Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 404: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (56)

As soon as he saw Jin Yao, the division commander couldn't help but frown and sigh, and immediately ordered the guards to drive the person out.

As a result, this time the commander of the 11th Regiment also came with him, and all the soldiers of the 11th Regiment stood outside the command room and shouted in unison.

"Commander, give the regiment leader another chance!"

"Teacher, please take a look at the contents of the black box!"

This noisy scene was so unbecoming, the teacher frowned and only let Jin Yao come in first with the black box.

"Why are you here again? I told you more than ten years ago, and what you said before is not evidence!"

Jin Yao held the black box in his arms with trembling hands.

"I found the black box."

"Did you find it?"

The teacher's brows furrowed even more tightly, he was silent for a while, and finally said something.

"How did you find this black box? I won't argue with you about it.

Let’s take a look at the contents first. "

As the images in the black box were released, all the images that happened on the Jiaolong more than ten years ago were clearly displayed in front of everyone.

The picture on the screen clearly recorded everything inside from the moment the mecha was officially launched.

After the Jiaolong was activated, only two people came in and out.

One is Jin Shu and the other is Ling Xiao.

The day before the actual operation, Ling Xiao was responsible for the final maintenance work.

She stayed in the back cabin of the mecha for more than two hours, and it was almost dawn when she came out again.

The next scene is Jin Shu walking into the hatch, starting the mecha, and setting off for the actual insect cave.

At the beginning of the battle, Jin Shu operated smoothly and easily entered the insect cave. However, just twenty minutes later, the pressure in the cabin suddenly increased sharply. Jin Shu still persisted under the squeeze of this high internal and external pressure. For fifteen minutes, countless Zerg were killed.

But her persistence collapsed completely after the mecha's wings failed for no reason.

The pressure in the cabin was disordered, and Jin Shu's eyes and nose were bleeding. She was obviously in pain from the soaring pressure. Even so, she still clutched the joystick in her hand, not letting go of any Zerg who tried to get close to her.

However, when the wing suddenly failed and caught fire, and the joystick in her hand was useless, Jin Shu immediately chose to contact the alliance headquarters to request support when she realized that something was wrong.

Seeing this scene, the teacher's expression was serious and dignified.

Because the content of the inspection report reported below was that Jin Shu was blindly confident, missed the best time to ask for help, and was eventually captured.

But the situation in front of her clearly meant that she immediately chose to ask for help, but what appeared was a communication interruption interface.

After trying three times to no avail, Jin Shu looked up at the densely packed Zerg outside that surrounded her. She slowly closed her eyes, clutched the warrior necklace around her heart with one hand, and then pressed the self-destruct button without hesitation. button.

Just when everyone's hearts were in their throats, the mecha that was supposed to explode did not make any movement.

Jin Shu opened her eyes in shock and pressed the self-destruct button a few more times, but the result was still the same.

The next second, the Zerg broke through the hatch and rushed in crazily.

Then the scene stopped abruptly at this moment.

Jin Shu's eyes in the picture are desperate and helpless, which is even more touching than the expression when she chooses to self-destruct.

Jin Yao's eyes were filled with tears at this time. Even though he was removed from the position of leader, was excluded and suppressed, and fell into the abyss of life, he never shed a tear. But now he burst into tears after seeing his desperate and helpless daughter in the picture.

"Dad, I'm sorry for you...it took me so long to prove your innocence..."

"Master, my daughter has never betrayed the alliance or the spirit of a warrior.

You can't doubt a great warrior, you can't hurt her like this..."

In the command room, even the deputy commanders who were listening could not help but lower their eyes and sigh.

As for the teacher, after a long silence, he slowly stood up, looked at the old and haggard man in front of him, and spoke with a heavy and firm tone.

"Captain Jin, don't worry, I will always protect the warrior spirit and will never let a true warrior suffer injustice."

A black box has completely restored the truth of the year.

At this time, the three regiments were immersed in great grief.

In the battle against insects, the leader Ares was defeated by the insect mother and has been missing for more than a month.

His death was already a certainty.

Now that the three regiments are leaderless, Ling Xiao, as the deputy regiment leader, naturally becomes the candidate for the next regiment leader. He just waits for the mourning period to end and takes the position directly.

In the extremely silent mourning hall, Ling Xiao looked at Ares's photo, turned around and swore an oath to all the soldiers in the regiment.

"The leader's death was strange. I will definitely find the black box. I will definitely find out the real cause of his death and give him an explanation and give everyone an explanation!"

She burst into tears as she spoke, and the venue was filled with deep sadness.

Ling Xiao lowered his head, touched the photo of Ares with tears in his eyes, and swore in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I will definitely let your murderer die without a burial place! I will inherit your..."

"Where is Ling Xiao?!"

The sad atmosphere was broken by this cold and solemn voice. Ling Xiao, who was immersed in sadness and revenge, raised his eyes coldly and looked out the door.

At this time, Ling Su had already stopped the guard at the door.

"What do you want to do? You can call the deputy captain's name whenever you want?!"

"Ling Su, right? Catch her first."

Ling Su sneered and stood there motionless.

"I don't care where you are from. If you dare to touch me now, try it. If you dare to touch me..."

These guards were obviously impatient and didn't even wait for her to finish her words. Two of the strong men stepped forward and twisted Ling Su's arms, then put the shackles on her wrists.

The opponent was extremely strong, but Ling Su had no strength to resist at all, so he was pressed against the wall.

"You...who are you!"

"Stop! Who sent you?!"

Ling Xiao walked out and saw the scene in front of her, and her heart instantly filled with anger.

No one in the entire alliance dares to cause such trouble in front of the Third Regiment!

Do you think that after Ares died, the three groups would have no backing, and these scum could come here to do whatever they want? !

"Sister! These people are here to cause trouble on purpose!

Let me go quickly! Do you know who my sister is? ! "

When the guards saw Ling Xiao, they took out the wanted notice without any nonsense.

"The division commander ordered the prisoner Ling Xiao to be arrested. If he resists, he will be shot to death!"

After saying that, he pointed the gun directly at Ling Xiao.

Ling Su, who had been clamoring for them to pay the price just now, was dumbfounded when he heard the word "teacher".

"Did you make a mistake? Why did the teacher come to arrest my sister?" (End of Chapter)

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