Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 284 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor (30)

Qi Jun thinks this is a great deal!

An ordinary mountain can be exchanged for such a precious weapon. In the future, it can be dismantled and studied by the craftsmen of the country. As long as the subtleties are discovered and mass-produced, no one will dare to come to him from now on. Howling on national territory?

So what if it’s Da Zhou? It can also make him never come back!

In this way, Jin Shu got a mountain at the cost of giving away a mediocre crossbow in the camp's arsenal.

That thing was indeed extremely powerful, and the right minister even advised her to think twice before sending it out.

But Jin Shu thought it was a good deal.

After all, she exchanged a piece of iron for a whole mountain of gold!

As long as the weapons sent out are a bit ordinary, Qi Jun will definitely hesitate.

But if it was the crossbow, the most lethal weapon in the cold weapon era, then he couldn't help but hesitate. After all, which emperor in the world could refuse a weapon that could shoot through the head of a brown bear with his bare hands?

This Jinshan was determined by Jin Shu after several inspections in the middle of the night. Because the gold veins were buried relatively deep, no one has discovered it yet.

Now that the mountain belongs to Jin Shu, she didn't waste any time and immediately sent her most trusted cronies to lead the troops to dig it out.

Jin Shu had already studied the specific location. You must know that in those still nights, Jin Shu lay on the ground and searched bit by bit. In the end, when she was about to doubt whether her original judgment was wrong, Jin Shu's She finally found the entrance.

It didn't take long for good news to come over there, and a golden lump the size of a fist was delivered to Jin Shu's hand.

"I heard that the gold mine stretches for thousands of meters, and almost half of the mountain is covered with gold!"

When the right minister heard the good news, he couldn't help but his hands were shaking with excitement. The gold bumps in his hands were heavy. He looked at Jin Shu and said excitedly.

"With this mountain, we can hope to unify the world!"

"The mining operation is carried out secretly. We must seize the time to bring back all the gold mines. If Da Qi finds out, he will definitely regret it. We cannot give him this opportunity."

After this matter is resolved, Jin Shu will sit down and watch the fire from the other side with peace of mind.

The soldiers of Qi Yuan and Da Zhou have already fought, and the final result is obvious. No matter how powerful Da Zhou is, he probably won't have much morale to fight against Qi Yuan's army after all the hardships along the way.

Not to mention that Jin Shu also borrowed so many soldiers and horses. The elite cavalry she lent to Qi Yuan can guarantee that this battle will not be lost.

On the viewing platform, thick curtains blocked out the cold wind of early spring. The five-meter high platform had an excellent view. Jin Shu was sitting on a soft animal skin blanket with a small heater next to her. Her whole body was warm. Lying there, cracking melon seeds and watching the battle below.

Zhou Yinghuai, who was opposite, poured her a cup of tea.

"The girl's face has turned a lot more rosy recently."

"I train with the soldiers every day, and my body and bones have naturally become much stronger. It's time for you to practice too. There's heavy wind and snow in northern Xinjiang, and your body can easily be blown away."

Zhou Yinghuai was a white-faced scholar who could not carry his shoulders or lift his hands. He was handsome and elegant, but his body was too thin. He obviously had a brilliant mind, but he also liked things like marching and fighting.

How could he go to the battlefield looking like this? The enemy can kill two of them with one sword.

Zhou Yinghuai nodded somewhat ashamedly.

"I know, but I was born like this, but I heard from your right minister that you have been in good health since you were a child, but it gradually deteriorated. The feng shui of the palace does not nourish people, and it is not as nourishing as the wind and snow of northern Xinjiang. "

Zhou Yinghuai was a counselor and was very sharp-tongued.

Jin Shu couldn't help but smile while watching the army gathering below.

"Yes, Northern Xinjiang is great. The sky is high and the sky is high. I like it very much."

She stayed away from Huangfu Rong and worked hard, and her luck would gradually improve.

Coupled with her daily exercise and perseverance, her body is now much stronger. With the double improvement and transformation of her mind and body, her previously lost luck is also regaining little by little.

Nowadays, Jin Shu can fight eight with one person. In addition, she opens a horse farm, builds a city, digs a moat, recruits good ministers, recruits and trains soldiers, and everything is going on in an orderly manner.

Once a person becomes strong, luck will naturally come from all directions.

As for Huangfu Rong, who had relied on his original owner's luck to become strong and prosperous, while Jin Shu's luck was rising, his luck would only continue to decline.

This is just the beginning.

Take your time and don't rush. Sooner or later, Jin Shu will take back the luck that the original owner sent away bit by bit.

At this time, in the audience, the war was about to break out.

Huangfu Rong personally led the troops and stood at the front with fifty thousand soldiers and horses. Wearing armor and holding a spear, he looked like the undefeated general he had been back then.

But when the fight actually started, the situation was not so optimistic.

No matter how you look at it, 50,000 vs. 30,000 is a sure win. But when a group of cavalry armed with crossbows and mounted war horses suddenly mix in among the melee, the situation is instantly reversed.

The troops of the Zhou Dynasty, which were pressing forward step by step, were directly disrupted by this group of elite cavalry. As bows and crossbows flew into the army, the panicked Zhou army was completely in chaos.

At this time, the Qi and Yuan armies only needed to perform normally, and it didn't take long before they were defeated one after another in the Great Zhou Dynasty. They retreated dozens of miles from the border of northern Xinjiang, abandoning their helmets and armor along the way and feeling embarrassed.

Jin Shu was very skilled at hitting a drowned dog with a stick.

Now that she has arrived on her territory, she must not let Huangfulong run away so easily.

So when the Zhou soldiers and horses retreated for more than thirty miles and thought everything was safe, the soldiers and horses who had been waiting for a long time behind the retreat rushed out.

The general on horseback was full of resentment towards Zhou Dynasty and chased the emperor of Zhou Dynasty to death.

There were about 20,000 soldiers and horses left at the beginning. After being ambushed like this, they quickly dispersed in twos and threes in the wide area of ​​northern Xinjiang.

General Liu Lingzun chased the emperor's troops and horses until they reached the center of northern Xinjiang.

The wind there is very cold and biting. Spring has not yet come there, and there is even light snow in the sky.

Seeing that the once aloof emperor was now being chased and put on the clothes of a soldier, hiding in the crowd and not daring to show his head, the general laughed happily in his heart.

The anger in his heart was almost relieved, but Jin Shu still had to obey the order, which was to save the life of the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty.

After Huangfu Rong dies, and a more capable emperor from the Huangfu family ascends the throne, then the empire of the Great Zhou Dynasty may be more stable.

Therefore, the waste in front of me cannot die yet. I have to let him live and destroy the country with his own hands to relieve his anger!

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