Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 285 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (31)

Liu Lingzun, who was quite relieved, dismounted and walked into the meeting hall with a big smile. His cheerful expression felt like he had been aggrieved.

"Girl Jin! I pushed that beast Huangfu Rong onto the ice! Hahahaha, it will probably take some effort to get out! But don't worry, I didn't touch a finger on him, but I saw him escaping The way he looked like he was pissing, he must have fallen hard!"

Jin Shu could see that he was relieved, so she smiled and said, "It'll be fine once you're relieved."

"Miss Jin, what should we do now? Da Zhou has brought a lot of good things this time, otherwise..."

"Well, we don't rob, we just pick them up. How many weapons did they lose along the way? They also lost so many horses. If a Pegasus horse gets lost in such cold weather, it will definitely freeze to death, so let's show our kindness and help them Bring the horse back."

Dazhou came with the idea of ​​​​deterrence, and by the way, he showed his strong national power.

The new king will naturally win beautifully in his first battle.

So Huangfu Rong also brought a lot of war horses, and even equipped three cavalry groups.

It's a pity that when their horses arrived in front of Jin Shu's horse, they were much smaller in size. The horses on both sides stood together, which made Da Zhou's war horse look like a dwarf, with short legs and a big belly.

Small horses are naturally afraid of big horses. When the horse underneath him panics, the people on the horse will naturally become afraid as well.

In this way, the three cavalry groups became the fastest to be defeated, and many horses were left behind when they fled.

Jin Shu had already sent someone to wait and pick up the missing items.

No matter what, horses are always a good thing in this era. Even if Jin Shu doesn't like it, other countries can't take advantage of it.

In this way, after the First World War, the biggest beneficiary became Jin Shu.

"Girl Jin, we have established a country after all. It's not okay to not have a country name for a long time. Last time I went to negotiate with Qi and Yuan, they asked me for a country name and I had to make one up on the spot.

If you really can't think of it, then just call it gold. "

Big gold.

It sounds auspicious.

Jin Shu shook her head.

"If we don't call it Jin, this is a bad country name. Let's change it to another one. When we build a country in Northern Xinjiang, let's call it Beiguo."

"Isn't it a bit sloppy?"

Jin Shu waved her hand and said casually.

"It depends on the evaluation of future generations. It is not something you and I can decide."

In this way, the national title was decided hastily.

After this battle, Jin Shu obviously felt a lot better all over her body. The bottleneck that she had never been able to break through in terms of physical strength before was easily broken one day after the war. She usually had to be careful not to stuff her teeth when drinking cold water. Her luck has also become much better.

Because the first batch of ponies at the racecourse were born, they were all black-bodied and white-hoofed horses, which are the most widely circulated and most prestigious horse breed in northern Xinjiang. They are popular in northern Xinjiang for their high endurance, speed and high IQ. Loved by all countries in Xinjiang.

When it comes to the steeds in the world, look to Northern Xinjiang, and the steeds of Northern Xinjiang should look to Mongolia, and Mongolia’s favorite horse is the Cloud-Stepping Horse.

Such a precious and rare horse breed accounts for 60% of the ponies born in this batch.

Jin Shu, who was delivering the baby at the beginning, had bright eyes. Several horse raising experts who were helping beside her were shouting with excitement. They were even happier than their own daughter-in-law had given birth.

But later, as more and more cloud-walking horses were born, Jin Shu became accustomed to them. Even the person who couldn't help crying when he saw the cloud-walking horses at the beginning couldn't help but murmur.

"Is this a stab at the horse's nest? It's strange that there isn't even a mottled one at all!"

For the first time, Jin Shu felt the power of the original owner's "profound blessings".

If it weren't for Huangfulong, the original owner would have been born to enjoy blessings, and her life would have been smooth and carefree.

It's a pity that the original owner, who could live a good life no matter who she chooses on the street with her eyes closed, chose the man she should least be close to.

The male protagonist who has a scheming and vicious female counterpart will be scolded no matter which woman comes close to her.

After all, this is the heroine's exclusive man.

Of course, the original owner's good luck didn't stop there. Before this batch of snow ponies opened their eyes, there was another good news coming from the other side.

"Girl Jin! What a happy event! Seven small countries in northern Xinjiang have come to seek refuge with us, voluntarily joining us, and willing to bow their heads!"

Jin Shu was vaccinating the newborn pony. After hearing the news, she didn't have much emotion and just gave the instructions calmly.

"Speed ​​up the construction of surrounding houses and provide good housing and land for the newly joined people. Also, it is smart for them to take the initiative to join. We sent someone to send 300,000 kilograms of coal to help them survive these last cold days."

After the Seven Kingdoms took refuge, Jin Shu was not a stingy person, and was generous with the benefits that were due. He sent hundreds of thousands of kilograms of coal to them. In addition, he also took the initiative to provide them with food.

How could these small countries in northern Xinjiang, which were accustomed to living frugally and living a hard life of hunger and cold, have seen so many good things?

At that moment, I wanted to join the Northern Kingdom immediately, and I couldn't bear to waste any time.

The news of the Seven Kingdoms' entry into the north quickly spread throughout Northern Xinjiang.

Naturally, some big countries in the northern Xinjiang looked down upon them. After all, surrendering to others would not give you the ease and freedom of being king and hegemon.

But other small countries nearby are interested.

There are not many people anyway, so instead of hanging together and living a hard life, it is better to go directly to a powerful country and live a good life!

Before the weather got warmer, thirteen countries successfully merged into the Northern Kingdom, quickly allowing the newly founded Northern Kingdom to grow into one of the three major countries in Northern Xinjiang, on an equal footing with the other two countries, Mongolia and Jin.

Due to the expansion of the territory, with the support of the former cronies, the palace belonging to the Northern Kingdom was built from the ground in just two months, becoming the most dazzling and magnificent building in the Northern Territory.

Among the refugees who were taken in by Jin Shu, there was a family of craftsmen who escaped from the epidemic in Dazhou. Due to the epidemic in the city, the original craftsmen had to leave their hometown where they had lived for decades in order to protect themselves. Arrive at the border of northern Xinjiang.

At that time, Northern Xinjiang shunned these refugees fleeing the epidemic. At first, even the Right Prime Minister did not agree to take in the refugees. After all, if the epidemic was introduced to the Northern Territory, it would quickly corrode the entire country in a short period of time.

But in the end it was Jin Shu who decided to take in the refugees and not refuse them all.

But the premise is that these refugees must sign and sign before entering the city gate, swearing in the name of their descendants and family members that as long as they enter the gate of the North Kingdom, they will always be loyal to the North Kingdom and never return to the Zhou Dynasty.

Most people dare not violate this kind of poison.

After pressing the fingerprint, there is another process to enter the gate, which is to drink a bowl of hot and sweet soup. After drinking it, stay in the temporary residential area for seven days. After seven days, those who are safe and sound can enter the Northern Kingdom.

Two months have passed, and those who were initially dissatisfied and panicked about Jin Shu's decision have all shut their mouths.

Because Jin Shu did what she said.

she says.

"I will not let anyone who enters my northern kingdom die easily. I will protect him."

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