Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 279 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (25)

During this period, the Right Prime Minister followed the iron smelting method left by Jin Shu, dug iron mines under the frozen soil and opened an iron smelting site. Within half a year, this small city had an armed force comparable to that of a powerful country.

The method of groundwater heating has been popularized. Northern Xinjiang is suffering, but the people living in the city gate do not suffer from the cold at all and can stay and work with peace of mind.

"All the above have been arranged as you said. Now I'm just waiting for you to come back to check the results."

Zhou Yinghuai also chatted at the side.

"What you asked for has been done. Now three schools have been built in the city, specially for the sons of refugees. Now all the refugees within a hundred miles have come to join us, and they have brought us a lot of planting techniques on the grassland. .”

When the two of them led Jin Shu into the meeting hall, the air around them became quiet, and Zhou Yinghuai whispered.

"The news of your order has been spread. Counting the days, it will reach Huangfulong's ears."

The right minister also knew about this. Although he didn't know why Jin Shu did this, he knew that Jin Shu would never fight an uncertain battle.

"Huangfu Rong is suspicious by nature. If he knew that the neighboring country Daqi was coming to divide the coal field with him, he would definitely be uneasy."

Zhou Yinghuai was a little worried.

"It's just that this kind of thing only requires the envoys of the two countries to sit down and talk and the truth will be revealed. Huangfu Rong is not an impulsive and incompetent person, so I'm afraid he won't get involved."

Jin Shu smiled.

"Just leave the rest to me. He won't be able to believe it when the time comes."

After settling all the ponies, Jin Shu returned to Dazhou's coal yard that night.

There are abundant coal resources here. Even though Dazhou has been mining for a hundred years, it has only seen the tip of the iceberg. Neighboring countries have already been eyeing this resource. After all, no one wants to be hampered by coal in winter.

However, Zhou Dynasty stationed a lot of troops here. If you rush to grab it, you will most likely be defeated and return.

Now that Huangfu Rong ascended the throne, the first thing he did was to send more troops to guard the mine. Now the entire mine was surrounded as airtight as an iron barrel, and neighboring countries could only watch with eager eyes.

But now Jin Shu sent someone to spread the news, saying that Da Qi had joined forces with Da Yuan, and the two countries decided to work together to ask Da Zhou for the right to use the coal field.

This news is half true and half false. After all, the two countries of Qi and Yuan have indeed had this idea for a long time, but they have never said it to the outside world. Now it has been spread out so much by Jin Shu, and as Zhou Yinghuai said, far away in the palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty Huangfu Rong has received the news.

After half a year as emperor, Huangfu Rong was obviously already in a high position.

He was considered a diligent and good emperor. He dealt with government affairs every day. At other times, he accompanied Liang Qingqing on sightseeing tours. He put on casual clothes and pretended to be an ordinary couple with her for private visits. He lived a very free and comfortable life.

Originally, the two of them agreed to go to the south to see peach blossoms in the beginning of spring. However, because of the news released by Qi and Yuan Dynasties, Huangfu Rong had no intention of going out for fun, so he lit a lamp and boiled oil at night and began to prepare a battle plan.

In this situation, as his virtuous wife and eternal backing, Liang Qingqing naturally wanted to stay with him and analyze the current situation with him.

"Huangfu, I don't think you need to be so nervous about this matter. Qi and Yuan are just a bunch of people. Saying such things is just jealous and disgusting for us. It's not worth worrying about."

Liang Qingqing is a student in the Department of Modern History. She knows all the important events that happened in the history of the Zhou Dynasty.

After Huangfu Rong came to the throne, he fought many battles, but he never had any conflicts with Qi Yuan. After all, Qi Yuan was a small country and usually relied on imported coal from Da Zhou to survive the winter. If Da Zhou was angered at this time, Zhou, do they still want to have a better time next winter?

Liang Qingqing was convinced that this was not a big deal, and her firm attitude made Huangfu Rong's tense nerves relax a little.

"What you said makes sense... I remember that the troops stationed in northern Xinjiang are closest to the mine. It's better to send them to support us. Whether it's true or not, it's better to be on the safe side."

Huangfu Rong has always been like this, careful and cautious in doing things. Although he is arrogant at heart, when it comes to matters related to his status, he is so cautious that he does not dare to neglect at all.

Liang Qingqing nodded, and naturally leaned into Huangfulong's arms, murmuring with her head against his chest.

"Don't worry, I won't let you fail as long as I'm here. Haven't I helped you turn danger into disaster for so many years? What are you still afraid of?"

"Well, luckily I have you, otherwise I would have died on the battlefield."

So many times, he thought he would not survive, but in the end he escaped from death.

The throne was almost out of reach for a prince of his status, but with Liang Qingqing's assistance, he climbed to this unreachable position step by step.

The two people were hugging each other and kissing. The candlelight was swaying and their affection was strong. Suddenly, there was a hurried announcement outside the door.

"Report——!! The mine is 800 miles away and urgent!!"

The high-pitched sound shocked Huangfulong so much that he put on his clothes and left the palace gate without caring about the others.

Liang Qingqing quickly put on her clothes and followed.

The person who came to report was the soldier stationed in the mine. He was dirty and panting.

"Report to Your Majesty! Coal has been stolen from the mine! A huge amount! Tens of thousands of kilograms!"

Huangfu Rong, who had been keeping his heart in his stomach, felt his scalp explode when he heard this.

"Stolen?! Stolen by who?! Was anyone caught?!"

"Your Majesty! There are no traces left now. We found a long tunnel under the mine, which leads directly to the foot of Daqi's city gate!!"

Da Qi! !

"How brave!! You even dare to touch my things!"

It seems that the rumors are true. The Emperor of Da Qi dared to do this because he must be relying on him. It is obvious that Dayuan is his relying on!

"Send the order! Gather the troops. I will personally lead the troops to Daqi to ask for an explanation!"

Huangfu Rong had fought so many battles, and Daqi was nothing in front of him.

Originally, the new king ascended the throne and the country was in turmoil. It was the time to cultivate and recuperate. However, the country's most important resources were stolen by others. How could Huangfu Rong sit still?

Liang Qingqing was a little shocked.

In her impression, Huangfu Rong had never fought against Daqi in his life. What happened this time? Could it be that history made a mistake?

It's just that things didn't go as smoothly as Huangfu Rong thought. The first problem arose when he was gathering troops.

A large number of soldiers were infected with wind and cold in the military camp. The situation was not fatal, but the soldiers who were infected were all weak and weak in their limbs. It was difficult to even stand up and take two steps, let alone the war!

After so many years of military operations, Huangfu Rong had never encountered such a situation where things went wrong at a critical moment.

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