworking people need is a bowl of hot porridge.

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