Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 295 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (41)

Even the name changed when we arrived at the place.

Liang Qingqing stared at the groom's face carefully for a while, then said coldly.

"In this life, you have done too many things that add insult to injury. Be careful of retribution."

The groom looked helpless when he heard this.

Why did he add insult to injury? She gave him all the respect that should be given, and he rode the horse respectfully along the way. You can't let him kneel down to her like the queen, right?

Now no one in the palace knows that she has been deposed, and she has not yet seen the person who really made matters worse.

The groom didn't want to have anything to do with her anymore. After the mission was completed, he couldn't wait to ride back to the palace.

The capital has warmed up in early spring, but it is still a little deserted in the morning and evening. Liang Qingqing only has one piece of clothing on her body, and she took off the rest out of frustration. She also did not have time to take away the countless jewels and jade in the palace. , now a person stands here, still a little at a loss for a while.

"What are you afraid of? Take one step at a time. Are you still afraid of starving to death these days?"

How could she not use all her modern knowledge? Do you have to rely on a mere Huangfu Rong to survive?

Thinking of this, Liang Qingqing walked directly into a medical clinic. The hospital had just opened, and the waiter hadn't had time to hang up the lantern. Liang Qingqing walked directly in.

"Where's your boss? Call him out. I have some precious prescriptions to show him."

After a while, the boss came out, took the list written by Liang Qingqing, glanced at it casually, and then threw it aside.

"We all have these prescriptions for you. Go, go, go. Don't make trouble here. Get out quickly."

"You have?! How is that possible! Do you know what this prescription can cure?"

"Hahaha, am I a drug store owner or are you a drug store owner? You want to exchange a hundred taels of gold with me for some prescriptions for treating wind and cold, asthma, sweating, and foot pain?

Do you think gold grows from the ground? Still a hundred taels, these things of yours are not worth a single copper! Come on, don't delay our business! "

Liang Qingqing was pushed out, and all the prescriptions that he had treasured for so long were thrown out.

"Ignorant old stubborn!"

She gritted her teeth and endured. If she were still the queen, these untouchables would not even have the qualifications to raise their heads to look at her. If they dared to push her like now, none of the nine tribes would be able to kill her!

Containing her anger, she went to several other pharmacies.

The result was the same, they just took one look and kicked her out.

Looking at the list in her hand, Liang Qingqing still didn't believe it. This was a modern prescription she learned from watching short videos. How could it be possible in ancient times? Are ancient people smarter than modern people? So many prescriptions were invented so early?

Liang Qingqing's plan to quickly earn a pot of gold and open a store to make money was shattered.

She stood on the street and watched the people coming and going. They were all dressed in coarse linen and had yellow faces and thin muscles, as if they had fled.

This is obviously the most prosperous capital city, with gold everywhere, and everyone is well fed, clothed, and living a happy life. How could it have such a mental outlook?

The man who was selling steamed buns on the roadside saw her strolling there all morning, and he couldn't bear to give her a steamed bun.

Liang Qingqing was indeed hungry, so she said thank you and took the bun.

"I will definitely bring a lot of money to thank you in a few days."

"It's just a bun. You're welcome. Once you're full, leave here as quickly as possible. No one in the capital can take you in."

Liang Qingqing found it ridiculous.

"Who do you think I am?"

"Aren't you a refugee who fled from the south? I see several people like you every day. If you believe me, go directly to the North Country now. If you can enter the city when you get there, you can live peacefully. .”

"Going to the North Country? Oh, wouldn't you die faster if you go there?"

The Baozi boss shook his head when he heard this.

"What are you talking about! Now many people in the capital have gone to the North. We have to leave soon. This area will be empty. There will be no good life for us if we stay."

"You don't want to wait in the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. What kind of remote and remote place in the Northern Kingdom are you going to? Maybe the Northern Kingdom will be destroyed before you can get there!"

The Baozi boss's face changed suddenly, and his expression that was smiling just now turned cold.

"The frog at the bottom of the well is still talking nonsense here! We can see with our own eyes what's better between the North and the capital! You girl, you'd better go to the North and see for yourself. After reading this, I'll see if you can still say something like this!"

Zhou Yinghuai also said this.

"Just go, I want to see what kind of ecstasy soup Beiguo pours on you. Everyone wants to be a traitor!"

"I'm telling you, you turned out to be a fool! Go, go, go, you blinded me for nothing!"

Liang Qingqing endured it silently. She couldn't do anything now. She could only wait for Huangfu Rong to pick her up and retaliate with old and new grudges.

Next she went to a restaurant and wanted to exchange poems for money, but the boss didn't even look at her and just said something coldly.

"I can't even afford food and you still want to exchange poems for money! Get away!"

At this time, Liang Qingqing only felt that the outside world was very different from what he imagined.

Everyone in the capital is cunning and treacherous, without any trace of the simple enthusiasm of the ancients.

The owner of the shop is even more hard-hearted and not as kind and hospitable as shown on TV.

The most important thing is her ability. She thought she would be able to show off her talents among the people, but in the end, the things she collected were either already available in ancient times, or were too advanced for these pedantic ancients to take them seriously.

She was exhausted at the end of the day, and the seeds of regret had already taken root and sprouted in her heart.

She regretted it. The outside world was cold and hard, and everyone had indifferent expressions on their faces. Unlike in the palace, everything she could touch was smooth, warm, and soft. Everyone she met was Gentle, humble and polite.

But it would be too embarrassing to go back now. She didn't want Huangfu Rong to think that she was a woman who easily bowed her head.

So Liang Qingqing decided to find another way to show off his talents.

She knew history, knew all the important nodes in the development of this era, and knew what changes the Great Zhou Dynasty would face next, so she decided to go to the North Kingdom first, conduct on-the-spot research, and then find talented people who could really help her.

What Jin Shu can do, she can do too.

How could she build a tall building out of flat ground as well as the ancients?

Liang Qingqing, who had no way of making money after leaving the palace, had no choice but to pawn the only set of valuable clothes he had in order to pay for the trip to the North, exchanging three taels of silver and a coarse cotton coat, and then followed up with a The team preparing to move to the North Country set off together.

She gritted her teeth and endured all the hardships along the way, and finally arrived in the Northland half a month later. (End of chapter)

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