Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 282 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (28)

At that time, he just felt extremely childish. Although he was repulsive and irritable in his heart, he still pretended to be deeply emotional on the surface.

When he thought of this, Huangfulong struggled to sit up and looked ahead with dull eyes.

The words of the old eunuch that day lingered in my mind.

He called the old eunuch over.

"Tell me what you said that day again!"

The old eunuch looked confused, but he repeated his words honestly.

"One person has great blessings, and one person's fortune is damaged... In other words, the blessed person will be strong and invincible, but she will be weak and eventually die!"

"Weak and weak..."

Isn’t that what Jin Shu is like?

She has been omnipotent in heaven and earth since she was a child. She is the little overlord in the palace. Even the little prince cannot beat her.

But ever since he offered to go to the battlefield in order to gain the late emperor's approval, Jin Shu's health had deteriorated day by day. Whenever he returned in triumph, he would receive news that Jin Shu was seriously ill.

At that time, he was very lucky. Fortunately, Jin Shu would fall ill every time he came back from a war, so he didn't have to spend time playing with her every day, and he would naturally have enough time to go to the harem to accompany Liang Qingqing.

More and more details emerged from his mind. The more he thought about it and the more he confirmed, the heavier the sigh in his heart became.

Until finally, he suddenly opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, which frightened the old eunuch beside him and quickly called the imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor took a pulse and frowned in confusion.

"How could this be so? It turns out that you are so anxious that your heart is filled with anger. Your Majesty, have you experienced anything sad or regretful in recent days?"

Liang Qingqing said coldly from the side.

"Nonsense! Your Majesty has a noble dragon body. If something goes wrong, I will let you quack doctors be buried with you!"

Where did Huangfu Rong feel so sad and regretful? It must be that these ancient quacks couldn't cure the flu, so they started talking nonsense!

This trick only deceived the ancients, how could it be possible to deceive her.

"Huangfu, don't worry, you will be fine with me here."

Hearing this sentence before, Huangfu Rong might feel relieved, but now that he hears this sentence again, he only feels that the stone weighing on his heart is heavier!

"How are you going to make sure I'm okay?"

Huangfu Rong retorted weakly, feeling depressed and uneasy inside.

Liang Qingqing didn't notice anything strange about him yet, and just thought he was seriously ill and a little depressed.

"I have developed a medicine that can cure the disease. I will find a few soldiers to try the medicine in the next few days. If it works, I can give it to you."

Huangfulong didn't want to see her again at this time, but the friendship for so many years was hard to break out, so he could only lie down and say something expressionless.

"I want to rest for a while."

At this time, Liang Qingqing was concentrating on studying local antibiotics. He turned around and sent someone to call the soldiers who were trying the drugs and asked them about their situation at this time.

When she heard that several people said that their symptoms of lightheadedness and feet had been relieved a lot and their high fever had subsided, Liang Qingqing suppressed her ecstasy and continued to ask some more questions. After ensuring that they really had no major problems, she waved her hand and gave the order directly.

"Send me an order to distribute this medicine to the whole army and take it!"

Several imperial doctors quickly received the news, and after studying the powder, they frowned.

"This medicine is weird. Its efficacy is unknown. How can it be given to the entire army directly?"

"Now that His Majesty is obedient to the Queen's advice and even gave her a piece of the military deployment order, what can we do?"

"That's all, just don't make yourself angry. Since the Queen said it's a good thing, let's not meddle in other people's business."

Who dared to say anything at this time? He was even roped in to be a strongman and help distribute the medicine.

When the soldiers below heard that there was medicine, they were naturally overjoyed and rushed to get it.

Along the march, there were many refugees who had fled their hometown due to the epidemic. As the queen of Zhou Dynasty, Liang Qingqing naturally distributed the medicine she developed to every citizen of Zhou Dynasty without hesitation.

"This is a medicine developed by our Queen! Without her, all of you would have died."

"Thank you so much, Queen, may you live forever! Your Majesty will bring blessings to the world!"

Liang Qingqing even personally distributed medicines to the refugees and arranged for military doctors to help them see medical treatment.

The lives of the imperial doctors have been miserable recently.

Not only did she have to take care of the emperor all night long at night, but during the day she had to help the queen treat the refugees without touching the ground.

The news that the Queen of Zhou Dynasty came to visit the people spread like wildfire. The route that the army originally marched was now full of people, not only the refugees, but also the people nearby, all wanting to see the true face of the Bodhisattva-hearted Queen.

Liang Qingqing, dressed plainly, mingled in the crowd and told everyone in the tone of the mother of a country.

"Don't worry, with Your Majesty and me here, we will definitely make the people of Great Zhou better and better! This medicine was not only developed by me for Your Majesty, but the people all over the world also suffer from it. Naturally, I can't keep it secret. As long as everyone If everyone is safe and healthy, then everything I do will be worthwhile."

As soon as he finished saying this, a dense crowd of people knelt down again.

Liang Qingqing told herself silently in her heart.

This is the purpose of her coming here, to save the common people and protect all peoples. As a modern person, she has the responsibility to bring all advanced technologies to this world.

Because the medicine was distributed along the road, the march of the army was delayed a lot.

Originally, we had only prepared two months of rations, but now we have almost eaten before we even get to the place.

When Huangfu Rong was seriously ill in bed, Liang Qingqing conveyed many things on his behalf.

Regarding the matter of food and grass, Huangfu Rong planned to travel overnight without any further delays on the way.

Liang Qingqing felt that there was a better way, which was to borrow food from the people.

The emperor and the empress asked to borrow food in person, but these people couldn't help but donate food one after another?

But when Liang Qingqing personally told the general who was leading the troops this time about borrowing food from the people, the other general frowned at first, and then asked in disbelief.

"Is this really His Majesty's idea?"

"What do you mean by this? What? Are you suspecting that I lied to you? I am of the same mind as the Emperor, so why would I lie to you?"

"My subordinates don't mean that. It's just that it's really inappropriate to ask the people to borrow food..."

Liang Qingqing immediately retorted.

"What's wrong? Can you think of a better way? Have you ever heard of the saying that military orders cannot be violated?"

Where do all these problems come from?

At this time, if Huangfulong were to give orders here, would they still hesitate to say so? In the final analysis, she is not questioning her authority.

How many failed battles in history were all because the people below were too opinionated and did not listen to orders, and ended up in complete defeat?

The general was displeased when he saw Liang Qingqing's harsh tone, and finally knelt down.

"Subordinates obey orders!" (End of Chapter)

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