Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 293 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor (39)

Jin Shu and Zhou Yinghuai were sitting at the bottom. On the lotus platform in front of them, a group of singers were playing the piano and dancing. With the flowers in their eyes, the sound of the piano was pleasant to the ears, which perfectly explained what it means to be charming with flowers in the capital.

Zhou Yinghuai sat aside, his originally fair face now looking more haggard.

"After today, Dazhou may be able to find a reason to launch a war against us."

"Well, then our goal has been achieved, hasn't it?"

Zhou Yinghuai doubted his ears and glanced at Jin Shu with confusion. He never expected that Jin Shu was not only calm, but even happy. She didn't seem to be worried at all about provoking the superpower Zhou.

"Your Majesty, do you want to start a war with Da Zhou?"

"There were plans for this."

"The Great Zhou Dynasty has a strong national power. A large part of the reason why we lost the last battle in Northern Xinjiang was due to the epidemic. If we launch a war this time, the main battlefield will be in Zhou Dynasty. We will not have any advantage. It will not be good for us to go to war."

The Northern Kingdom was also large, but its foundation was unstable and its military strength was not as large as that of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

"Think twice."

"How powerful is the gun in your hand?"

Zhou Yinghuai thought for a while and answered truthfully.

"It's quite powerful. With this gun, it's easy to defeat a hundred with one."

"If everyone has a gun by then, do you think we still have hope of winning?"

"The hope is great, but it is also very risky. The victory of Dazhou lies in the large number of people, and the gunpowder technology is also quite advanced. Even if we win, we will pay a high price."

Jin Shu knew.

Da Zhou was good at using gunpowder. Although he did not have the technology to make guns, he had abundant reserves of cannons and other thermal weapons. The reason why he had been able to sanction small neighboring countries for so many years was because they had quite advanced gunpowder technology.

Jin Shu took this aspect into consideration, so she accepted the invitation and came to the Great Zhou Palace without hesitation.

"What are you worried about? I'm lucky."

Regardless of strength, Jin Shu sometimes believes that it must be absolute luck to defeat someone with absolute strength.

According to Huangfu Rong's current depressed mental state, Da Zhou will not be better for long in his hands.

After the banquet was over, all the monarchs were helped to go back to rest. Jin Shu was left behind when Huangfu Rong left.

"We haven't seen each other for such a long time, Jin Shu. Let's sit down and talk."

Mu Han originally planned to leave, but when he heard this, he turned around and came back without hesitation, standing next to Jin Shu.

"Jin Shu and I are also old friends. Why don't you ask your majesty to give me a favor and let Jin Shu and I catch up on our past first?"

How could Huangfu Rong miss this opportunity? These people will leave tomorrow. If they don't achieve their goal tonight, it will not be so easy to get Jin Shu into the palace next time.

Jin Shu could tell that Mu Han was planning to rescue herself.

"We just happened to be on our way back. We can have a good chat on the way back."

Mu Han lowered his voice.

"What do you have to talk about with him? What? Are you still nostalgic for the old relationship? Why did he forget about you at that time?"

Everyone knows that Jin Shu and Huangfu Rong were childhood sweethearts.

Now the two people are on opposite sides. Jin Shu was abandoned by Huangfu Rong. It was supposed to be a scene where enemies would be extremely jealous when they met, but in the end, one of them seemed not to care at all, and the other pretended that nothing had happened, which made others look at him. Got to look confused.

"Jin Shu..."

"Okay, you two are the same kind of people, and it doesn't matter who you talk to."

Jin Shu's words choked Mu Han into silence for a long time.

Finally, he looked at Jin Shu seriously, and then put something into her hand.

"Give me a signal anytime you encounter anything."

Jin Shu lowered her head and saw that it was a signal flare unique to the grassland. The signal could be clearly seen hundreds of miles away.

After Mu Han left, only Jin Shu, Huangfulong, and a few maids were left in the back garden.

The moonlight was very bright, and Huangfulong could clearly see Jin Shu's face even without lighting the lamp.

After seeing each other for so long, he never realized that Jin Shu had a rather soft and delicate face.

In the past, he only wanted to escape, but in more than ten years of relationship, he had never taken a closer look at her.

By the end of the show, he couldn't even tell what kind of feelings he had for Jin Shu.

"Sending you to Northern Xinjiang at that time was the safest choice I could make. Only in this way can you save your life."

"In the past, 70% of people on the way to Northern Xinjiang would die on the way, and the remaining 30% would not survive half a year in Northern Xinjiang. Are you protecting me in this way?"

Jin Shu's tone was emotionless, and she said these words to help the original owner.

Huangfu Rong looked slightly embarrassed.

His body is very weak now. Even though the capital is very warm, he still has to wear a thick cloak at night, and he can only drink warm wine.

"You blame me, I know, but it is the imperial edict left by the late emperor to deal with you. I have just ascended the throne, so I can only follow the edict.

Now that you are also in Jianguo, I believe you can understand my mood at that time. "

"Well, everyone who becomes an emperor is selfish, so you keep me here just to explain to me what happened back then?"

Jin Shu's reaction was so bland that Huangfulong was a little at a loss.

"I won't do anything to Beiguo. Even if you don't believe what I say now, I still have to say that I have missed you all these years.

I made a mistake back then, and I should have fought against everyone's opinion to keep you, but now it's too late to say anything. The only way I can make it up to you now is to establish diplomatic relations with you.

From now on, no matter when, I will not harm the Northern Kingdom. You can rely on the Great Zhou Dynasty to keep you safe forever. This is my promise to you as the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty. "

Jin Shu took a sip of wine and smiled.

"Are you done?"


"After that, it's my turn. I'm here to tell you that when I survived from Northern Xinjiang, I secretly made a vow to myself, that is, to come back here and stay forever."

When Huangfu Rong heard this, his face showed unconcealable joy.

"You can stay anytime you want to stay, and you can stay as long as you want. We can be together forever as we were before."

Jin Shu stood up and smiled at him.

"Don't worry, I will stay in my own way."

Huangfu Rong was a little confused, but soon he just thought it was Jin Shu's angry words to vent his anger.

This made him feel a lot more relaxed.

This proves that Jin Shu still has feelings for him, whether it is love or hate, as long as she still wants to come back here, then they will still have a chance to go back to the past.

After becoming the emperor, he missed the days before, relaxed and comfortable, and he only had to make Jin Shu happy every day. The most important thing was that he was strong enough and tenacious enough at that time.

He was fed up with looking so sick.

Jin Shu stood up and left, looking at everything here.

The original owner grew up playing here and had deep feelings for it, so Jin Shu wanted to keep everything in front of her and give it to the original owner alone.

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