Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 297 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (43)

Seeing Liang Qingqing holding the list and not speaking, the other party frowned and sighed again.

"Illiterate? Forget it, you ask me to write it."

He had seen this kind of situation many times, and although he was a little impatient, he could still help her get the job done.


She smiled.

Indeed, this Jin Shu really copied all the most precious treasures in history.

He even calls it his own creation.

Oh, there are still such shameless and scoundrel people in the world.

"Are you going to tell me or not? Are you coming to the North Country? Or are you just here for fun?"

"For fun."

Of course she would not join the Northern Kingdom. She is from the Great Zhou Dynasty and is the queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty. How could she join such a country that was completely copied and borrowed from.

"I would like to ask, if you want to find your monarch, who should you report to?"

The recorder raised his eyes and glanced at her, as if looking at a fool.

Followed by his impatient urging.

"Don't look for trouble, just walk around and don't waste other people's time here!"

The people behind were also urging. The girl who came with him glared at Liang Qingqing. When it was her turn, the girl told the recorder without hesitation.

"This person is very strange. He has been asking about the Empress along the way, and his tone is very disrespectful to the Empress! I think this person is a traitor to the empire!"

As soon as he heard that he was disrespectful to the empress, the matter immediately became serious. The recorder called the guard directly and reported the situation to him in a low voice.

"Go and stop that woman just now. Be careful and ask carefully. Don't let anyone who harms the Empress enter the Northern Kingdom!"

Today's empress' status in the Northern Kingdom is no different than that of the God of Creation. Anyone who dares to disrespect God is going against the entire country!

As for Liang Qingqing, after being driven away, she was still thinking hard about how to meet Jin Shu. When she came to the North Country for the first time, she didn't even know where the capital of the North Country was, let alone where Jin Shu was.

She was asking a roadside salesman about the location of the capital. The salesman stared at her in disbelief, then looked strangely.

"Aren't you from the North?"

"I...I came here for fun."

"For fun? Are you here from Dazhou?"

"How do you know? You have such good eyesight?"

The salesman smiled.

"Your Majesty the Empress is in Northern Xinjiang, and you don't know what everyone in the world knows."

"What you said is an exaggeration. Why does everyone in the world know where your empress is?"

"Haven't you heard a sentence? Wherever the empress is, spring will be there. Now the bitter cold land in Northern Xinjiang has been transformed into a warm city by our empress. Do you think the world should know about our empress? reputation?

You, on the other hand, don't have any respect for the empress in your words. Who are you? Why did you come to our northern country? "

Liang Qingqing felt it was unreasonable!

Wherever the bullshit empress is, spring will be there. She is nothing more than plagiarizing modern heating technology! I heard that all the wise men and women in the world have gone to join her. All she needs to do is come up with an idea, and there are countless people who can help her realize it!

She is really hypocritical, packaging plagiarized technology as her own originality, and making the people fall in love with her. Each one of them is like taking Ecstasy, which is extremely ridiculous.

Liang Qingqing immediately wanted to go to Northern Xinjiang to ask Jin Shu face to face, but before he was ready to leave, he was arrested by the soldiers protecting the city in Beiguo City.

"Tell me, what are your intentions in coming to the North Country!"

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