Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 286 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor (32)

In this way, within two months, there was still no case of epidemic disease in the northern country. Jin Shu used practical actions to silence the restless elements.

By the way, I picked out all the people who danced and screamed the loudest when we took in the refugees.

The Right Chancellor is older and still wise and sophisticated, but he cannot resist the fact that his old eyes are dim and cannot see the true face of some people.

He remembered that they were all colleagues who were exiled to Northern Xinjiang together, and they had developed friendship over the years. Even when the other party did a lot of transgressions, they took the old friendship into account and tolerated it again and again.

He gave them a chance, but Jin Shu didn't.

Facts have proved that those who were exiled are indeed not all aggrieved people. People like this who can't do much serious work and can only fish in troubled waters and form cliques will be a disaster wherever they are placed.

After Jin Shu cured the diseases of those in the outer city, he had free hands to tie up these people and throw them out.

Those people were naturally unwilling. They hugged the Prime Minister's thigh and begged him crying.

These people were all colleagues in the DPRK and the Central Government at that time. The Right Prime Minister couldn't bear it and was about to intercede with Jin Shu, but he could only get a cold response from Jin Shu.

"Right Prime Minister, if the Northern Kingdom is a person, these people are like repellents attached to the thighs. At this time, they are just chewing some skin and flesh. In the future, they will have to burrow into the flesh and blood to eat meat and drink blood. Then you will think of them again. If you dig it out, you may have to break your legs to save your life."

After saying this, the right minister could no longer utter a word of mercy.

In the end, these people were kicked out, but it was not too cold in Northern Xinjiang at this time, so it would not freeze them to death.

Jin Shu stood on the tower and watched several people turn around and leave in fear, the hatred on her face almost overflowing.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, raised the crossbow in her hand, and fired without hesitation.

The few people who were still insulting Jin Shu one second, felt a strong wind blow by their ears the next second, and then when they were about to take the next step, a sharp arrow was shot at their feet with great force. In the end, only a small section of arrow feathers was left outside!

Several people were so frightened that they didn't dare to delay for even half a second and ran all the way towards the northern border.

After that, the entire management team became extremely honest. Those people who always talked back to the right prime minister in the past are now extremely obedient and do whatever they are told. They dare not violate even a single word.

Especially when he saw Jin Shu, it was almost like a quail seeing an eagle. The fear and surrender were engraved in his bones. Not to mention having a rebellious heart, even thinking about it made him feel that he deserved death.

The affairs of the country are still left to the Right Prime Minister, Zhou Yinghuai and others.

These people really followed Jin Shu and had real abilities, so Jin Shu tried his best to be lazy and do other things.

For example, plan urban construction, road construction, etc., and upgrade and manage the racecourse separately. Use scientific visualization methods to ensure that each batch of horses can grow into the best war horses.

Usually Jin Shu would ride around on Xiaobai when she had nothing to do, but now she owned almost half of Northern Xinjiang, and because she couldn't sit still at all, many people outside the main city could recognize her.

Without anyone's instructions, these people would all kneel together as soon as they saw Jin Shu.

This situation is very similar to the scene when Jin Shu first became a god. Regardless of whether she was a mortal or an immortal, wherever she went she could only see the backs of heads lying at her feet.

Life is actually meaningless when it comes to this level.

The most exaggerated thing is that even if Jin Shu's horse goes out for a walk alone, all the people will kneel down and worship him.

Later, Jin Shu gradually didn't like to go out during the day. Anyway, the vast Northern Xinjiang was almost covered by her. In the remaining days, she could spend more time walking outside.

But there were not many free days. One day Liu Lingzun walked into the meeting hall aggressively and shouted loudly.

"Those two old beasts from Qi Yuan! They actually swallowed up the entire coal yard in Dazhou without our backs! This coal yard was snatched by our three countries together, and they actually took over the coal yard privately! I will lead the people today They went to mine coal and they asked us for money!

Ten thousand kilograms of coal will cost us a box of gold! ! It’s more expensive than what his mother sold it in Dazhou! "

Liu Lingzun was obviously very angry. When he spoke, he punched and kicked the air, and his hands were shaking with anger.

The right minister threw down the brush in his hand and was silent in thought.

Zhou Yinghuai on the side said helplessly.

"This kind of thing is quite common. It's not the first time that the monarchs of Qi and Yuan have done this kind of thing."

So he had persuaded Jin Shu to take action early, otherwise he would be tricked by those two old guys Qi Yuan sooner or later.

It's fine now. As he said, the two old guys went back on their word and became kings!

Everyone looked at Jin Shu silently. She was flipping the table full of small parts. Finally, she took out something with a round hole, a long mouth and a short handle from a pile of messy iron blocks. It looked like a black lump of iron. The shape is a little weird.

Jin Shu held the handle of the gun with one hand and pointed the gun at the stone lion outside the door of the meeting hall.

"Didn't I tell you before that I want a stone crane, not a stone lion? And who made this lion? One-eyed lion, what kind of genius?"

Jin Shu, the stone lion at the door, has long been displeased.

However, this thing was a gift from the Jin Kingdom in Northern Xinjiang, saying that this thing was their country's sacred beast and could bless the Northern Kingdom.

Zhou Yinghuai showed his respect by placing the one-eyed stone lion outside the meeting hall.

"Girl Jin, haven't I already told you that this was made by the King of Jin himself, and was sent as a gift for peace. It looks a little weird, but after all, it is a friendly country with the best intentions."

Jin Shu slowly closed one eye, opened the other, raised the gun in her hand, and whispered.

"Seek peace? Just give me this thing?"

After saying that, she lowered her eyes and looked at the right minister below.

"Your Excellency, please close your ears."

"Huh? Why?"

"You block it first and I'll tell you later."

The right minister looked confused and had no idea what Jin Shu was going to do, but he still covered his ears honestly.

Then the next second there was a loud "bang", and accompanied by a strong smell of gunpowder, the head of the one-eyed stone lion at the door was instantly torn apart, and broken stones were scattered everywhere.

The entire chamber was still echoing with the deafening sound just now. The right minister, who covered his ears, was still trembling with fright. Zhou Yinghuai even covered his ears with a frightened expression and his face turned paler.

The dignified general Liu Lingzun sat on the ground at some point, his tall body stiffened into stone, his eyes staring in horror and surprise at the still smoking iron lump in Jin Shu's hand, suppressing his panic and asking in a trembling voice.

"This...this...what is this?"

Jin Shu took back the gun, squeezed the hand that was numb from the shock, lowered her eyes and said calmly.


"What?" (End of Chapter)

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