Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 300 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (46)

Huangfu Rong entered the main city with the last group of soldiers and horses. At this time, the city was in a mess, and weapons fell all over the ground. At first glance, it was the traces left by a hurried escape.

"Your Majesty, all the soldiers in the city should be guarding near the palace."

"Then go straight to the palace and pass on the order. The Empress of the North must be captured alive!"

At this time, Huangfu Rong was ready to capture Jin Shu.

Thinking that at the banquet, he had already given enough face and sincerity, and asked Jin Shu to forgive him and stay in Da Zhou to give him another chance.

When had he ever begged someone so humbly in his life?

As for Jin Shu, she didn't care about her old feelings at all, and left Dazhou without hesitation after ridiculing him unscrupulously.

This incident was a shame in Huangfu Rong's heart. Today, he was going to make Jin Shu understand that being the king of a country is not something you just want to do. Sometimes you still need to be self-aware.

Seeing the palace right in front of them, just as they thought, the palace was surrounded by soldiers. They stood there one by one, motionless like stone statues, watching the soldiers of Zhou Dynasty rush over.

Huangfu Rong didn't want to give Jin Shu another chance, so he gave the order directly.

"Except for the Empress, everyone else will be killed without mercy!"

Bows and arrows were bent, gunpowder was prepared, and fifty thousand troops and horses occupied the entire city. At this time, there were at most three thousand soldiers outside the palace.

Now that we have reached this point, are we still stubbornly resisting? Huangfu Rong laughed mockingly and shouted.

"Ready to shoot!"

All the soldiers immediately raised their bows and arrows and aimed at the Northern soldiers. Just when Huangfu Rong was about to give the final order, the Northern soldiers standing in front of them suddenly knelt down.

This move made Huangfu Rongdu stunned for a moment, as he obviously did not expect that these soldiers from the North would do this.

Are you ready to surrender?

But Huangfu Rong didn't want to let them go.

Now that you know you have surrendered, why did you go there so early?

There were sneers from the army of Zhou Dynasty, and many people even relaxed and taunted the soldiers of the Northern Kingdom in low voices.

Then at this moment, the half-kneeling soldiers in the first row suddenly took out a long black metal tube from their backs, followed by a uniform movement of pushing, sliding and loading. The soldiers standing behind also raised their muskets one after another. They were all well-trained and their movements were surprisingly consistent.

Before the Da Zhou soldiers could react to what they were holding, the next second, the soldiers in the first row fired without hesitation.




With the sound of a series of gunshots, the Dazhou soldiers standing at the front fell one by one.

For a moment, the scene was filled with blood, gunfire, and smoke.

By the time Huangfu Rong reacted, his soldiers had already suffered numerous casualties. The soldiers standing behind saw the miserable state of the people in the front row, and their inner fear of unfamiliar weapons and fear of death made them subconsciously turn around and run away.

The soldiers crowded in the back didn't know what happened. They only heard gunshots that they had never heard before. However, when they saw the soldiers in the front row rushing towards them like crazy, inexplicable panic quickly spread throughout the army. spread.

For a time, the morale of the Zhou army was in great confusion.

Huangfu Rong himself was shocked by the terrifying weapon of the North Kingdom, but as an emperor, he was naturally much calmer than ordinary soldiers. Seeing 50,000 soldiers in chaos, he shouted loudly.

"Don't run! Turn around and fight! They only have three thousand people! As long as we rush over, we will win!"

Naturally, there were warriors who wanted to rush forward, but in the face of such fierce firepower, the soldiers who rushed out were like leeks in the field, being cut off one after another.

There were more and more corpses in front of them, and the remaining warriors were so frightened that they no longer dared to step forward. They ran frantically towards the city gate. No matter what Huangfu Rong said, it was useless. They had no chance of winning. In the face of death, no one dares to die.

Seeing that the morale of the soldiers was in chaos, Huangfu Rong quickly calculated the pros and cons. It was obviously impossible to continue charging at this time. He had to leave here immediately to give the soldiers time to react.

So Huangfu Rong ordered to retreat, and 50,000 soldiers and horses swarmed towards the city gate.

But at this moment, many people holding muskets suddenly poured out of the originally deserted streets and alleys. They jumped off the roof one by one, climbed out of the water tank, and rushed out of the room. In short, they were hiding in the All the people from all over the city are now showing up.

The originally unarmed people are the easiest to deal with. As long as the palace is captured, basically the people of a country will follow suit.

But these people in the Northern Kingdom are like warriors charging into battle, their bravery and fearlessness are simply more powerful than the well-trained soldiers in the army.

The Zhou soldiers who were originally scared by the guns and fled in all directions were now so frightened by the sudden appearance of civilians from everywhere, and their formation became completely chaotic.

Gunfire erupted throughout the streets and alleys. Huangfu Rong, who was being escorted away from the main city by a large group of soldiers, was already in a daze.

This familiar feeling and smell are the same as the last time they attacked Northern Xinjiang. They attacked aggressively, but were beaten and fled in the end.

Huangfu Rong never expected that in just over a year, he would suffer two defeats, and the dignified emperor would be chased by the pursuers like a rat crossing the street, in a state of panic.

"How could this happen! How could there be such people in the main city of the North Kingdom!"

Huangfu Rong roared, and the general who was sending him away didn't care anymore and just shouted along.

"Your Majesty, it seems that the people in Beiguo City have not left. They are all hiding, just waiting for us to fall into the urn!"

They also did not expect that when Zhou Dynasty issued the notice, the number of people in the main city of the North Kingdom was the smallest among the thirteen cities.

Most of these people were the first batch of refugees from various countries who were taken in by Jin Shu, as well as the people from northern Xinjiang who took the initiative to defect. They had experienced peace and peace here that they had never experienced in the first half of their lives, so how could they easily give up and leave now.

Now Jin Shu asked them to set up a civilian guard, taught them how to use guns, and equipped them with the most refined weapons and armor. With such a super backer as Jin Shu, the people in the main city almost responded and all volunteered to join the guard. , fight against foreign enemies.

Now the 50,000 soldiers and horses were completely disrupted by the Northern Guards and scattered throughout the city.

The soldiers from the Northern Kingdom who were waiting in the dark to catch the turtle in the urn rushed forward and killed him with one strike, a precise strike.

Of the 50,000 soldiers and horses brought in by Huangfu Rong, only a few thousand of them managed to escape to the city gate.

Each of these thousands of people looked in a daze and remained silent. They all looked at Huangfu Rong in silence. They were beaten so hard that they couldn't even speak.

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