Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 281 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (27)

On the way to Daqi, Huangfu Rong and Liang Qingqing rode in the largest and most stable carriage, which was equipped with all kinds of food, drink and food. In addition, there were seven or eight palace people accompanying them to wait on them. Before they approached the colder areas, , both of them were in high spirits.

Liang Qingqing came from modern times, and his behavior was bold and open. He often took Huangfu Rong and made love with him on the march. Once, in front of several generals outside the carriage, he hugged Huangfu Rong and began to chew on him with only a curtain.

Not only did Liang Qingqing not suffer much in the past month, but because he was well taken care of, his food and drink were no different from those in the palace. Apart from that, he could also take a look at the scenery along the way and stop to let the palace know that he had nothing to do. People go to the counties along the way to buy some novel and interesting things, so compared with the soldiers who are getting weaker and haggard with haggard faces, Liang Qingqing's face is rosy and his eyes are full of spring, even more moisturized than in the palace.

After all, Huangfu Rong was busy handling government affairs in the palace, and she could only stay in the palace most of the time.

Now the two of them stay together day and night on the road to the expedition, and they feel so relaxed and relaxed when they stop and go touring the mountains and rivers.

For Liang Qingqing, such a life was much more comfortable than living in the palace.

However, with her radiant face, Huangfu Rong, who had always been in good health and could survive poisonous arrows, and recovered as before, actually fell ill halfway.

High fever, vomiting, sensitivity to cold, and convulsions are similar to the symptoms of soldiers, but they are much stronger than the reactions of soldiers.

The two accompanying doctors stayed by his side day and night, using every method and trick, but in the end the effect was minimal.

"This epidemic is so severe that not only the military camp, but also many people in the city have fallen ill.

This kind of thing is not unusual. At the turn of spring and autumn, diseases of various sizes will occur one after another. As long as they are not fatal, they are considered minor illnesses. "

Originally, they could recover as long as they rested, but due to Huangfu Rong's forced expedition, the condition of some infected soldiers worsened. A dozen of them died of the disease along the way, and more than a hundred others were too sick to walk and could only lie on carts and be beaten. Dragging forward.

At first, Huangfu Rong didn't take this minor epidemic seriously. After all, he had been in good health since his weak crown. Even during the years when he was infected by the epidemic in the palace, he was safe and sound.

But now as he fell ill, the spirit of the formerly high-spirited man changed and he became sluggish. He was lying on the couch and was unwilling to even lift his arms.

"How could this be? Your Majesty's true dragon energy protects your body, why do you still fall ill? Are you quacks really capable?"

It is said that the medical level in ancient times was low because there were too many quacks!

Liang Qingqing didn't believe in these tricks. No matter what the disease was, it was all based on what he said. There was no scientific basis at all!

In modern times, this disease would be cured by just taking two antibiotics! Where did all this trouble come from!

"By the way...antibiotics, local antibiotics!"

She suddenly remembered something, and joy burst into her eyes.

She is a person with modern knowledge, how can she use ancient thinking to think about problems at this time!

It just so happens that she usually likes to watch short videos, including methods of making ancient antibiotics.

She couldn't remember the specific steps, but she could recall the general content.

She thought that if she could succeed, she would be the first person in history to invent antibiotics! It’s not just Huangfu Rong who is famous throughout the ages, but also Liang Qingqing!

"Huangfu! Don't worry, I will definitely cure you!"

After saying this, she gave orders to the palace attendants.

"Go to the pharmacy and grab some medicine as I told you, and buy some citrus for me by the way."

She remembered clearly that penicillin was extracted from moldy citrus fruits. Although the steps were a bit complicated, it was still better than watching Huangfu get sick and suffer now.

The news of His Majesty's illness somehow got out, and soon a negative panic spread throughout the team.

In their eyes, His Majesty is a god-like existence, invincible and indestructible.

But now that even he is sick, do they still have a way to survive?

Huangfu Rong himself couldn't figure it out. He had never encountered such a situation where he gave up without fighting.

Under the influence of Liang Qingqing, he was originally an atheist and believed that everything was human-made, but the recent series of events made him question everything he believed in before.

how so?

Yes, the followers are also thinking that the real goddess is accompanying them to escort them. Not to mention that they can return home in triumph easily, at least they cannot stop at the beginning.

However, no one doubted the goddess' ability at this time, so the old eunuch who had been following Huangfirong reported her secretly.

"When I was serving the late emperor, I accidentally heard something. Although I don't know whether it is true or not, I have to tell it now.

Before the death of the old Imperial Master, he had a secret conversation with the late Emperor, saying that the blood of the Goddess brings great blessings. As long as it is dripped on someone's clothes, he will be blessed with good fortune and a peaceful life. On the contrary, the Goddess's body will become weak. Unbearable, the blessings have dried up.

At this point, Your Majesty might as well give this method a try. Using it only once should not cause any harm to Miss Liang's body. "

"Asshole! You believe this nonsense!"

The old imperial master also said that he had no appearance of a monarch! In the end, the emperor's position was not secured by him!

The old eunuch didn't dare to be bold with his mouth, but he couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Since this Miss Liang is a true goddess, why has His Majesty's fortune deteriorated day by day since she became the Queen?

He was too smart to think deeply, so he could only step aside.

Although Huangfu Rong was dismissive, once some words reached his ears, it was like a knife cutting through the flesh, and the marks would never disappear.

After that, another ten days passed, and the army's march became extremely slow due to Huangfu Rong's physical condition.

This illness came with force, like a flood bursting its banks, and it seemed like it would make up for all the illnesses he had never had in the first half of his life.

First the wind and cold entered the body, and then the old injuries recurred. Even the head wind that had not recurred for a long time was involved again.

In just ten days, Huangfu Rong, who was as strong as an ox when he set out, was now tortured and looked haggard, with an earthy complexion, and his former grace was nowhere to be seen.

Every time he was tortured by a headache and couldn't sleep at night, no matter how hard Liang Qingqing used her massage techniques, it didn't work, Huangfu Rong's mind unconsciously echoed the words of the old eunuch.

The blood of the goddess dropped on someone's clothes can ensure great blessings to the heavens.

One night, he suddenly remembered something. Every time he went into battle, Jin Shu would cut off a corner of his shirt with a knife and smile as a souvenir.

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