Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 296 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (42)

Along the way, Liang Qingqing maintained absolute vigilance. Although she didn't have anything valuable on her, she was worried that these untouchables would have plans for her.

There is also a merchant family in the team. The parents and their son and daughter are wearing clothes that look like very expensive fabrics, but they are not silk. After all, no matter how rich the merchant is, they are not allowed to buy and sell silk, so when everyone When they were all asking each other why they wanted to defect to the North, the merchant said directly.

“In Dazhou, among the scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, the people we do business with are the most humble people. No matter how much money we make, we can’t get others to look at us seriously.

But the Northern Kingdom is different. Her Majesty the Empress of the Northern Kingdom strongly supports the development of business. There, as long as you have the ability, you can live a good life respected by everyone. In this case, I naturally want to bring my whole family to the Northern Kingdom.

While the Northern Kingdom is still recruiting people, we must do it as soon as possible. If the gate of the Northern Kingdom is no longer open, we will have time to cry. "

The girl sitting next to the merchant is his daughter. She is eighteen or nineteen years old. When she talks about the Empress of the North, her eyes are full of unconcealable admiration and yearning.

"Also, Her Majesty the Empress governs the country well. Not only has our merchants no longer been looked down upon by others, but she has also set up a special school for girls and even promulgated a law. If the people of the North have girls of school age who are not allowed to enter the school, then this household People will be punished.”

"Women's school? A school specially set up for women? Hahahaha, is there such a thing in the world? It is natural for men to go to school. What is the use of women having so much knowledge? Is it possible that they can also serve as officials in the court?"

Another man walking with him laughed loudly.

The girl replied calmly.

"Is Her Majesty the Empress a man or a woman? When you said this, didn't you think that your future Majesty would also be a woman?"

The man was speechless for a moment and could not utter a word.

At this time, several girls nearby asked curiously.

"Is this really true? What if there are both men and women in the family and can't afford to send two children to school?"

"You really haven't understood the laws of the Northern Kingdom at all. I have read them carefully. Nowadays, the Northern Kingdom has established primary, secondary, large and third-level schools. However, children of school age do not need to pay money when they study in the primary or secondary schools. You just need to take care of your own three meals a day.

In addition, students who are particularly in need can go to the local Academic Affairs Department to apply for a hardship subsidy, which can be a full five taels of silver a year! It’s enough for you to study and eat! "

"Wow, that's great! Oh my god, Her Majesty the Empress is so wise! No wonder people all over the world are going there, who wouldn't want to go to such a wonderful place!"

The girl looked yearning and continued to talk about science.

"In short, the North Country is the most suitable place for women to live. I am going there this time to take the final scientific examination. If I can pass the examination, both men and women can serve as officials in the court!"

Now a lot of people had gathered around her.

Both men and women, especially girls, were chirping like little swallows and asking questions.

Liang Qingqing, who was sitting on the bullock cart, went from being indifferent at the beginning to being surprised at the end. Then she suddenly stood up and squeezed into the innermost room, asking in disbelief with her eyes wide open.

"What did you say? What did you call the farming technique you just mentioned?"

The girl looked at her with confusion.

"Vegetable greenhouse technology, with a layer of permeable soft film, can be supported to create a spring-like environment all year round. No matter what the climate or weather, various vegetables can be grown inside.

So even though the climate in the north is a bit cold, some common fruits and vegetables in the south can be grown in greenhouses. In short, as long as you live in the north for more than a year, you can get land and learn greenhouse planting technology and livestock breeding technology. I heard that in the north, you can , I can’t finish the chicken, duck, and fish! "

Liang Qingqing was stunned for more than ten seconds. After being in a daze for a while, he finally confirmed that he had indeed heard the modern terminology from an ancient person.

In fact, she thought the girls' school was strange from the beginning. How could ancient people set up a place specifically for girls to go to school? How could there be such a unique modern education system of elementary school, middle school and high school!

The word "big shed" made Liang Qingqing directly confirm that the empress of the Northern Kingdom, Jin Shu, the former goddess of the Great Zhou Dynasty, was also a genuine time-traveling girl like her!

When did she travel through time?

Has she traveled from her own time?

More importantly, how did she climb from a refugee in northern Xinjiang to the empress of a country in just two years?

Liang Qingqing gritted her teeth and looked at the tall and majestic Northern City Gate in front of her. This marvelous building and modern design, as a modern person, she was once again convinced that Jin Shu had also traveled through time.

She copied the wisdom of modern people and showed it off in front of these ignorant ancients.

The extremely modern cross-river bridge is so majestic that all the people passing by can't help but stop and watch and marvel.

The ancients obviously could not understand why such a tall bridge could be placed across the two ends of a river with such a long span. Liang Qingqing's eyes were full of disdain and indifference at this time.

The girl who was traveling with us was so excited that she almost shed tears when she saw this magnificent building.

"Is it that exaggerated? Isn't this just an ordinary bridge across a river?"

Liang Qingqing's tone was calm. Compared with other emotional people, she did seem too different.

The girl couldn't help but frown.

"Ordinary? How can the only thing in the world be ordinary?"

"It looks like something alien to you, but to me it's just a normal thing."

"You know how to come here, you don't know anything and you are still pretending here, you are really weird!"

Liang Qingqing felt choked in her heart, and her unwillingness was surging in her heart.

They all come from the same era, so why can Jin Shu brazenly plagiarize the wisdom of modern people? But she even had to pay the price for being an oxytetracycline!

After entering the city, all outsiders need to register their identity information at a specific place.

The number of people in the family, age, place of origin, whether they are doing business or farming, etc. are all recorded in the register in detail, and then handed over to a dedicated person for sorting.

The whole process is extremely smooth, and even if there are thousands of people coming to seek refuge, there will still be no crowding or clutter.

The guards on both sides were maintaining order. Liang Qingqing looked at the number plate in his hand with a sneer on his lips.

Take your number and wait for a seat.

This kind of little trick is also used to show off, that is, these ignorant ancients still treat it as a novelty.

When we arrived at Liang Qingqing, the registrar asked in a calm tone.

"What's your surname, age, place of origin, agricultural, industrial and commercial? Fill out the form yourself." (End of Chapter)

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