Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 299 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (45)

Jin Shu frowned and picked her ears.

Immediately afterwards, Zhou Yinghuai was called.

"What step has Huangfu Rong taken?"

"Your Majesty, according to the report from our spies, Huangfu Rong is gathering the surrounding small countries at this time. It seems that he plans to surround us completely and bully the few."

These small countries are all tributary countries of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and their ancestors established diplomatic relations through marriage. Just like Huangf Rong's biological mother, she was also a princess sent by a small neighboring country.

It's a pity that her status was too low. When the powerful Zhou Dynasty came, she couldn't even become a concubine, so she could only serve as a maid serving the late emperor in the palace.

Later, he climbed onto the dragon bed and had Huangfu Rong, and then he had a place in the harem.

The relations between all countries are intertwined and inseparable. As long as the Great Zhou gives orders, basically all countries will respond.

The war is about to break out.

Before Jin Shu could attack, Huangfu Rong was already eager to strike first.

Nowadays, the situation in Beiguo City is tense, and the people are also a little restless.

At this time, Da Zhou issued an order to summon the world. As long as the people who surrendered before the war started, they could directly stay in Da Zhou, where land and houses would be distributed, all taxes would be exempted and exempted, and food and clothing would be guaranteed.

As soon as this announcement was released, many people in dozens of cities in the North were already ready to take action.

"The current situation is that many people are worried about the defeat of the Northern Kingdom. They will be homeless as captives. In addition, the surrounding countries have sent people to persuade them. At this time, the population in the city is seriously lost. Some cities have lost most of their population."

The right prime minister's voice was hoarse, and his tone was full of worry.

The feeling of being targeted by the public is not good, especially being surrounded by more than a dozen countries makes people uneasy. Many ministers in the DPRK could not sit still and jumped out to persuade Jin Shu to take the initiative to seek peace. However, some people said that if At this time, seeking peace showed weakness, and the Northern Kingdom would always submit to the rule of the Zhou Dynasty.

What's more, the conflict between the Great Zhou Dynasty and the Northern Kingdom has deepened to the point where it cannot be eased. If the Northern Kingdom takes the initiative to surrender at this time, the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty will definitely not let the Northern Kingdom continue to exist in this world.

"In short, this battle must be fought."

Liu Lingzun was decisive.

Those founding partners in northern Xinjiang also nodded in support.

They had persevered through such difficult days, and no one knew Huangfu Rong's character better than them. Even if he surrendered and sued for peace for the sake of the people, Huangfu Rong would never fulfill his promise and let the people of the North go.

These people all defected from his vassal countries. In his opinion, they were out-and-out traitors. If the Northern Kingdom did not protect them at this time, the Great Zhou Dynasty would never accept them again.

At this time everyone looked at Jin Shu, she had to make the final decision.

"What's there to argue about? If we surrender, Huangfu Rong will let us go?

Besides, it’s still uncertain who will hit whom.

General Liu, after training for so long, do you feel confident when the Ten Kingdoms come to war? "

Liu Lingzun knelt down with his fists clasped.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty the Empress, I will make sure that boy Huangfirong never comes back!"

"Okay, that's enough. We have soldiers, horses, and good generals. We don't lack anything, so what are we afraid of?

General Liu, go ahead and fight. If you need anything, just ask, and whatever the treasury has will be given to you. "

With such a monarch who fully supports him, Liu Lingzun's face turned red as if he had been given a shot of blood, and he said seriously.

"This battle must be fought well!"

Da Zhou's strategy was unpredictable at first, with a hammer here and there, and no rules at all.

Liu Lingzun was a bit impatient, but Zhou Yinghuai, who was acting as an assistant military advisor, only told him one word.


"What are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? We have so much firepower, and we can send those people to see our ancestors with just one shot. Why do we need to be so aggrieved!"

Zhou Yinghuai was calm and relaxed, holding a plate of health-enhancing walnuts given to him by Jin Shu in his hand.

"A good sword should be used on good meat. Those who stir up trouble should send cavalry to suppress them. The main force should guard the northern gate. There should be no movement before the Zhou army arrives."

The cavalry of the Northern Kingdom is also unique. It only takes a team of about a hundred people to defend the thousands of invading enemy troops outside the city gate.

Nowadays, each of the thirteen cities in the North is guarded by cavalry. The people in the city continue to live and work in peace and contentment, and the stormy waves outside have nothing to do with them.

At this time in the Great Zhou Dynasty, Huangfu Rong quickly received news from the front line after ordering all the countries to send troops to harass.

"Now the Northern Kingdom has sent cavalry to guard the thirteen cities. After all, more than half of the Northern Kingdom's troops have been dispersed! Now the remaining troops in the main city are definitely less than 50,000!"

Huangfu Rong saw that the time had come and took action.

"Okay, all the soldiers and horses are gathered together and obey the order. Now set off to attack the main city of the North Kingdom and capture the Empress of the North Kingdom alive!"

Now the Great Zhou Dynasty has gathered 90,000 troops in various countries and is now getting ready to go.

This time he planned to kill Jin Shu with one blow, and he would not be sloppy and take down Jin Shu in the shortest possible time!

Ninety thousand soldiers and horses versus less than fifty thousand. This huge difference in numbers made it a battle without any suspense in the eyes of the world.

At this time, under the main city gate of the North Kingdom and on the vast northern grassland outside the moat, the black army was rolling in with an unstoppable momentum.

Every household in Beiguo City has closed its doors, and it is as quiet as a dead city.

In the tent outside the city, someone came to report.

"Your Majesty, there shouldn't be many people left in the main city. As soon as the announcement was made, almost everyone in the thirteen cities in the north ran away, not to mention the main city was the first to bear the brunt. The people inside naturally ran faster than anyone else.

Now there are only soldiers and horses left to defend the city. As long as we capture the city gate, we can take the main city of the North Kingdom in one fell swoop, with overwhelming momentum! "

As soon as these words came out, Huangfu Rong smiled eagerly.

"Okay, don't give them any time to react. Now, just attack the door and break in!

Break in first. If you can't break in, just throw gunpowder into the city gate! "

At this time, the ladder across the river had been set up, and the Zhou army and horses came up aggressively and began to attack the gate.

The whole process went more smoothly than Huangfulong expected. Looking at the magnificent city gate, he broke through it without any effort at all.

As soon as the city gate was broken, all the soldiers guarding the gate ran away.

When Huangfu Rong received the news that the city gate had been breached, less than an hour had passed.

There were some casualties among Dazhou soldiers and horses, but compared with expectations, there were many smooth sailings!

At this time, Huangfu Rong, who wanted to capture the main city as soon as possible, immediately ordered an attack on the main city and captured the Empress of the Northern Kingdom in the palace of the main city.

In this way, the 50,000 soldiers and horses who led the way entered the city together, and the remaining 40,000 soldiers and horses stayed outside the city to block the gates, not allowing any common people in the main city of the North to have a chance to escape.

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