Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 294 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (40)

Liang Qingqing waited for Huangfu Rong until late at night.

Two candles had burned out, and the maid advised her to rest, but in the end she was given an angry whip.

The queen was angry, and no one dared to cause trouble, so she knelt all over the ground outside.

It wasn't until Huangfu Rong arrived that everyone breathed a sigh of relief, brought in hot food and wine, and then hurriedly exited and closed the door.

Liang Qingqing looked at him silently, the emotions on her face clearly shown. Even if she knew Huangfu Rong was coming, she deliberately did not look back, let alone pay attention to him.

I thought he would take the initiative to ask, but after he entered the door, he just came to get something, then turned around to leave. When he was about to reach the door, Liang Qingqing called him.


Huangfu Rong ignored her, but something heavy and hard hit him hard on the back.

Looking back, I saw that the jade unicorn ornament on the cabinet was gone and was now broken into pieces and thrown to the ground.

"Huangfu Rong, don't you have anything to explain to me?"

"What do I need to explain to you?"

Liang Qingqing was usually a little short-tempered, Huangfu Rong usually just pretended not to notice, and he didn't have time to argue with her.

But today, she stood in front of him with anger and hatred on her face, without any respect for the emperor.

"Huangfu Rong, I've given you a lot of face outside today. If you want to let Jin Shu go, I won't say anything. If you want to stay and chat with her alone, I won't say anything.

Now that you're back so late, you don't even have an explanation, right? ! "

"Explain? Who are you? Who am I? What do I need to explain to you?"

Liang Qingqing asked him in disbelief with his eyes widened and his whole body trembling.

"You want to use your status as emperor to suppress me now, right? Okay, then you will be your emperor from now on. You let me out of the palace. I won't stay here anymore. Let me out!"

"What kind of place do you think the palace is? You can come and leave whenever you want? Let me tell you, the queen can only stay in two places in her life, the palace and the imperial mausoleum! If you don't want to stay in the palace, then just go to the palace. Guard Ling!"

Seeing Huangfu Rong, who could no longer bear it anymore and became furious and manic, Liang Qingqing was so frightened that he couldn't even speak.

She had never seen Huangfu Rong like this before, and she had never realized that the world she lived in was a feudal dynasty as clearly as she did now.

She thought she had found true love, thought she could find an emperor who was willing to lower his profile for her like in novels and TV series, but she never expected that she would not escape the oppression of the feudal dynasty in the end.

"Let me go! Since you don't love me anymore, why can't you let me go?"

"You want to leave? Okay, if that's the case, then you can go to the cold palace to stay for a few days and have a taste of what it feels like to work every day without anyone taking care of you!"

Liang Qingqing gritted his teeth stubbornly and refused to bow his head.

She knew that if she compromised now, she would completely become a victim of the feudal system.

Huangfu Rong was saying angry words now, and she didn't believe that he could really let go.

So she still shouted stubbornly.

"Let me go! If you don't love me, let me go! I am different from other women. I am not with you because of your identity and status. Wherever my love is, I will be there! Even if you are just a beggar I will always be with you.

But you don’t love me now, so there’s no need for me to stay in this place that eats people without spitting out their bones!

Please, let me go. From now on, no one will care about you so much, and no one will bother you in your ears! "


The air suddenly stagnated.

Liang Qingqing's heart stopped and she forgot to shed tears for a moment.

"You, what did you say?"

Huangfu Rong stood in front of the door, with no emotion at all in his eyes, and his expression was so cold that it was scary.

"I said yes, do you want to leave? I will send someone to take you out of the palace tonight.

Since you don't want to be the queen, then I will let you go free. Everything here has nothing to do with you. Take off this phoenix robe and leave as you came. "

Liang Qingqing stared, feeling that Huangfu Rong was still talking angrily. She deliberately showed a relaxed and relieved expression, took off the gorgeous clothes without hesitation, and finally bowed to him respectfully.

"Your Majesty, I will take my leave. Please take care of yourself..."

Before he finished speaking, the man in front of him opened the door and left without looking back, as if he had no regrets.

Liang Qingqing was still thinking about when he would turn back, but before Huangfu Rong could turn around, a group of palace maids and eunuchs arrived. They walked in and moved everything out of Liang Qingqing's palace without saying a word.

"His Majesty, Your Majesty said you want to leave the palace, so let's go now. It's late at night and the palace door is not open, so we have to go through the small door."

Liang Qingqing had a sullen face, suppressing his anger and followed the eunuchs and left the palace through the small door.

When she got on the carriage, she kept looking around. Finally, seeing that the carriage was about to set off, she finally couldn't help but ask the eunuch.

"Where is your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty has returned to the palace to rest. Your Majesty will have nothing to do with this place after we say goodbye today. It's dark and the road is long, so walk slowly."

Do you really want to leave?

Liang Qingqing grabbed the door frame of the carriage and couldn't help but tears welling up in her eyes.

Just leave, she doesn't believe that she can't survive with her modern wisdom!

It's great to be free outside. She can go wherever she wants and do whatever she wants. There are countless beautiful men and she can find as many as she wants. She no longer has to stay within the high walls of the palace and wait for Huangfu Rong every day.

Finally, the carriage drove her away from the palace gate. Seeing that the palace was getting further and further away, the carriage had no intention of stopping.

"Stop, stop!"

"This is the inner circle of the capital. Ordinary people cannot get close, so the carriage cannot stop here."

"I can't stay here either?"

"Except for His Majesty's royal relatives and important officials in the court, no one else is allowed to come near this place, and naturally you can't either."

The groom was quite polite to her, but Liang Qingqing found his words extremely harsh.

A thing that relies on human power!

"Where's the nearest place the carriage can park?"

"We can reach the outer edge of the capital early tomorrow morning."

"so far away?!"

"There are six circles in the capital, and each circle is strictly hierarchical. With your current status, you can only live on the outermost edge of the six circles."

Liang Qingqing wanted to say something else, but the coachman ignored her anymore. The road was empty at night, except for the sound of the horse-drawn carriage galloping.

The carriage didn't stop until daybreak. Liang Qingqing's bones were about to fall apart. When had she ever ridden in such a hard carriage?

"We're here, get off the car, I'll go back and resume my life."

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